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Trayvon Martin Case


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Of the population j know. At least 1/3 generally go along with this type of thinking.


Are they the same people who say "they" have a cure for cancer, but "they" are making too much money to let it out.........And, that AIDS and crack cocaine were invented to wipe out the black community?

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Not sure about that, but I do know there is a huge population of blacks in this who absolutely hate white people. Whites are despised by them for a variety of reasons. BO has done nothing to advance race relations in this nation, in fact the opposite is true. He's a self-serving egomaniacal opportunist who wipes his azz on people like George Zimmerman whom he used to energize his base of base-thinking emotional cripples.

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so called bashing of the head normally leaves lumps or a knot and I've seen scabs from a bug bite bleed as bad is his small lacerations



was Zimmerman even treated for a concussion? because as far as I know he was not

The lead investigator says he believes Zimmerman's story. How many crimes have you investigated? You'll forgive me if I take the word of a professional over an Internet lawyer wannabe, mmmkay?

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This is an interesting idea. What would the world look like if we used the "man code" to govern the people; where "keeping it real" is the law!


You know how you'd figure out what society would look like?


















































When your head was rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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If you follow a "suspicious" looking person down a dark alley and end up getting your ass beat I would say you were just plain stupid. Does he have the right to defend himself? Sure. But if you're the one that escalated the situation as GZ did. You're still culpable for the person's death.




Another good rule to live by is don't follow "suspicious" people down dark side yards.




According to GZ. Sorry if I don't just take his word for it.


No you fool, this was according to the prosecutions "star witness". BTW, you should use complete sentences. It will make you look smarter than what you are.

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Are they the same people who say "they" have a cure for cancer, but "they" are making too much money to let it out.........And, that AIDS and crack cocaine were invented to wipe out the black community?

That is ain't right the president and big people in companies make millions when he only made $12. (which isn't bad for a lift driver)

The water in black neighborhoods is not as good in white neighborhoods - as proof, look at the yards when they water.

Pot is better for you then cigarettes. It will not give you cancer and it is the Gov way of controlling because they can't stop what grows in your yard.

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Yesterday the lead investigator, a witness for the prosecution, proved that the incident was self-defense. So far the physical evidence, the testimony of key witnesses, and the reading of the law all exonerate Zimmerman, and the defense has not called its first witness.


The state´s witness before Chris Serino was a straight forward and no nonsense female officer-Detective Doris Singleton .

She was another prosecution witness who became a defense witness and the prosecution became very hostile with her on redirect.



If this was a prize-fight, it would have been stopped a long time ago.



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If I killed a man every time I came out of a fight looking worse then Zimmerman, i would have been in jail a long, long time ago.


its the last time I'll even respond to your BS 3rd grader

You are an idiot, who gets schooled and humiliated every day, even at the kiddie table. You tried to join a conversation that was somewhat adult oriented and you failed miserably. You were even spoon fed sources that would help you form an adult opinion and you rejected those because they wouldn't coincide with your biased, preconceived notions. Your answer to my adult comment is that you'll never respond to me again? Should I care that the Shoutbox clown who talks to himself and gets into hissy fits and often threatens to turn people over to a mod because he's not up to the task of handling things himself, threatens to not ever respond to me again? You've not only chosen to comment on things you have no knowledge of, you've refused to educate yourself. You have actually preferred to remain ignorant so that knowledge didn't interfere with that ignorance. Dog, you've chosen a perfect name for yourself. I can readily picture you chasing cars and sniffing asses.

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It is definitely seeming more like a BS trial today. The state got over well showing the address was visible. However, the defense is able to discuss the emphasis of the word "!@#$." Also, bringing up that a slim jim was found where Trayvon might have been when first seen is about 1/100000000" of a cloud.

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If this guy is a detective/police officer I don't get it. He does not know how to answer a question clearly. He is unable to give an answer. He is like asking Dog a question, the guy is blablabla. What he is not mumbling out of the bottom of his head he is not coming off good for the defense. But, he's not coming off good for anything.


The slim Jim means nothing

Means that the neighborhood was a crime area. That Zimmerman being concerned for criminal activity in the area was legit.
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You are an idiot, who gets schooled and humiliated every day, even at the kiddie table. You tried to join a conversation that was somewhat adult oriented and you failed miserably. You were even spoon fed sources that would help you form an adult opinion and you rejected those because they wouldn't coincide with your biased, preconceived notions. Your answer to my adult comment is that you'll never respond to me again? Should I care that the Shoutbox clown who talks to himself and gets into hissy fits and often threatens to turn people over to a mod because he's not up to the task of handling things himself, threatens to not ever respond to me again? You've not only chosen to comment on things you have no knowledge of, you've refused to educate yourself. You have actually preferred to remain ignorant so that knowledge didn't interfere with that ignorance. Dog, you've chosen a perfect name for yourself. I can readily picture you chasing cars and sniffing asses.



3rd grader do you realize how pathetic you sound?


Just because you fabricate me being schooled doesn't make it true, and If I was it sure wouldn't be by a dim wit like you , lol


If this guy is a detective/police officer I don't get it. He does not know how to answer a question clearly. He is unable to give an answer. He is like asking Dog a question, the guy is blablabla. What he is not mumbling out of the bottom of his head he is not coming off good for the defense. But, he's not coming off good for anything.


