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Trayvon Martin Case


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    Renee Hidalgo@HidalgoRenee 1h
    As I said once before, GZ injuries look staged.. Cud GZ have hit himself with his flashlight to produce injuries? #zimmermanon9

    me_normal.jpgRegina Blackman@rblackman2 3m
    @HidalgoRenee #zimmermanon9 I hold that theory in my mind too. One witness said he was pacing back/forth with one hand on head after shot.




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you do realize we have a jury right?


On HLN after dark last night 11 out of 12 jurors don't find Zimmermans story credible.


How do you explain them kind of numbers If the lead investigators testimony is coming across so strong?



you do realize the road Zimmerman claimed he didn't know the name of was the main rd going into and out of the complex right?


because HLN is constructing their own bizarro world narrative and the only one that didnt sound like a nut job was the 1. dear lord, you watched when they had a guest sitting in that said the jury was the klan and the judge the grand wizard. do you really find them credible?



and yes, just like other neighbors have come out and said they also werent sure of the name of that street.

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Thank you for this update. This is what I come here to read - not the mindless personal insults by everyone in this thread.


I enjoy watching the prosecution F themselves left and right. This is entertaining!!


The Court opened today with a request from Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda, before the jury was present, to ask Judge Nelson to strike perhaps the most telling blow from yesterday’s testimony from former Investigator Chris Serino.


BDLR argued that when O’Mara asked Serino if he believed Zimmerman to be telling the truth, Serino responded that he did, that such a testament of a law enforcement officer of a defendant was inappropriate and must be struck. He “ambushed” the defense with a detailed motion the State’s office had presumably spent much of the night preparing, and Judge Nelson required the defense to evaluate and respond to the motion while standing in court. O’Mara did the best he could under the circumstances, but Nelson elected to side with the State. When the jury was brought into the courtroom she played the audio of that part of O’Mara’s cross, and instructed the jury that the evidence was struck and not to be considered by them.


Frankly, it seems to this observer is that all that was accomplished by this maneuver is that after hearing the statement as the last thing before being sequestered for the night and having a chance to sleep on it, the jury heard it again first thing in the morning to set the tone for the day ahead. It struck me as an odd maneuver, and odd timing...



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Not to break up the patented, "right wing gang-bang" but I do find it interesting that if you only follow this case based on what major news sites have posted, you would think that the prosecution is wiping the floor with the defense...


i especially enjoyed "rachel is a smart girl who comes off as very credible" and "i cant believe they would try to put words like 'cracker' into trayvons mouth when hes not here to defend himself" as two of my favorite major news site moments.


i cant even include lastnight on HLN in the list as it was so ridiculously out in left field (left wing joke not intended) that it shouldnt be grouped into serious analysis.

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I should not mention this, but I was at the local Sheriff's office the other week for some paperwork crap on the bridge (courthouse and Sheriff's office are in same place). I stopped by the Sheriff's office to ask about trespassers. I saw two magnets inside the office with the 14 yr old Martin Hoody picture and poems called "I am Trayvon Martin" going on and on about how I am the silent victim of the "man" type crap. I wanted to engage the woman in discussion of the case but knew it was pointless. I left with a bad taste in my mouth wondering how someone could so easily be manipulated and view race as such a focal point of this non-issue. This person decides the fate of people, as well, by my understanding. That is scary.


There are going to be race riots, there are going to be issues across this nation that I believe will surpass Rodney King.



white hispanic 1/4 black dude.

I'm fully expecting that. Sad. There's going to be a lot of beat up people and a lot of damaged property just so the narrative can stay alive.

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Thank you for this update. This is what I come here to read - not the mindless personal insults by everyone in this thread.


I enjoy watching the prosecution F themselves left and right. This is entertaining!!


I really wish there was a separate thread for dog's trolling and those feeding the troll..............He admitted he's here to "add drama"

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I really wish there was a separate thread for dog's trolling and those feeding the troll..............He admitted he's here to "add drama"

It's so hard to just ignore it. I guess I just believed it was getting through to him after a bit... after his crap in the SB, I'm done with him.
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It's so hard to just ignore it. I guess I just believed it was getting through to him after a bit... after his crap in the SB, I'm done with him.


yet here we are talking about dog again, is this all you know how to do jboyst, because i think it is


because HLN is constructing their own bizarro world narrative and the only one that didnt sound like a nut job was the 1. dear lord, you watched when they had a guest sitting in that said the jury was the klan and the judge the grand wizard. do you really find them credible?



and yes, just like other neighbors have come out and said they also werent sure of the name of that street.



most people know the street they live on, what can I say


I really wish there was a separate thread for dog's trolling and those feeding the troll..............He admitted he's here to "add drama"



seriously? Good Grief, go back and look at the post, did I say I was here to add drama, or I added some drama with my one response?



