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Trayvon Martin Case


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No, what I'm saying is it was blatantly obvious you didnt write it so i googled to see where you plagerized it from.


And as I referenced and tom also pointed out, it still didnt answer the question or demonstrate you have any idea the answer.


You f'd up here. You copied someone else's work. Some people like lyrbob do it all time, so you should get away with it? You are pathetic and should be banned for a long time. I won't report you to a monitor though, like you threaten everyone.

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No but words have meanings and when you make assertions based on those meanings.... Well....


I give up. You asked for respectful debate and I tried to productively discuss the issues at hand....





well I thought you were just trying to jerk my chain,


but as far as Zimmerman having the forsight to realize he was putting someone in danger, I'm a bit torn

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This is what he deserves. You f'd up here, dog. You copied someone else's work. Some people like lyrbob do it all time, so you should get away with it? You are pathetic and should be banned for a long time. I won't report you to a moderator though, like you threaten everyone. I'll just expose your pathetic ways.

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Well now...isn't dog's problem obvious? Too much Fox News.


I mean, it's right there in front of you, if you aren't a trailer trash, no teeth, Tea Partier that watches too much Fox News, you could easily see it. (Which is hysterical, BTW, because every time I hear somebody say that, I go back to the real demographics of the Tea Party. They are more likely to be better educated, live in a better house, have better kids, more money, and certainly better teeth that the somebody who says that, but, why let the real data get in the way of the fairy tale? Ahem, back into White's Bay idiot characater....)


Consider: Dog's position is made up, and he said so himself. Well, so is pretty much everything on Fox News.


So there you go. Correlation, Causation, and everything you want.


See how simple it is, once you elevate your thinking and get up to my level? This afternoon, I will be explaining how Obamacare will lower health care cost.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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I've explained myself numerous times now, Zimmerman is not a cop,and If he wouldn't have gotten out of his car and went looking for Trayvon Martin , Martin would still be alive today.


Its not that hard to understand, and you can get pissed all you want, it doesn't change my opinion


your post is all over the place, not sure what you even want me to respond to



retroactively? all we have is Zimmerman as a witness to a crime that wasn't commited, stop talking giberish and Ill try to respond back

How, pray tell, is anyone supposed to know, in any circumstance, if a crime is being committed, without making inquiry into that possible commission of a crime?


You've litterally stated that individuals shouldn't make inquiries into the possible commission of a crime unless they know a crime has been/is being committed. How are we supposed to know if a crime is being committed without first making the inquiry?


And just to cut you off at the pass here, these inquiries are not limited to police action. That isn't the law in any state that I'm aware of.


Additionally, you find it more than a little bit absurd that you've described the action of getting out of one's own car and walking to be criminally negligent?

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3RD "TM went out of his way" to start a fight with Zimmerman? hmmmm Did he go out of his way or did he have a creepy ass cracker following him and muttering crazy thoughts to the dispatcher? wheres this alleged video that will get to the bottom of this? guess there isn't one?


GZ just an innocent bystander huh? Amazing stuff


GZ not the guy who got fired from job for calling HR 200 times.


GZ is a first rate neurotic clown..........lock him up.


judge to rule on "wannabee cop" evidence now. lets start painting that picture! haaaa

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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3RD "TM went out of his way" to start a fight with Zimmerman? hmmmm


GZ just an innocent bystander huh? Amazing stuff GZ not the guy who got fired from job for calling HR 200 times.


GZ is a first rate neurotic clown..........lock him up.

Yes, the trouble with that is: that's not how we operate in this country.


If we locked peole up for their mental issues? Wouldn't Joe Biden be impeached and in jail, right now? IF neuroses was a crime, pretty much everybody at MSNBC and CNN, and more than a few at Fox would be in jail. Geraldo would have been doing a life sentence after the Chicago Gangster's Vault fiasco.


We'd have literally 0 celebrities free, and many pro athletes would be gone too. The acting profession would be done in a day.


Look, this seems straightforward:

1. Somebody was tired of trouble causing trouble, so they went looking for it.

2. They found it.

3. When the other somebody realized they were being called trouble, instead of explaining that they weren't

4. They chose to become trouble


Why the one guy went looking for trouble, and why the other guy decided to become trouble? Who knows?


One thing is clear: our choices define us. If Martin has simply said: no trouble here, instead of "Now you do"(have a problem)?

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3RD "TM went out of his way" to start a fight with Zimmerman? hmmmm Did he go out of his way or did he have a creepy ass cracker following him and muttering crazy thoughts to the dispatcher? wheres this alleged video that will get to the bottom of this? guess there isn't one?


GZ just an innocent bystander huh? Amazing stuff


GZ not the guy who got fired from job for calling HR 200 times.


GZ is a first rate neurotic clown..........lock him up.


judge to rule on "wannabee cop" evidence now. lets start painting that picture! haaaa


Ryan, I have no duty to educate your ignorant ass after your clownish acts. Look the video up yourself. Hint---Rachael Jeantel.

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How, pray tell, is anyone supposed to know, in any circumstance, if a crime is being committed, without making inquiry into that possible commission of a crime?


You've litterally stated that individuals shouldn't make inquiries into the possible commission of a crime unless they know a crime has been/is being committed. How are we supposed to know if a crime is being committed without first making the inquiry?


