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Trayvon Martin Case


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So wheres the outrage over this case?




They would do anything for anyone, which makes it so hard to understand why the men who kicked in their back door beat them so viciously just to take their TV, $200 and a bb gun. Nancy didn't make it. Bob has a broken jaw, cracked ribs and a bb lodged in his face. They were already frail and in bad health.


"That's why this was so senseless, 97 pounds and a little over 100 pounds, weak from food poisoning and flu. They would've done anything," Lanora, daughter.


Tyrone Woodfork, 19, is in custody. He lived just four houses from the Straits. He was on a suspended sentence for a 2010 burglary conviction. Police say they are looking for four or five more suspects.


I'm sure Al and Jesse will be on the case.

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So wheres the outrage over this case?






I'm sure Al and Jesse will be on the case.


Maybe Obama will get his press secretary to get an NBC reporter to ask him a question about Bob & Nancy at his next news conference, and he can make it about him again. It's going to be hard for him to say that Bob looks like he could be his daddy though.

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I'm not sure if you are merely talking about a civil suit by say, the kids' parents, or are looking for federal authority to become involved.


If it is the latter, the Shepard/Byrd Hate Crimes Act confers jurisdiction.




(a) In General.—

(1) Offenses involving actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin.— Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin of any person—

(A) shall be imprisoned not more than 10 years, fined in accordance with this title, or both; and

(B) shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined in accordance with this title, or both, if—

(i) death results from the offense; or

(ii) the offense includes kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill.


If they determine is was racially motivated, he could get life.

I've been waiting for someone to bring this up. On its face before we delve into any of the unknown facts it's already obvious that this would be misapplication of the law. The purpose of the law is not so ambiguous as to open it to the possibility of applying to this case.


The only theory that could open the door to "hate crime" status would require us to believe that he set out to victimize this guy because he's black, called 911 and let the cops know he was pursuing his victim as a ploy to shroud his true intentions, and then chased him down and shot him because he wanted to kill a black guy.


EVEN IF you establish that race was a factor that initially influenced his supicion the 911 call shows that the motivation was to prevent crime, not shoot someone for being of a different race.


I will concede that having the DOJ investigate seems less absurd now that this has exploded into nationwide hysterical mass idiocy where based on virtually nothing millions of morons nationwide are decrying that a case they know very little about establishes their precovieved theory that they're living in the US of KKKA, and our !@#$tard President is adopting this kid as his surrogate son. Nevertheless, this whole incident has snowballed far beyond anything that could be construed as reasonable and aside from the mass idiocy, there is no reasonable basis for DOJ involvement.


Don't waste your time. I've been trying to establish that point for a few days now. The fact that this was not investigated or at least doesn't look like it was investigated is enough to get the DoJ involved.

You've not said one thing in this thread that even vaguely resembles a rational thought.


Your supporting argument is that your wild baseless conclusions "seem obvious". That's not an argument, it's an assertion. Learn the difference and you might be taken seriously.

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This is tragic on all counts. One- a 17-year old is dead. Two- we are convicting a guy who there is only circumstantial evidence on, with some evidence pointing towards self defense. No good will come out of this at all.


People love to get angry and find someone to blame before all the pieces fall in place. Our "Society" becomes more uncivilized by the day

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i'm terribly shocked this happened in a gate-closed suburb, because no one would ever believe it happening in an actual urban environment. :blink:



This certainly makes your case that suburbia is inhumane and city life is the only way to live. Because the one thing you never see in the city is one minority murdering another.


Our "Society" becomes more uncivilized by the day

You should move to the city. Much safer there.

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I've been waiting for someone to bring this up. On its face before we delve into any of the unknown facts it's already obvious that this would be misapplication of the law. The purpose of the law is not so ambiguous as to open it to the possibility of applying to this case.


The only theory that could open the door to "hate crime" status would require us to believe that he set out to victimize this guy because he's black, called 911 and let the cops know he was pursuing his victim as a ploy to shroud his true intentions, and then chased him down and shot him because he wanted to kill a black guy.


EVEN IF you establish that race was a factor that initially influenced his supicion the 911 call shows that the motivation was to prevent crime, not shoot someone for being of a different race.


