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Trayvon Martin Case


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Did you just make a "Footloose" reference in a Trayvon Martin thread?


Not intentionally. There actually was a cornfield across the road where the kids used to fight after school where I went.


I felt it would have been a more appropriate field of battle to challenge jboyst than out behind the swings, considering he's a farmer and all.

Edited by Koko78
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Where is the justice? The first link is incredibly relevant - an article by the Columbus Dispatch




What about...



A 12 year old girl killed by 5 black males?



These men went to a level I do not even want to comment on because it is so hard to even think about it or read what happened again.


...and Zimmerman had a depraved mind? What about this guy...




She was 7. That's 10 years more angelic then the cherubic 17 year old Trayvon.



Not all Neighborhood watch captains carry a gun, evidently.



Or maybe these idiots on the neighborhood watch should be made national examples of... I mean they did follow teenage girls in a car...but the girls were white.


Or, maybe, just maybe, BAD BAD things happen across this country every single day.


Whether white, pink, purple or black ask yourself if it matters. This specific incident, George Zimmermans trial, has my interest because of the social aspect of it and the common misconceptions perpetuated by the media. If this was a black guy killing a white-hispanic we would have never heard about it. And furthermore, anyone who came out against the black guy, calling for his death or injury or half the comments made here against Zimmerman would be called racists by many of the very same ones coloring the world of Zimmerman as so evil.


The only reason anyone outside of the immediate area of Sanford, Florida knows about this is because the White House was inhabited by a racist demagogue who was afraid he was about to lose an election. Anything to whip up the base, ya know. And now we're about the reap the consequences of a baseless, race mongering media lynching led by our racist, "average american" hating !@#$ in chief.

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If Zimmerman Walks, Media-inspired Riots Anticipated


The city of Sanford, Florida, already has a secret law-enforcement plan to deal with potential riots and unrest in the wake of a possible acquittal of George Zimmerman. Miami has efforts to keep the peace underway as well.


Across America, pundits and analysts have been warning that a “not guilty” verdict in the controversial case could set off an explosive wave of deadly violence rivaling the mass riots that ensued following the 1992 Rodney King trial. If mayhem does strike, analysts say the establishment media, President Obama, and assorted race-profiteers would bear much of the blame.


Well before the verdict is announced, agitators and provocateurs are already using social-media services to broadcast their intentions to unleash chaos and death. One Facebook page being investigated by authorities, for example, was entitled “RIOT for Trayvon.” In its description, the page read: “They don’t think we will tear this mutha ----- [expletive deleted] up! LIKE IF YOU READY TO RIDE! LETS FLEX OUR MUSCLE! WHAT, YOU SCARED?” Other pages brazenly call for murder.


On Twitter, meanwhile, violent messages from self-styled Trayvon Martin supporters have also been calling for violence, mayhem, and killing if the jury refuses to convict Zimmerman of second-degree murder — a prospect that appears increasingly likely as the prosecution’s case implodes. Twichy, a site that compiles tweets related to major news stories, collected a sample of some of the messages, more than a few of which include racist remarks aimed at Zimmerman, whites, and Hispanics.




Of course, the increasingly discredited establishment media bears most of the responsibility, according to analysts. With its attempts to make the trial about race — even to the point of outright, blatant deception, as in the case of NBC editing Zimmerman’s 911 call — the national press continues to use years-old photos of Martin as an innocent-looking child rather than more recent pictures. Countless analysts and pundits say the media’s pathetic and dishonest coverage of the case is helping to foment potential chaos.





Well I guess that Sanford's secret plan isn't so secret now..........



I understand that many of the store owners in Sanford and Miami are changing their signs to cursive......................in order to confuse the rioters.




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Where is the justice? The first link is incredibly relevant - an article by the Columbus Dispatch




What about...



A 12 year old girl killed by 5 black males?



These men went to a level I do not even want to comment on because it is so hard to even think about it or read what happened again.


...and Zimmerman had a depraved mind? What about this guy...




She was 7. That's 10 years more angelic then the cherubic 17 year old Trayvon.



Not all Neighborhood watch captains carry a gun, evidently.



Or maybe these idiots on the neighborhood watch should be made national examples of... I mean they did follow teenage girls in a car...but the girls were white.


Or, maybe, just maybe, BAD BAD things happen across this country every single day.


Whether white, pink, purple or black ask yourself if it matters. This specific incident, George Zimmermans trial, has my interest because of the social aspect of it and the common misconceptions perpetuated by the media. If this was a black guy killing a white-hispanic we would have never heard about it. And furthermore, anyone who came out against the black guy, calling for his death or injury or half the comments made here against Zimmerman would be called racists by many of the very same ones coloring the world of Zimmerman as so evil.


Fantastic post.