And just to cut you off at the pass here, these inquiries are not limited to police action. That isn't the law in any state that I'm aware of.


Additionally, you find it more than a little bit absurd that you've described the action of getting out of one's own car and walking to be criminally negligent?


A crime being broken was never observed...(I do however understand where your coming from)


How, pray tell, is anyone supposed to know, in any circumstance, if a crime is being committed, without making inquiry into that possible commission of a crime?


You've litterally stated that individuals shouldn't make inquiries into the possible commission of a crime unless they know a crime has been/is being committed. How are we supposed to know if a crime is being committed without first making the inquiry?


And just to cut you off at the pass here, these inquiries are not limited to police action. That isn't the law in any state that I'm aware of.


Additionally, you find it more than a little bit absurd that you've described the action of getting out of one's own car and walking to be criminally negligent?



I believe the prosecutuion is trying to use the wanna be cop angle to help prove culpability.


Proving Zimmerman had the wear with all to know he could be putting someones life in danger is going to be a tough nut to crack.

Edited by dog14787
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jenteal is a dumb hood rat.............i could care less about any other videos with her.


the video that shows TM attack GZ and say "you gonna die tonite WHITEBOY!" is the one i wanna see. or the video that shows GZ "sneak wannabee cop attack that went bad when he was punched a few times and shot some poor youth" doubt his life was in danger, how many other kids did TM kill before this in these roaming streetfights he had a thirst for?


lets quit with the stupid name attacks just because your a gold star donor to GZ's defense fund and you are all in on the church of GZ. your a testy old coot aren't ya?

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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It was another insult, you dolt. Some of us are able to combine substantive information with abuse...


Spin it however you want DC,


someone was asking me If I knew the degrees of negligence and i didn't realize it at the time,


so my bad...

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jenteal is a dumb hood rat.............i could care less about any other videos with her.


the video that shows TM attack GZ and say "you gonna die tonite WHITEBOY!" is the one i wanna see. or the video that shows GZ "sneak wannabee cop attack that went bad when he was punched a few times and shot some poor youth" doubt his life was in danger, how many other kids did TM kill before this in these roaming streetfights he had a thirst for?


lets quit with the stupid name attacks just because your a gold star donor to GZ's defense fund and you are all in on the church of GZ. your a testy old coot aren't ya?


Jenteal is the prosecution's "star witness" who placed TM at his father's girlfriend's townhouse a few minutes before TM's attack on GZ a few hundred feet away. TM had to pursue GZ as GZ was retreating to his truck for this to happen.


The law says that it is the state's responsibility to prove GZ guilty. Because there is no video of the altercation, you claim GZ must be the party at fault? Not only are you ignorant of the law but you lack common sense and have no idea of what justice is. You got sucked in early on by an Al Sharpton narrative and are now so locked into it that you'd have an innocent man go to jail in order to validate your mistaken belief. Nice.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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the video that shows TM attack GZ and say "you gonna die tonite WHITEBOY!" is the one i wanna see.

There are no videos out there. The videos idea was something the MSM picked up on for a while saying that videos existed. It began when the LEO's investigating the case went to Zimmerman to try to get him to change his story by tripping him up. You know, something like, "George, we just got some tape of the incident, we haven't watched it yet, is there anything you want to tell us before we see it?" "We want to make sure you have been honest with us, because if you haven't you could be charged with lying to an officer." (Note, all of this was before Zimmerman hired an attorney.)


Of course, no tape did exist and it was a tactic to illicit 'the truth' from Zimmerman if his first statements were in any way wrong. The only response Zimmerman had when informed there was a tape was "Good."


Also, just to hold to form with this thread, I must insult you. You are smelly.

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Spin it however you want DC,


someone was asking me If I knew the degrees of negligence and i didn't realize it at the time,


so my bad...


ill admit, it was a kind of backhanded way of saying that i dont think you get it from some of your assertions.... but i was trying to cut the direct insults down, as you focus on them instead of the points being made.


and for the record i still dont think you have a real solid grasp on it.

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ill admit, it was a kind of backhanded way of saying that i dont think you get it from some of your assertions.... but i was trying to cut the direct insults down, as you focus on them instead of the points being made.


and for the record i still dont think you have a real solid grasp on it.



thanks for being one of the few people in this thread who actually tries to carry on a civilized conversation,



I've always enjoyed following court proceedings ,



but I'm no lawyer...

Edited by dog14787
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There are no videos out there. The videos idea was something the MSM picked up on for a while saying that videos existed. It began when the LEO's investigating the case went to Zimmerman to try to get him to change his story by tripping him up. You know, something like, "George, we just got some tape of the incident, we haven't watched it yet, is there anything you want to tell us before we see it?" "We want to make sure you have been honest with us, because if you haven't you could be charged with lying to an officer." (Note, all of this was before Zimmerman hired an attorney.)


Of course, no tape did exist and it was a tactic to illicit 'the truth' from Zimmerman if his first statements were in any way wrong. The only response Zimmerman had when informed there was a tape was "Good."


Actually, he said, "Thank God." That's a little stronger than a simple "good." If that isn't reasonable doubt right there, then I don't know what is.

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