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Trayvon Martin Case


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Been cleaning the house, had the audio streaming. My god, what a !@#$ing trainwreck. States witness, the chief ME who handled the autopsy would not give his notes to anyone. They were his notes and did not want anyone to see his private notes "taken nights, weekend, my time." The guy kept looking down and finally West asks what have you been looking at... seriously, wow. He not only went against the other ME showing the improper way in which she testified and the shot was made through the heart at a distance of 6 inches to 4'. He also claimed TM was alive for 1 to 10 minutes afterward.


The ME kept talking over everyone, judge, defense, prosecution... must have been hell on the reporter.


Either way, they broke to review the notes and questioning will occur afterward.


It's twitter. Who gives a !@#$?

Twitter reflects how our society sees things. It will be these people who will be out there in public amongst us ready to cry fowl over BS racial profiling, grab their gun before thinking, or just feel awful...


There have been people discussing they plan on shooting Zimmerman on site if he stays in Sanford. Others threatening others, including the defense attorney.



I saw it a couple of days ago, and I have to admit it's pretty scary. This isn't your usual collection of progressive nutbags planning to boycott Chick-Fil-A. There are countless people in that stream ready to hunt down and kill ZImmerman while simultaneously planning to burn down the country.

I wish we had the ability to go after these people for threats and crap they say on here. Meazza, others, claim they're just Twitter followers but it only takes one and this crap of standing behind what you say on the internet needs to held up. The internet may hide your face but it does not hide your identity. (Now I wait for someone, as always, to say "yeah, like "jboyst62" is your real name and we know who you are...")

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I guess I'll put this here.......and to those posters who will respond "oh, so there's no racism any more", don't bother, you missed the point.




We Don’t Live in That World Anymore ; The Left fights and refights the racial battles of yesteryear.


By Jonah Goldberg



Harry Anderson, a magician and comic (made famous by his stint as the judge on the old sitcom Night Court), used to have a routine where he’d promise to juggle George Washington’s ax. I’m quoting from memory here, but he’d say something like: “I have here George Washington’s original ax — the one he used to chop down the cherry tree.” He’d wait a beat, and then add: “Of course, a few years ago the blade broke and had to be replaced. And about a decade before that it got a new handle. But in spirit this is George’s ax.”


Maybe that’s a weird way to get into it, but that bit keeps coming to mind as I listen to pundits, reporters, politicians, and activists try to compare every cause under the sun to Jim Crow, slavery, and the black experience in America generally.




If you can’t see the problem, it’s this: The whole point of the civil-rights movement is that skin color is superficial. Sex — i.e., male, female — is actually a real and deep biological difference. You could look it up.


But such distinctions are meaningless in an era when both the handle and the ax of Jim Crow were replaced decades ago. All that’s left is parody. Just this week Princeton’s Cornel West — a proud man of the Left — despaired that under Obama, “we black folk are just being pushed to the back of the bus.”


What bus are you talking about, Professor?


When Republicans tried to filibuster the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid lamented, “When this body was on the verge of guaranteeing equal civil rights to everyone regardless of the color of their skin, some senators resorted to the same filibuster threats that we hear today.”


That’s true! But . . . so what? How, exactly, is opposition to an ever more disastrous health-care-reform bill akin to denying the humanity of African-American citizens? Is any filibuster threat now tainted by Dixiecrat opposition to civil rights?


The Washington Post reported this week that civil-rights activists in Florida are dismayed that the George Zimmerman murder trial isn’t racially divisive enough. “It makes you feel kind of angry and kind of bad that race is not a part of this,” Reverend Harrold C. Daniels told the Post. “It’s a missed opportunity.”


The “problem,” as even the Martin family’s attorney concedes, is that there’s just not much evidence that Zimmerman was motivated by racial animus. You’d think that would be good news. But it’s not, because so many people invested in the idea that “Trayvon Martin is Emmett Till!” in the words of one demagogic radio host.


When the Supreme Court recently ruled that the Voting Rights Act needed to take into account that blacks now vote more than whites in jurisdictions that are presumed to be racist, many responded as if the Supreme Court had reinstated Jim Crow. MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry cried out on Twitter, “Damn, that citizenship thing was so great for awhile.”


Slavery and Jim Crow were horrible injustices, and the civil-rights movement was a shining moral triumph. But the light of that movement shouldn’t be used to blind us to important distinctions, chief among them: We don’t live in that world anymore.




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I guess I'll put this here.......and to those posters who will respond "oh, so there's no racism any more", don't bother, you missed the point.




We Don’t Live in That World Anymore ; The Left fights and refights the racial battles of yesteryear.


By Jonah Goldberg



Harry Anderson, a magician and comic (made famous by his stint as the judge on the old sitcom Night Court), used to have a routine where he’d promise to juggle George Washington’s ax. I’m quoting from memory here, but he’d say something like: “I have here George Washington’s original ax — the one he used to chop down the cherry tree.” He’d wait a beat, and then add: “Of course, a few years ago the blade broke and had to be replaced. And about a decade before that it got a new handle. But in spirit this is George’s ax.”