I will concede that having the DOJ investigate seems less absurd now that this has exploded into nationwide hysterical mass idiocy where based on virtually nothing millions of morons nationwide are decrying that a case they know very little about establishes their precovieved theory that they're living in the US of KKKA, and our !@#$tard President is adopting this kid as his surrogate son. Nevertheless, this whole incident has snowballed far beyond anything that could be construed as reasonable and aside from the mass idiocy, there is no reasonable basis for DOJ involvement.



You've not said one thing in this thread that even vaguely resembles a rational thought.


Your supporting argument is that your wild baseless conclusions "seem obvious". That's not an argument, it's an assertion. Learn the difference and you might be taken seriously.


Is this another one of your "schoolings"? an assertion is part of any argument.

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Is this another one of your "schoolings"? an assertion is partof any argument.

Really, dude? This isn't even fun any more. It's like beating up a half empty punching bag. You're not a worthy !@#$ing adversary. I might as well be at war with a bunch of fig eaters with towels on their heads trying to find reverse on a Soviet tank.

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The reason he supposedly "hates" Alaska is because he "thinks" in his tiny "mind" that it's how he's going to get to me. You're playing directly into his desperately childish game.


The correct response to that post is nothing, because that's pretty much what he brings to the table - and because the perception that Alaska somehow sucks is a net positive at the end of the day. It keeps a whole bunch of terminally stupid people from coming up and !@#$ing it up for the rest of us.

I can't picture lyboby venturing to far from his mom, but I am done with him. I always thought it was a Palin hate myself.

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Media Ignores Occupy’s Violent Hijacking of Trayvon Martin


Videos are streaming into YouTube of Occupy Wall Street protesters running riot through the streets of New York last night, overturning barricades, assaulting and taunting police officers, climbing public monuments. These videos have been posted in support of Trayvon Martin, the black teenager killed by George Zimmerman in Florida. The riots themselves took place in support of Martin; they’re supposedly a part of Occupy’s “Million Hoodie March.”


Meanwhile, the mainstream media has said virtually nothing. Only the foreign press has picked up on the fact that OWS broke into random acts of violent vandalism over Martin.




Where’s the commentary from the mainstream media? Nowhere to be found. The New York Times admits it had reports at the rally, but restricted its report to the following line: “the rally broke into at least three different marches, with some people heading downtown while others headed north toward the United Nations.” The Los Angeles Times, by contrast, praised the social networking explosion of the Million Hoodie March.


In the leftist press, by however, conflict seems to have broken out. Salon.com endorsed the violence, with Natasha Lennard (the former freelance New York Times reporter who trained Occupiers on tape)


Even a few OWS fans are decrying the behavior of Occupy, with a columnist at PolicyMic writing:


Combine the activist acumen of Occupy Wall Street and the focus and fervor behind the Trayvon Martin rallies and we’ve hit the sweet spot. But OWS has lost its way. As I write this on Wednesday night, 300 NYPD officers, including second in command to Commissioner Ray Kelly are preparing to arrest protesters. And the good energy surrounding the Trayvon Martin rally has all but evaporated.


So why hasn’t the media caught onto the fact that Occupy Wall Street is violent? They have. They just don’t want to report it. That would spoil their narrative about Rush Limbaugh, incivility, and the brilliant shining light that is Occupy. Instead, police officers will continue to have to take the brunt of the Occupy Wall Street random rage.


Ben Shapiro

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"The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: 'help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911," he said.


Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.


The witness only wanted to be identified as "John," and didn't not want to be shown on camera.


His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman's claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.


"When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point," John said.


Zimmerman says the shooting was self defense. According to information released on the Sanford city website, Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen.

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If you think all the energy given to this case is simply about "wanting justice" I have a bridge to sell you.Right now, human beings are trying to suck political power, money and even election votes out of Trevon quicker than the maggots are trying to suck the blood out of him. If you cant see that, youre blind.

No way. The son Obama never had?

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Yes, it is not a good thing either way, but doesn't it make you wonder why the media would show the picture of a seventeen year old from when he was fourteen?

Didn't see the picture and don't care- I have heard more than enough on this to know we won't ever know what really happened. The media just wants to boost ratings.

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If you google "trayvon martin" and "al sharpton" you get 8.5 million hits.



If you google "derrion albert" and "al sharpton" you get 35,800 hits.



No hay to be made there, right Al?




