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Trayvon Martin Case


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He was not told to stay in his car. When GZ stated that he was following TM by foot the dispatcher said something along the lines of "you don't have to do that". Besides the injuries to GZ that back up his version of events, the fact that the altercation happened back near where GZ's car was parked is damning for the prosecution's case, further backing up GZ's story which makes it likely that TM would have to have followed him, thus making him the possible aggressor.


I believe we are on the 92nd page of this thread. Please people, if you haven't been following the case in any detail and are still commenting on the bs that was put out a year or so ago, do yourself a favor and refrain from saying anything more. Your silly ass misinformed comments have already been refuted here, many, many times. If I sound a little harsh it's because periodically someone from the Wall invariably ventures down here with no knowledge of the case and starts crying skittles, cherubic Trayvon along with cold blooded killer GZ and coon. When they see their opinions get shredded here they just disappear, never taking their medicine like a man.

I'll post my silly assed opinion any time I choose too. My opinion carries the same weight as yours and anybody else's opinion in this 94 page thread. So get off your soap box and move along and stop being the GZ of this thread. But you were correct, I did embellish the stay in your car thing, not sure where that came from. But I am looking forward to the summary of day 2 testimony.

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I'll post my silly assed opinion any time I choose too. My opinion carries the same weight as yours and anybody else's opinion in this 94 page thread. So get off your soap box and move along and stop being the GZ of this thread. But you were correct, I did embellish the stay in your car thing, not sure where that came from. But I am looking forward to the summary of day 2 testimony.


Of course you can post your silly ass opinion any time you choose to. You do it at your own peril though. Does an opinion based on ignorance carry the same weight as one based on familiarity with the facts?

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I did embellish the stay in your car thing, not sure where that came from.


It came from your inability to tune out the media fed bullsh-- about this case. Skittles, pictures of a 12 year old, 'stay in your car', blah, blah, blah.



The best part about that item is the same angry left wingers who will brag about ignoring the old lady asking to see your receipt at Wal-Mart are now outraged because G-Zim didn't take orders from some 911 flunky over the phone.

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The best part about that item is the same angry left wingers who will brag about ignoring the old lady asking to see your receipt at Wal-Mart are now outraged because G-Zim didn't take orders from some 911 flunky over the phone.


Who admittedly can't give orders because they might be held responsible.

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it wasn't 911.


In the opening day of testimony, both sides parsed a call Zimmerman made to a non-emergency police number to report what he said was a suspicious black teenager in his Sanford, Fla., neighborhood.


Sean Noffke, the dispatcher who answered Zimmerman’s call, is heard instructing Zimmerman to “let me know if this guy does anything else.”


During the call Zimmerman can be heard grumbling “F***ing punk” and telling the dispatcher “these a**holes always get away.”


At one point Zimmerman tells Noffke that Martin has started running.


“Why did you ask ‘Are you following him?’” prosecutor Richard Mantel basked Noffke.


“It sounded like movement and wind coming through the phone,” Noffke said.


Under cross examination, Noffke said Zimmerman did not sound hostile or angry despite the epithets he used. He conceded Zimmerman may have misinterpreted his instructions or felt compelled to follow Martin.


I want to be clear, did you hear any of that hostility in the conversation?” asked Zimmerman’s lead defense attorney Mark O’Mara.


“No sir,” Noffke responded.


The non-emergency call is the first key piece of evidence that was brought before the court. Prosecutors allege Zimmerman overstepped his role as neighborhood watch captain by profiling and following Martin despite being told not to by Noffke.




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Your link looks like an excellent place to follow this case. The comments section was very good and shows how well informed people are that visit that site. An example:


archer52 | June 24, 2013 at 11:50 pm


"Like I’ve said before, this is the first overt political arrest I’ve seen in Florida in my career. I’ve lived here all my life and was a police detective for nearly twenty years. My ex-partner and I read the PC statement and were shocked at the lack of evidence, and the evidence suppression.

The judges have acted with fear of retribution by the same race baiters that scared Scott. Once the independence of the courts are lost, all is lost. Shameful and frankly a little scary.

I’ve lost all faith in Scott, and Corey reminds me of that government power loving personality shared by Lois Lerner and Sebelius.

We’ve crossed the Rubicon on this case. An innocent man is on trial as a result of racial pressure.

We are seeing the reverse of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird."

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"Stop being the GZ of this thread". Haaaaaaa


I just hope they have a double lunch ready for ole Georgie.


"Stop being the GZ of this thread". Haaaaaaa


I just hope they have a double lunch ready for ole Georgie.


Crime scene technician time....lawyer is asking about the skittles.

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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"Stop being the GZ of this thread". Haaaaaaa


I just hope they have a double lunch ready for ole Georgie.


Crime scene technician time....lawyer is asking about the skittles.


I just knew you would show up to support your other ill informed brethren here in this thread. You must really like getting your ass kicked.

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Haaaa.... You better help this defender out.


He's not getting what he wants from the crime scene tech..


My ass can't be kicked by you....settle down there Clint Eastwood. This ain't Gran Torino.