Maybe that’s a weird way to get into it, but that bit keeps coming to mind as I listen to pundits, reporters, politicians, and activists try to compare every cause under the sun to Jim Crow, slavery, and the black experience in America generally.




If you can’t see the problem, it’s this: The whole point of the civil-rights movement is that skin color is superficial. Sex — i.e., male, female — is actually a real and deep biological difference. You could look it up.


But such distinctions are meaningless in an era when both the handle and the ax of Jim Crow were replaced decades ago. All that’s left is parody. Just this week Princeton’s Cornel West — a proud man of the Left — despaired that under Obama, “we black folk are just being pushed to the back of the bus.”


What bus are you talking about, Professor?


When Republicans tried to filibuster the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid lamented, “When this body was on the verge of guaranteeing equal civil rights to everyone regardless of the color of their skin, some senators resorted to the same filibuster threats that we hear today.”


That’s true! But . . . so what? How, exactly, is opposition to an ever more disastrous health-care-reform bill akin to denying the humanity of African-American citizens? Is any filibuster threat now tainted by Dixiecrat opposition to civil rights?


The Washington Post reported this week that civil-rights activists in Florida are dismayed that the George Zimmerman murder trial isn’t racially divisive enough. “It makes you feel kind of angry and kind of bad that race is not a part of this,” Reverend Harrold C. Daniels told the Post. “It’s a missed opportunity.”


The “problem,” as even the Martin family’s attorney concedes, is that there’s just not much evidence that Zimmerman was motivated by racial animus. You’d think that would be good news. But it’s not, because so many people invested in the idea that “Trayvon Martin is Emmett Till!” in the words of one demagogic radio host.


When the Supreme Court recently ruled that the Voting Rights Act needed to take into account that blacks now vote more than whites in jurisdictions that are presumed to be racist, many responded as if the Supreme Court had reinstated Jim Crow. MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry cried out on Twitter, “Damn, that citizenship thing was so great for awhile.”


Slavery and Jim Crow were horrible injustices, and the civil-rights movement was a shining moral triumph. But the light of that movement shouldn’t be used to blind us to important distinctions, chief among them: We don’t live in that world anymore.





I have no words for you but to quote a woman on Twitter I read earlier. "You have no idea what it is like being black, you a white woman, will never know what its like to have to fight to keep your kids from being shot on the street. Until you do, do not claim you know equality."


You better read that as sarcasm. It is the cro-magnon and neanderthals that view racism as important in their life today. Those are the ones who keep us from moving forward as a society, interjecting race in to every situation too naive to think that if we just stopped talking about it and having it mentioned that we would eventually just forget it.

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I have no words for you but to quote a woman on Twitter I read earlier. "You have no idea what it is like being black, you a white woman, will never know what its like to have to fight to keep your kids from being shot on the street. Until you do, do not claim you know equality."


You better read that as sarcasm. It is the cro-magnon and neanderthals that view racism as important in their life today. Those are the ones who keep us from moving forward as a society, interjecting race in to every situation too naive to think that if we just stopped talking about it and having it mentioned that we would eventually just forget it.


I have nothing but sympathy for that woman, even as I point out the error of her statement.


Her children are much more likely to be killed by "black on black" violence, are much more likely to be killed because of poor socio-economic reasons.


But because of the racial grievance industry that exists among many (so-called) African American 'leaders', she has been led to believe that a Majority of Whites are racist and mean her and her family harm.


Sadly, it will take many years to overcome this divisive propoganda.




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I saw it a couple of days ago, and I have to admit it's pretty scary. This isn't your usual collection of progressive nutbags planning to boycott Chick-Fil-A. There are countless people in that stream ready to hunt down and kill ZImmerman while simultaneously planning to burn down the country.


Reading the Zimmerman hashtags on twitter is so depressing. These people make dog look well informed.

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I got back in the house for lunch. Something crazy is going on, The prosecutor, BDLR just had to be sworn in for testimony he is given in a private conference at the bench. The news channel is saying this is extremely rare, the commentator, Bill Schaefer?, is saying he has never seen this happen in 35 years.


It is all stemming from the ME's notes and cross examination. Evidently, this is over the ME's notes and if BDLRLDLR knew about them.


Some speculation is that this could be grounds for mistrial. Which would pose double jeopardy for Zimmerman.

I have nothing but sympathy for that woman, even as I point out the error of her statement.


Her children are much more likely to be killed by "black on black" violence, are much more likely to be killed because of poor socio-economic reasons.


But because of the racial grievance industry that exists among many (so-called) African American 'leaders', she has been led to believe that a Majority of Whites are racist and mean her and her family harm.


Sadly, it will take many years to overcome this divisive propoganda.



