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Trayvon Martin Case


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Of course you can post your silly ass opinion any time you choose to. You do it at your own peril though. Does an opinion based on ignorance carry the same weight as one based on familiarity with the facts?

Yes all are weighted equal. Where does your arrogance come from? Welcome to my ignore user list.

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Yes all are weighted equal. Where does your arrogance come from? Welcome to my ignore user list.


In what world are informed opinions only worth what uninformed opinions are worth?


You know, I eventually cut you some slack after you stated publicly that you wished someone would kill Mitt Romney back in 2012, but I guess I shouldn't have bothered. Once a douche, always a douche.

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Yes all are weighted equal.


No, they're not. Some are more knowledgeable than others.


Based on your previous history (I don't really know or care what you think about this case), 3rd's opinions carry more weight than yours. And 3rd's a incoherent idiot. But he at least makes an attempt at being informed.

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No, they're not. Some are more knowledgeable than others.


Based on your previous history (I don't really know or care what you think about this case), 3rd's opinions carry more weight than yours. And 3rd's a an incoherent idiot. But he at least makes an attempt at being informed.


Grammar fixed. :lol:

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If your not a cop then don't act like one......they get paid to deal with situations like this...


Someone stated in the 911 thread I called the cops and moments later they were here....... call the cops get out of the way you won't find yourself in this position


These a-holes always get away....better handle this myself....get back in your car nerd and finish that shopping trip to target that you had planned on.



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If your not a cop then don't act like one......they get paid to deal with situations like this...


Someone stated in the 911 thread I called the cops and moments later they were here....... call the cops get out of the way you won't find yourself in this position


These a-holes always get away....better handle this myself....get back in your car nerd and finish that shopping trip to target that you had planned on.



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If your not a cop then don't act like one......they get paid to deal with situations like this...


Someone stated in the 911 thread I called the cops and moments later they were here....... call the cops get out of the way you won't find yourself in this position


These a-holes always get away....better handle this myself....get back in your car nerd and finish that shopping trip to target that you had planned on.


Awwww......are you gonna cry if G-Zim doesn't get convicted?

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Awwww......are you gonna cry if G-Zim doesn't get convicted?


No, he'll just riot, which in his world likely means running through his house pulling off mattress tags before storming into a Piggly Wiggly and willfully opening a box of cereal before paying for it.

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GZ called the police not 911.


It is one and the same. I know. I was a 911 operator / police dispatcher in the same county that this occurred in about 13 years ago. The 911 call rings in on one line, non-emergency number rings a different one. Goes to the same place, talks to the same people. Police dispatchers / 911 operators are not "the police". They do not have the same authority as a police officer to tell you to do something and you legally have to obey it. They are civilian employees of the department with a very minute amount of authority.

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These a-holes always get away....better handle this myself....get back in your car nerd and finish that shopping trip to target that you had planned on.


I know I always get away. Usually, I call 911 so the cops can handle the aftermath of the attempted crime, not prevent it.

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nope KD there will be no tears............just a few laughs for those of you who KNOW the truth already perhaps.


if you read this thread it's unfathomable that some wannabee cop with some grey in his past possibly overreacted? who gains 100 pounds in a few months?


sketched out pill popper with a heavy concience perhaps? possibly? or maybe Trayvon was the scariest 17 year old known to man and GZ was one of many who caught random asswhoopings?


my take is call the police............GZ you are no Clint Eastwood sir..........Clint would have whooped that a$$.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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nope KD there will be no tears............just a few laughs for those of you who KNOW the truth already perhaps.


if you read this thread it's unfathomable that some wannabee cop with some grey in his past possibly overreacted?


Is this purposefully ironic?

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nope KD there will be no tears............just a few laughs for those of you who KNOW the truth already perhaps.


if you read this thread it's unfathomable that some wannabee cop with some grey in his past possibly overreacted? who gains 100 pounds in a few months?


sketched out pill popper with a heavy concience perhaps? possibly? or maybe Trayvon was the scariest 17 year old known to man and GZ was one of many who caught random asswhoopings?


my take is call the police............GZ you are no Clint Eastwood sir..........Clint would have whooped that a$$.


From the comments section of Andrew Blanca's blog on the "Legal Insurrection" site:



Mark Buehner | June 26, 2013 at 11:37 am


Lemme get this straight- the prosecution is trying to make the case that a short, overweight middle aged man summoned the police, hung up with 911, then proceeded to chase down a tall athletic 17 year old that had a lead on him, got on top of him and beat him up while leaving no marks on him, took out his gun and shot him in the chest in the middle of the neighborhood, got up, flipped the body over, bashed the back of his head into the pavement and smashed his nose, then calmly sat down and waited for the police that he had called? Thats it right?