You do know how to read english right?

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WSJ’s James Taranto On Media’s Emotional Investment In Racial ‘Show Trial’ Of Zimmerman


On Monday, Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto expanded on themes he recently wrote about relating to Florida’s thin case against George Zimmerman, the man accused of murdering Trayvon Martin in 2012. Taranto told WSJ’s Mary Kissel that the prosecution of Zimmerman, in the words of one Slate columnist, was supposed to serve as a “referendum” on racial privilege in America. “There’s a word for a trial that is held as a referendum – it’s a show trial,” Taranto said. “We don’t do show trials in this country.”


“Why has the press been so convinced from the very beginning that Trayvon was the victim of racial profiling?” Kissel asked.


“Well, it fits this sort of narrative of blacks as victims of white cops – or, in this case, a rent-a-cop,” Taranto replied.


He noted that the local police should have taken the investigation into Zimmerman’s seemingly unwarranted killing of Martin “more seriously.” Taranto said that the initial outrage over Zimmerman not being charged with a crime was justified, but then the state went too far and overcharged him with second degree murder. “The prosecution’s case is just falling apart,” he observed.


Taranto observed that the racial profiling narrative has been turned on its head after the testimony of Rachel Jeantel who testified that Martin racially profiled Zimmerman too when he called him a “cracker.”


“I think a lot of people have – a lot of media commentators – have an investment now, have an emotional investment in this case,” Taranto said.




RELATED: As George Zimmerman Prosecution Implodes, A Media Invested In His Guilt Grows More Shrill



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most people know the street they live on, what can I say?


If only George lived on that street. Never been in a familiar neighborhood and not known exact street names of all streets?



When they questioned him early in the call and instead of a street name he struggled to describe how to get to him, was that all in anticipation of killing a kid and having to go to court?

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If only George lived on that street. Never been in a familiar neighborhood and not known exact street names of all streets?



When they questioned him early in the call and instead of a street name he struggled to describe how to get to him, was that all in anticipation of killing a kid and having to go to court?



so your telling me the neighborhood watch person shouldn't know the main rd in and out of the complex?

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dog...Zimmerman is a dumbass who was creeping around and in doing so created a situation where he ended up shooting Trayvon to death....but he will not be convicted b/c he got jacked up and there is no hard evidence refuting his claim to self defense...and it is unlikely no matter how racist you think he is that he had any intent to kill anyone until the **** went down...he's innocent let it go

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so your telling me the neighborhood watch person shouldn't know the main rd in and out of the complex?


Did I say that?


I said it seemed he genuinely didnt - have you heard the 911 call? When asked where he was he stumbled trying to give directions from the clubhouse instead of just saying "half mile past the clubhouse on ....." Why would he not answer that honestly in the first minute or so of the call?


Additionally, I pointed out that others in the area have come out saying it wasnt well labeled and they didnt know it despite living in the area.

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yet here we are talking about dog again, is this all you know how to do jboyst, because i think it is





most people know the street they live on, what can I say





seriously? Good Grief, go back and look at the post, did I say I was here to add drama, or I added some drama with my one response?



You do know how to read english right?





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Please respond to this post, which can be found at the bottom of page 124 for your convenience.


OK, wait...


You believe that all points of inquiry should report, retroactively, to if a crime had been commited before the inquiry about the commission of said possible crime? What kind of !@#$ed up and completely unworkable standard is that?


Additionally, and I'm not sure why you're making me repeat myself, but I'll present for the third or fourth time now that: a) dispatchers are not police officers and don't have the authority to tell someone to stand down, and b) the dispatcher told him "he didn't have to", not "do not do".

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OK, wait...


You believe that all points of inquiry should report, retroactively, to if a crime had been commited before the inquiry about the commission of said possible crime? What kind of !@#$ed up and completely unworkable standard is that?


Additionally, and I'm not sure why you're making me repeat myself, but I'll present for the third or fourth time now that: a) dispatchers are not police officers and don't have the authority to tell someone to stand down, and b) the dispatcher told him "he didn't have to", not "do not do".


If you don't think Zimmerman was negligent in any way, I'm pretty much wasting my time argiung with you.



lol, I was reading your mind...

Edited by dog14787
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If you don't think Zimmerman was negligent in any way, I'm pretty much wasting my time argiung with you.



lol, I was reading your mind...


There is negligent and criminal negligence. Do you know the difference?

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If you don't think Zimmerman was negligent in any way, I'm pretty much wasting my time argiung with you.

That's not only a cop out which addresses neither part of my post, but also an outright admission that you're only willing to "discuss things" in echo chambers where everyone agrees with you.


Respond to the !@#$ing post you coward.

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