I do not disagree at all. It is incredibly sad that children, adults, are more likely to be victims based on their skin color.


breaking (its just what i am seeing)


The ME changed his opinion 3 weeks ago about how long Martin may have lived after the gunshot, based upon another autopsy he had done. The ME is now going on and on in an incredible fashion where he is making the entire state process involved in this case look as if it was a flimsy joke.


The issues: After changing his mind on the issue he did not speak to anyone for the state attorney - until yesterday after deposed. Basically he is saying he met yesterday with only BDLR. He is claiming he met with BDLR for 40 minutes 7/4 and did not take any notes on if he actually told BDLR. The ME said more or less, I do not have to tell him because he is not my lawyer and he is not my employer, I do not have to tell him.


Holy crapshoot. I have stuff to do but this is just amazing.


edit again: BLDR is just holding his head down, shaking his head when ME said he was told yesterday. Now on the pot in the blood system, the ME is saying it had no effect on TM, now in his personal notes he believes the pot in the blood (or in his words - his opinion) to say that pot was an influence.


Defense made a very strong argument that BDLR hid evidence from the court on Bao's viewpoint. Damn bias judge is just dismissing it as not a big deal type of thing

Edited by jboyst62
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The State is going to rest. Finished with the Med Examiner, entered two pieces to evidence successfully - a weather station report that is somewhat distant from the housing complex and a timeline of events for the night.


The state objects because there are witnesses who can give an affidavit to the weather, vs. this one which is several miles away. The state and defense are guessing it is 5-6 miles away. Accepted to evidence (On a side note, it will be pouring rain less then 1/2 mile from my house and sun at my house)


The timeline was altered to reflect that Zimmerman arrived by car. Accepted to evidence.


Thanks Jboyst62.

Youre welcome. I am following this closely because I am intrigued by the social aspects of this and curious by the way I have seen many people in my life handle such racial tensions.

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Ohh. I thought he already understood it was a joke.


I am looking at twitter streaming #Zimmerman. I cannot believe what I am reading. If Zimmerman does not get convicted of anything then I really worry what this country will do. Of course, we can only hope a Kardashian makes a sex tape, Bieber drives drunk, or anything that breaks the 60 second attention span of this country.


I heard there was something going on in Egypt, but I am unable to confirm.

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State making the argument that, even in self-defense, shooting someone indicates malice and intent, and therefore is second degree murder.


Also evidence of his malice and intent is the fact that he didn't know Treyvon Martin, but followed him.


:lol: Nice.

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State making the argument that, even in self-defense, shooting someone indicates malice and intent, and therefore is second degree murder.


Also evidence of his malice and intent is the fact that he didn't know Treyvon Martin, but followed him.


:lol: Nice.


Why do I have a feeling this guy's going to jail?

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Because the facts of the case are irrelevant to the narrative.


Exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd have some Ryan L Billz type in the jury who already made up their mind before even hearing the evidence.

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"Treyvon Martin had as much right to claim self-defense as this defendant claims he did."


Really? Zimmerman was beating Martin's head against the ground?

No. After he was shot.

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Exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd have some Ryan L Billz type in the jury who already made up their mind before even hearing the evidence.


I don't consider myself anything of a conspiracy theorist on much of anything beyond my deep belief that Janet Napolitano is, in truth, a hydrated version of Helen Thomas; but the inflammatory rhetoric that came from black elected officials last year was unlike anything I'd ever seen in my brief life.


From the rhinestone cowgirl insisting Trayvon was hunted down in cold blood because he was black, to the old dude saying Trayvon was guilty of WWB in a GC, to the doofus who started getting people to wear a hoodie, to Obama's moronic "If I had a son...": comment, it is not difficult at all for me to accept there is a level of truth that these dolts want Zimmerman to go free. They want chaos on the streets.


The only reason I don't go full into believing it is because I can't imagine WHY they would want this. But the more you follow this trial, the more you realize this case would have never made it to court if Holder didn't intervene.

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Had to run to the store to get stuff for burgers. While I was out...


I happened to see a fairly high ranking member of the sheriff's office in this area. One I am on somewhat friendly terms with. A minority, a woman, and of over 50 years of life. We began talking about the trial. She is well informed, she is well educated, she is very impressive in her position - not someone behind a badge, nor is she someone who carries - but she is someone who has a lot of power and experience in court room and office.


Her opinions are that she is terrified for the area. She is upset with the court room atmosphere and believes that it is partially being held together by the judge who must be firm in this case because it is ready to explode. She says there is no way Murder2 is a possibility and that she is not sure she understands enough of Florida law to say manslaughter. In North Carolina, though, he could be charged with manslaughter. The only issue she did not seem to understand was the gun, which she understood Zimmerman took the safety off when he exited the vehicle. All her points were to the facts presented, and she was correct in her understanding of key issues. She believes that Zimmerman was defending himself but this case could go either way.


So, for whoever was asking about hearing a prosecutors opinion - this is as best I can find.


As far as what is going on now, I cannot believe he is wasting his time for this judge - clearly this is only to be used if an appeal is necessary.

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