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good point 3rd TRIAL OVER! :thumbdown:


"And then he said, 'That N-word is still following me now,'" said Jeantel. "I asked him how the man looked like. He just told me the man looked 'creepy.' 'Creepy, white' -- excuse my language -- 'cracker. Creepy [expletive] cracker."

Jeantel says she heard Martin talking to Zimmerman in the background of the call.

"He said, 'Why are you following me for?' And I heard a hard-breathing man say, 'What you doing around here?'" said Jeantel.

Jeantel also said she heard a bump, from Martin’s headset hitting something, and "wet grass sounds."

"I start hearing a little bit of Trayvon saying, ‘Get off, get off!'" said Jeantel.


oh Jeantel.....so many creepy white crackers to keep up with


So Trayvon's on the phone plotting to whoop said overweight random middleage guys ass with Jeantel all night?


GZ got a little overzealous...couldn't handle the fight he started.........then pulled out his piece.........is that 2nd degree murder? not so sure

he's no saint but he has some culpability here. tone of this thread is he's a hero, I don't feel this way. He's another shmo IMO.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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no irony....i don't know the truth.........my take is call the cops and get the f out of the way ESPECIALLY if you can't handle a tussle with a teenager.


Yeah...actually, most people here aren't claiming to know the truth, except for the one claiming Zimmerman was a wannabe-cop with a checkered past who overreacted when he got a little overzealous and couldn't handle the fight he started.


You're an idiot.

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good point 3rd TRIAL OVER! :thumbdown:


"And then he said, 'That N-word is still following me now,'" said Jeantel. "I asked him how the man looked like. He just told me the man looked 'creepy.' 'Creepy, white' -- excuse my language -- 'cracker. Creepy [expletive] cracker."

Jeantel says she heard Martin talking to Zimmerman in the background of the call.

"He said, 'Why are you following me for?' And I heard a hard-breathing man say, 'What you doing around here?'" said Jeantel.

Jeantel also said she heard a bump, from Martin’s headset hitting something, and "wet grass sounds."

"I start hearing a little bit of Trayvon saying, ‘Get off, get off!'" said Jeantel.


oh Jeantel.....so many creepy white crackers to keep up with


So Trayvon's on the phone plotting to whoop said overweight random middleage guys ass with Jeantel all night?


GZ got a little overzealous...couldn't handle the fight he started.........then pulled out his piece.........is that 2nd degree murder? not so sure

he's no saint but he has some culpability here. tone of this thread is he's a hero, I don't feel this way. He's another shmo IMO.



Yeah...actually, most people here aren't claiming to know the truth, except for the one claiming Zimmerman was a wannabe-cop with a checkered past who overreacted when he got a little overzealous and couldn't handle the fight he started.


You're an idiot.

a tear to my eye

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good point 3rd TRIAL OVER! :thumbdown:


"And then he said, 'That N-word is still following me now,'" said Jeantel. "I asked him how the man looked like. He just told me the man looked 'creepy.' 'Creepy, white' -- excuse my language -- 'cracker. Creepy [expletive] cracker."

Jeantel says she heard Martin talking to Zimmerman in the background of the call.

"He said, 'Why are you following me for?' And I heard a hard-breathing man say, 'What you doing around here?'" said Jeantel.

Jeantel also said she heard a bump, from Martin’s headset hitting something, and "wet grass sounds."

"I start hearing a little bit of Trayvon saying, ‘Get off, get off!'" said Jeantel.


oh Jeantel.....so many creepy white crackers to keep up with


So Trayvon's on the phone plotting to whoop said overweight random middleage guys ass with Jeantel all night?


GZ got a little overzealous...couldn't handle the fight he started.........then pulled out his piece.........is that 2nd degree murder? not so sure

he's no saint but he has some culpability here. tone of this thread is he's a hero, I don't feel this way. He's another shmo IMO.


Now that's a credible witness you have there. What are "wet grass sounds"? Your consistency is amazing. In another post you criticize GZ for gaining a 100#'s and then try to claim he was some overweight guy the night of the altercation.


I'm not calling him a hero, but I am saying he had a right to defend himself. If the prosecution doesn't have some big surprises in their bag then GZ has to be found not guilty. Again, I started out in this case not having an opinion re GZ's guilt. Like many other non race baiters my initial objection had to do with the figurative lynching GZ was being given by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Spike Lee, Obama, the MSM and The New Black Panthers among others. As evidence was rolled out it became apparent that unless the prosecution had alot more to their case then this whole case was not a prosecution but a persecution. It's appearing more and more like a political sham.


Now, if you really cared about justice being served I'd think you might want to see if you could align any of the facts with the schit you are throwing against the wall.

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