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Trayvon Martin Case


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Blame it on NBC and that edited tape.


Had to run to the store to get stuff for burgers. While I was out...


I happened to see a fairly high ranking member of the sheriff's office in this area. One I am on somewhat friendly terms with. A minority, a woman, and of over 50 years of life. We began talking about the trial. She is well informed, she is well educated, she is very impressive in her position - not someone behind a badge, nor is she someone who carries - but she is someone who has a lot of power and experience in court room and office.


Her opinions are that she is terrified for the area. She is upset with the court room atmosphere and believes that it is partially being held together by the judge who must be firm in this case because it is ready to explode. She says there is no way Murder2 is a possibility and that she is not sure she understands enough of Florida law to say manslaughter. In North Carolina, though, he could be charged with manslaughter. The only issue she did not seem to understand was the gun, which she understood Zimmerman took the safety off when he exited the vehicle. All her points were to the facts presented, and she was correct in her understanding of key issues. She believes that Zimmerman was defending himself but this case could go either way.


So, for whoever was asking about hearing a prosecutors opinion - this is as best I can find.


As far as what is going on now, I cannot believe he is wasting his time for this judge - clearly this is only to be used if an appeal is necessary.

You can be charged in NC with manslaughter for defending your life?

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Why is the judge asking the jury what they want to do with the case? Seriously...


I mean, wow.


You can be charged in NC with manslaughter for defending your life?

No, she said he would have been charged with manslaughter, not Murder 2.


Also, she made the statement that this county knows how to use the computer systems, and Skype.

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Blame it on NBC and that edited tape.



You can be charged in NC with manslaughter for defending your life?


NC's self-defense laws are more restrictive than FL's, and their manslaughter statutes broader. A manslaughter charge would be easy, and a conviction on involuntary manslaughter likely given the situation.

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NC's self-defense laws are more restrictive than FL's, and their manslaughter statutes broader. A manslaughter charge would be easy, and a conviction on involuntary manslaughter likely given the situation.


i wont pretend to be able to speak state to state, but i dont think most wouldve been all that upset had this been brought as manslaughter in the first place. it wouldve made for a reasonable trial for the most part. if filed as manslaughter and the prosecution focused on GZs stupid decisions, instead of trying to paint him as a blood thirsty murderer it likely wouldve made for quite the showdown in the court.


murder was laughable though, and some of the filings should qualify as bordering on criminal.

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The state has been trying to find someone who could testify to voices on the tape that do not have mud in their water is the way I understood it. So many in the Fulton/Zimmerman family have made statements publicly that nearly anything they say can be contested and possibly impeached. The state must not have realized Trayvon's half brother gave an interview where he said he was unsure of the voice. They also realize that Tracy Martin can be called to the stand and have to testify that at many points he said the screaming voice was not his son.


You say half brother. Has anybody noticed that the media now does not use that term?


I first noticed it last year when Marcel Dareus' half brother was killed. That's what the first story I read said..........Then, stories after that just called him his brother.


The same thing happened to another player - I think for LSU. I asked about this in the comments of espn and a few people said they noticed that, too, and wondered when and how the media changed their wording.........But, mostly I was called a racist.

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You say half brother. Has anybody noticed that the media now does not use that term?


I first noticed it last year when Marcel Dareus' half brother was killed. That's what the first story I read said..........Then, stories after that just called him his brother.


The same thing happened to another player - I think for LSU. I asked about this in the comments of espn and a few people said they noticed that, too, and wondered when and how the media changed their wording.........But, mostly I was called a racist.

Willis, donchu kno dat all us brothaz be brothaz 2 1 anothz jus a diff motha, yo

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This trial is a joke. Zimmerman should never have been put on trial. How HLN can take an opinion and turn it into an absolute fact is amazing. How anyone can watch this channel and take it seriously is amazing.


The NFL is jealous of how many commercial breaks HLN takes.


That screaming Latina with the three word name who has the show at 7PM - with 4-5 screaming people in boxes. If I were in hell and given the choice to burn in eternity or watch that on an endless loop, I'd take the fire.


I don't consider myself anything of a conspiracy theorist on much of anything beyond my deep belief that Janet Napolitano is, in truth, a hydrated version of Helen Thomas; but the inflammatory rhetoric that came from black elected officials last year was unlike anything I'd ever seen in my brief life.