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Fantastic post.

how many people here... Dog, RLB, BFBF read it? What would they do in the shoes of Newsome? I would shoot those men at the drop of a hat. Lock them away for life. Yet, these folks, these great men and so many in our society would rather pour system puut Zimmerman away for 30 years when a few of those folks will be out in just 5 yesrs.


Our system ain't perfect. But it must be fair. The idiots of this thread murking it up with half truths, lies, and other in orrect statements are no different the rest of the world making them. Those same people will cast the first stone. Those some people make hour entire species weaker. They are the ones bringing our society down to their own fault being blinded by flashy media lights and living a life where instant gratification has spawned and adored the gross over reaction to the mundane and pussified the population.


That is The most fascinating aspect. These people just seem to want to watch the world fall apart with nothing but a finger in the air oohing, ahhing, pointing blame or giving you the finger instead of pitch in to help, put it in a book or just put it down and wait.

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1. Is this: http://spectator.org/archives/2013/07/05/the-states-case-against-the-st accurate?


2. If so, then, isn't the only reason this case has any significance, is becaue Obama/The Media chose, stupidly, to get into the game and start betting?


3. If #1 is indicative of how this trial is really going, what is going to happen when Zimmerman walks free?


4. If #3, is this going to be another Bush/Gore 2000 thing, that the left will never get right, so, never get over? Are we going to have to hear how all 6 women, the entire justice system, and society as a whole, is racist...for the next year, at least, after?


5. If this is really the best case the prosecution could put on, then how many of you are asking yourselves the same question the article implies comes right out and says: that the only reason charges were filed, was to acquiesse to the wishes of the media/left? Is the state just going through the motions so that nobody can accuse them of indifference? :lol:..which is cowardice instead? What do you think about that?


6. How many of you agree with me though: this is the reason we have trials?


When you have a lot of people with emtions running wild, and many of them are psychologically committed to one distortion or another, and it is their favorite distortion they are seeking to prove, while caring next to nothing about the the actual people involved, the facts, etc., a trial is the only way to correct them.


So, I don't agree with the "they're just doing this to give the left what it wants" at all. Rather, the objective thing to do is go ahead and have the trial, especially when the POTUS has chosen to involve himself, and regardless of how weak your case is, or whom the outcome will embarrass, it isn't the concern of a supposedly objective District Attorney's office.

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how many people here... Dog, RLB, BFBF read it? What would they do in the shoes of Newsome? I would shoot those men at the drop of a hat. Lock them away for life. Yet, these folks, these great men and so many in our society would rather pour system puut Zimmerman away for 30 years when a few of those folks will be out in just 5 yesrs.


Our system ain't perfect. But it must be fair. The idiots of this thread murking it up with half truths, lies, and other in orrect statements are no different the rest of the world making them. Those same people will cast the first stone. Those some people make hour entire species weaker. They are the ones bringing our society down to their own fault being blinded by flashy media lights and living a life where instant gratification has spawned and adored the gross over reaction to the mundane and pussified the population.


That is The most fascinating aspect. These people just seem to want to watch the world fall apart with nothing but a finger in the air oohing, ahhing, pointing blame or giving you the finger instead of pitch in to help, put it in a book or just put it down and wait.


There is a segment here that have really thick skulls. No matter how many times you explain to them what really happened, they just don't want to believe it because they took their position 16 months ago, mainly because of a headline and a picture of a 12-year old. Their knowledge of the law consists of knowing that you aren't supposed to remove the label on that new mattress you bought. Their knowledge of the case is just as bad, if not worse. Nancy Grace is where they get their information. I bet they rarely, if ever, even click on links that they suppose won't agree with their locked in opinions. It's sad.

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For those that want to think and educate themselves:





Five Myths About That Night



Who the aggressor was that fateful night is the central — and most unanswerable — question of the case. Those who fault Zimmerman have latched on to this back-and-forth with Sean Noffke, the operator, as proof that Zimmerman defied a direct police order.

Not so. Noffke testified on the first day of the jury trial that it is dispatchers’ policy not to give orders to callers. “We’re directly liable if we give a direct order,” he explained. “We always try to give general basic . . . not commands, just suggestions.” So, “We don’t need you to do that” is different than a more direct “Don’t do that.”

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Unless you walk a mile in another mans shoes and understand why they may believe the way they do, critisizing folks because they don't agree with you is counter productive and a waste of everyones time.


If you on the other hand make your point without the insults, perhaps people would actually listen to what you have to say.


What the hell does walking in another man's shoes have to do with what you're peddling here?

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Unless you walk a mile in another mans shoes and understand why they may believe the way they do, critisizing folks because they don't agree with you is counter productive and a waste of everyones time.


If you on the other hand make your point without the insults, perhaps people would actually listen to what you have to say.

did you actually take time to read it?


You spend 90℅ of the time whining about name calling that you participate in yourself and another 10% wasting your life replying thoughtlessly and carelessly to things you know nothing about.


Yeah. That makes you as stupid as they come. I feel bad for this country and its citizens that are exactly like you.

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