Means that the neighborhood was a crime area. That Zimmerman being concerned for criminal activity in the area was legit.



hey man, how about taking your so called high IQ(real funny) and use it,



hahahaha, what a joke

Edited by dog14787
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hey man, I've told you over and over my stance on the case which is shared by many, so take your so called high IQ(real funny) and use it,



hahahaha, what a joke

I'm not feeding a troll. I hesitate in calling you a troll, its hard to imagine you being smart enough to troll successfully. You're just stumbling in to this and coming off like a kook. So, when I stop communicating you in regards to this - much like the dozen or so other things I do not speak to you about - do not be surprised. You're not worth the collective time of this board and the content I have seen you add is far from substantial or relative.
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I'm not feeding a troll. I hesitate in calling you a troll, its hard to imagine you being smart enough to troll successfully. You're just stumbling in to this and coming off like a kook. So, when I stop communicating you in regards to this - much like the dozen or so other things I do not speak to you about - do not be surprised. You're not worth the collective time of this board and the content I have seen you add is far from substantial or relative.



you guys aren't offering anything to this thread with your insults, If you've got something intelligent to say about the case say it, If not, stop wasting everyones time with your BS.

Edited by dog14787
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3rd grader do you realize how pathetic you sound?


Just because you fabricate me being schooled doesn't make it true, and If I was it sure wouldn't be by a dim wit like you , lol





hey man, how about taking your so called high IQ(real funny) and use it,



hahahaha, what a joke


Are you telling me that you don't realize that you are being made fun of every day in the Shoutbox? I don't visit the Shoutbox much, so it isn't me schooling you. It's everyone else. It's like you walk around with schit stains on the back of you pants, with you being the only one that can't see it. You have this clown act that only you think is funny. People pat you on the head and you wag your tail, thinking they like you but they're really just being condescending.

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you guys aren't offering anything to this thread with your insults, If you've got something intelligent to say about the case say it, If not, stop wasting everyones time with your BS.


:lol: Jauronimo's assessment of you is basically spot on.


Congrats on being the conner.

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Holy crap. The Prosecution gets up there and makes a fuss that the detective said he was 6' and the med examiner said he was 5'11.


Then follows up with "is it a crime to wear a hoody?" That is going to get a sound bite on every news channel around because it backs the MSM directive - black little boy wearing a hoody is bad.


:lol: Jauronimo's assessment of you is basically spot on.


Congrats on being the conner.

I never wanted to get violent with conner.


Dog makes me want to put a shot collar on high with him in the hopes he'd stop whimpering.

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Are you telling me that you don't realize that you are being made fun of every day in the Shoutbox? I don't visit the Shoutbox much, so it isn't me schooling you. It's everyone else. It's like you walk around with schit stains on the back of you pants, with you being the only one that can't see it. You have this clown act that only you think is funny. People pat you on the head and you wag your tail, thinking they like you but they're really just being condescending.



lol, most shouters in the box are my friends, and If you listened to the dialogues at all you would know that the only person I get schooled by, is beerball



stop wasting everyones time with this, I've been able to have an intelligent debate about this case with some of the posters so how about keeping your insults to yourself so normal posters can post.

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‘Cracking’ the Case: A racial turnabout in the George Zimmerman trial.

“It’s not about racial profiling,” said lawyer Daryl Parks about the murder trial of George Zimmerman. “We never claimed this was about race.”


What makes these statements “head-scratching,” as New York’s Daily News describes them, is that Parks represents the family of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, whom Zimmerman fatally shot in February 2012. Zimmerman is pleading self-defense.


The media narrative was that Martin was a victim of racial profiling–that Zimmerman, who is white and Hispanic, wrongfully saw the unarmed Martin as a threat because Martin was black.


“The whole point of the Trayvon Martin case,” according to Slate’s Justin Peters, was supposed to be to serve as “
a referendum on how comfort and privilege deal with the unfamilia


By “comfort and privilege,” Peters means white people;................................. by “the unfamiliar,” he means blacks.


Martin’s killing even provoked an unusual appeal to racial solidarity from Barack Obama: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” the president said a few weeks after the shooting.


But last week the prosecutor’s star witness, Rachel Jeantel, turned the racial narrative on its head. She was on the phone with Martin in the moments before the deadly confrontation, and she testified that Martin described Zimmerman as a “creepy-ass cracker,” that last word being an antiwhite slur. So that it seems
racially profiled
That does not exclude the possibility that the profiling was mutual
, but it certainly complicates matters for the “referendum” crowd.


But that’s okay. The goal behind racializing the Zimmerman case — which, actually, involves no actual white people — was to incite racial outrage and gin up black turnout for the 2012 election. Mission accomplished!




But whatever George Zimmerman’s culpability in Martin’s shooting, he is not to blame for the social order of pre-civil-rights America. He has every right to mount a vigorous defense, and the judge and jury have a duty, as in any criminal trial, to give the defendant the benefit of any reasonable doubt.


The rightful term to describe a criminal trial that serves as a “referendum” is “show trial.”





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you guys aren't offering anything to this thread with your insults, If you've got something intelligent to say about the case say it, If not, stop wasting everyones time with your BS.

You ignore the facts and state your opinions as fact... The LEAD INVESTIGATOR said he believes Zimmerman is telling the truth. Why do you think he isn't? And why should we listen to your opinions over that of the lead investigator?


The other fact you keep ignoring (aside from the fact that Martin was mere steps from his home when he turned around to find Zimmerman - again, according to prosecution witnesses) is that when told there was video of the event, he said, "Thank god!" Does that sound like a guilty man?

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