The murder of Derrion Albert occurred on September 24, 2009, near Christian Fenger Academy High School, on Chicago's South Side. Born on February 1, 1993, Albert, 16, was a junior honors student at the school.


Reports and video indicate that Albert was caught in a brawl between two factions of students at Christian Fenger Academy High school, from two neighborhoods, Altgeld Gardens and The Ville.[1][2] His death occurred after he was brutally beaten by several boys with pieces of a railroad tie.[3][4]

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American Thinker


What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?

By Michael Filozof


What would happen if a black man armed with a handgun confronted "suspicious persons" in his neighborhood? What would happen if the "suspicious persons" were unarmed white teens, one of them was shot dead, and the shooter claimed self-defense?


This is not an exercise in mere speculation. We know what would happen in such a case. There would be no white mobs in the street chanting "No justice, no peace!" There would be no whites holding a "million hoodie march" in New York City. There would be no white equivalent of Al Sharpton, the professional race-baiter behind the 1987 Tawana Brawley hoax, leading marches in the streets of the shooter's hometown. There would be no Federal civil rights investigation by the Justice Department. There would be no comments from a president who seems congenitally unable to keep his mouth shut on matters involving left-wing political correctness. And there would be no national media attention from biased, left-wing "reporters."


We know this because in fact, such an event occurred in 2009 in Greece, N.Y., a suburb of Rochester. Roderick Scott, a black man, shot and killed an unarmed white teen, Christopher Cervini, whom he believed was burglarizing a neighbor's car, with a licensed .40 cal. handgun.


There are many similarities between the Scott-Cervini case and the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case in Florida. In both cases, there had been a spate of criminal activity in the neighborhood. In both cases, the shooters called 911 to report suspicious activity, yet chose to confront the unarmed suspects outside their residence and off their own property prior to the arrival of the police. In both cases, the shooters claimed that they felt threatened, and fired in self-defense. In both cases, local law enforcement applied relevant state law.


Unlike Florida, New York does not have a "stand your ground" law. New York law allows a person to use deadly force to defend his residence from home invasion only as a last resort. It does not allow the use of deadly force to prevent a property crime, and requires retreat if possible. Thus, while Zimmerman was not arrested under Florida law, Scott was tried for manslaughter.


New York law does allow a person to use deadly force anywhere, including off his own property, if he feels that his life is in imminent danger and retreat is not possible. Despite the fact that he left his own property, confronted, and shot dead an unarmed white person thought to be committing a petty property crime, Scott was acquitted by a majority-white jury after claiming that the Cervini charged at him, putting him in imminent fear of his life.


Despite the racial difference between the shooter and the decedent, there were no allegations of racial bias. Scott was not charged with a hate crime. There was no Federal civil rights investigation. There were no white protests. The case was settled for what it was: a tragedy caused by a series of poor decisions on behalf of the shooter, and a split-second decision that will forever be second-guessed.


In all probability, the actions of Zimmerman in Florida were also based on a series of poor decisions: the decision to follow a suspect after a police dispatcher told him not to, the decision to confront a suspect with a firearm off his own property, and a split-second decision to shoot an unarmed person when Zimmerman felt his life was in imminent danger, resulting in tragedy. But a tragedy is not necessarily a Federal civil rights case - unless the mobs in the streets and their allies in the media and government want to make it one.


The truth of the matter is that "civil rights" cases are often little more than reverse lynch mobs. In the Old South of the past, white mobs would drag black suspects out of jail and lynch them in the streets if they felt the wheels of justice were turning too slowly. Today, black mobs, often led by the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, lead street protests or riots, and the Federal government comes after white suspects with the "rope" of "civil rights" charges. And just like the old Southern sheriffs with ties to the Klan who turned a blind eye to the illegal actions of whites, the Department of Justice often refuses to act on "civil rights" violations when the perpetrators are black and the victims are white. In the eyes of the Federal government and the political Left, all whites are forever suspected of being gap-toothed Klansmen with shotguns and nooses in their pickup trucks, and all blacks are perpetually innocent, doe-eyed victims of white oppression.




Whatever happened in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case, one thing is perfectly clear: it's high time this country quit the racial dog-and-pony show, and judged each criminal case on its individual merits instead of allowing the race-baiting demagogues to leverage each incident for political advantage in the streets and in the media.


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