From the rhinestone cowgirl insisting Trayvon was hunted down in cold blood because he was black, to the old dude saying Trayvon was guilty of WWB in a GC, to the doofus who started getting people to wear a hoodie, to Obama's moronic "If I had a son...": comment, it is not difficult at all for me to accept there is a level of truth that these dolts want Zimmerman to go free. They want chaos on the streets.


The only reason I don't go full into believing it is because I can't imagine WHY they would want this. But the more you follow this trial, the more you realize this case would have never made it to court if Holder didn't intervene.


Who is the rhinestone cowgirl?

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So you can't say "half-brother", but you have to say "White Hispanic" ? ?


and more importantly, what kind of Burgers are you making jboyst62 ? ?



Well, originally just going to throw some of my beef on after mixing in some vinegar to sweeten it up, but seeing as I have some veggies, I might mix in and make it a garden burger.


Basically, throw everything you're growing in your garden in the foil with the burger and cook the burgers in the juice of the veggies. They will caramelize and be great and add some depth to the meat. Cucumber, Zucchini, Squash, Tomato, Garlic, herds, spices, peppers, beans, corn, spinach, whatever else...


Of course, I am not Chef Jim - so that's just the best I can do. It's not some tofu, filet mignon roasted glazed blazed poached burger but it's still good.

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Well, originally just going to throw some of my beef on after mixing in some vinegar to sweeten it up, but seeing as I have some veggies, I might mix in and make it a garden burger.


Basically, throw everything you're growing in your garden in the foil with the burger and cook the burgers in the juice of the veggies. They will caramelize and be great and add some depth to the meat. Cucumber, Zucchini, Squash, Tomato, Garlic, herds, spices, peppers, beans, corn, spinach, whatever else...


Of course, I am not Chef Jim - so that's just the best I can do. It's not some tofu, filet mignon roasted glazed blazed poached burger but it's still good.














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Did she just call TM a "rabid dog"? Wow!


TM shot down like a rabid dog. BTW, for whoever was asking about a safety on GZ's 9mm. Someone on LI claimed his model had no safety. Any of you out there know for sure?

Edited by 3rdnlng
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i wont pretend to be able to speak state to state, but i dont think most wouldve been all that upset had this been brought as manslaughter in the first place. it wouldve made for a reasonable trial for the most part. if filed as manslaughter and the prosecution focused on GZs stupid decisions, instead of trying to paint him as a blood thirsty murderer it likely wouldve made for quite the showdown in the court.


murder was laughable though, and some of the filings should qualify as bordering on criminal.


Involuntary manslaughter would have been so much easier, since all they really would have had to prove was that Zimmerman created the situation, which a reasonable person would not have created, that ultimately led to Martin's death. Which I think is something that most people on this board would at least not dismiss out of hand.


Trying to prove a "depraved mind" in this case is utterly ridiculous. As demonstrated by the prosecution's circular reasoning that the crime itself proves a depraved mind, therefore proving the crime.

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Involuntary manslaughter would have been so much easier, since all they really would have had to prove was that Zimmerman created the situation, which a reasonable person would not have created, that ultimately led to Martin's death. Which I think is something that most people on this board would at least not dismiss out of hand.


Trying to prove a "depraved mind" in this case is utterly ridiculous. As demonstrated by the prosecution's circular reasoning that the crime itself proves a depraved mind, therefore proving the crime.


I agree

Edited by dog14787
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TM shot down like a rabid dog. BTW, for whoever was asking about a safety on GZ's 9mm. Someone on LI claimed his model had no safety. Any of you out there know for sure?

My understanding was that it was not a double safety gun, or something like that. Some guns have a latch, lever, button, or other you push to release the safety before you rooster the gun rack. Those guns generally do not require much force on their trigger. Zimmermans gun, to my understanding, was loaded when the rack was cocked and required 4.5 to 7 lbs. of force to pull the trigger. This is why it is ideal for self defense. You do not have to rooster the hammer back like on a revolver or a shot gun.


That is where people are confused, and the woman I spoke to was confused. I am not sure I understood it right, as I know little about guns. But, the argument is that because his gun was loaded with an extra bullet, one in the chamber as is standard and even my GF's concealed is this way, and ready to fire it shows more of an intent to inflict bodily harm.

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