Below is our conversation from 6-1-2013 which you may not have seen all of, since you specialize in drive-bys:


snapback.pngRyan L Billz, on 01 June 2013 - 07:47 PM, said:


Yep gz's account must be true.....because HE SAID SO


Not saying it ain't but you are totally sold my friend.


You have to acknowledge there's a chance zimm was an overzealous wannabee cop who went too far...(he might be a druggie for all you know)


I could do without the quote....and I'm no spike lee/Jesse Jackson/other black disciple like you mentioned.


Keep sticking up your nose at anyone who ain't in camp GZ. Your a noble follower of the cause


Fair and balanced baby ... My popcorn is ready!



My response:


Now you're just acting like a clown who is also hampered by a lack of reading comprehension. I was one of the posters here who cautioned patience in drawing any conclusions. I suggested we let things "play out" as far as the evidence goes before drawing any conclusions. The fact that the DA had initially chosen not to prosecute also made me wonder how strong a case this special prosecutor had. With that said, and with the facts that are now known to the public, it would appear that GZ's story is accurate. Now, I am not going to go over all the details of why it appears to me that GZ is innocent. You didn't take the time over the last year to follow and contribute much, if any to this discussion, so I certainly don't feel any oligation to do so. Go back and read the thread starting at page one (including all the linked stories) and just maybe you'll at least knowledge wise be able to discuss this with me. (in case you didn't get it, that was a kinder and gentler way of telling you to !@#$ off and to bring something to the table next time).

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Witness to the shooting takes the stand....nitty gritty time....I hope you don't cry if this goes the other way


Enough with your tisk-task and rules of conduct 3rd. I'm getting a lil deja vu here, spare us all


My drive by style suits me just fine. There's a reason this in in the courts by the way.


Bring that to your table. (Cue up the educated pro Zim rant)

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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Witness to the shooting takes the stand....nitty gritty time....I hope you don't cry if this goes the other way


Enough with your tisk-task and rules of conduct 3rd. I'm getting a lil deja vu here, spare us all


My drive by style suits me just fine. There's a reason this in in the courts by the way.


Bring that to your table. (Cue up the educated pro Zim rant)


Well, I took my time and read up quite a bit in order to form an opinion based on the facts we know. You, on the other hand, formed an opinion and now are hoping that the facts will back you up.


Yes, there is a reason this is in the judicial system, but it's the wrong reason.

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Witness to the shooting takes the stand....nitty gritty time....I hope you don't cry if this goes the other way


Enough with your tisk-task and rules of conduct 3rd. I'm getting a lil deja vu here, spare us all


My drive by style suits me just fine. There's a reason this in in the courts by the way.


Bring that to your table. (Cue up the educated pro Zim rant)

I am not Pro Zim. I am pro self defense.


Anyway. There was no witness to the incident. The witnesses were all too far out of site or other to be a credible witness. The best witness, IIRC, still was unable to answer some of the key bits. One witness claimed Martin was shot in the back from a distance. Another said Zimmerman jumped on Martin. I think one even said he saw Zimmerman buy him fish taco's and a bud light.


There is no way that Zimmerman gets found guilty and that is right. There is...no reason to believe it could happen.


Witness to the shooting takes the stand....nitty gritty time....I hope you don't cry if this goes the other way


Enough with your tisk-task and rules of conduct 3rd. I'm getting a lil deja vu here, spare us all


My drive by style suits me just fine. There's a reason this in in the courts by the way.


Bring that to your table. (Cue up the educated pro Zim rant)

And like he said. There is a reason it is in the courts. How many other kids getting killed does Obama call his son?
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I am not Pro Zim. I am pro self defense.


Anyway. There was no witness to the incident. The witnesses were all too far out of site or other to be a credible witness. The best witness, IIRC, still was unable to answer some of the key bits. One witness claimed Martin was shot in the back from a distance. Another said Zimmerman jumped on Martin. I think one even said he saw Zimmerman buy him fish taco's and a bud light.


There is no way that Zimmerman gets found guilty and that is right. There is...no reason to believe it could happen.


I agree that I don't think it will happen. But trials are trials and crazy things have happened than this...

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State: Zimmerman Is So Good, He Must Be Bad


Following on a disagreement between the parties yesterday, before the jury was seated the Court held a hearing on whether to admit into evidence a half-dozen or so calls made by Zimmerman to the police in the six months leading up to the shooting. In each of the calls Zimmerman was playing the diligent Neighborhood Watch role, calling the non-emergency number (as trained) to report a suspicious person in the neighborhood. There is not the slightest suggestion of misconduct, ill will, hatred, etc. in any of the recordings.


The defense objected to the admission of these recordings on the basis that they were either not relevant–having occurred so long prior to the event in questions–or were “prior acts” evidence of the defendant which is normally inadmissible.


The whole thing looked odd, however, because the rules of evidence prohibiting most prior acts is intended to keep out prior bad acts of a defendant, not prior good acts. Why would the State be looking to submit prior good acts?


The reason became clear in the State’s argument this morning for why they are demanding that the recordings be admitted. The recordings, they claim, will show that Zimmerman had a well-established pattern of properly following all the Neighborhood Watch Program guidelines on prior calls–but this time, with Trayvon Martin, he broke.


The State analogized to a situation in which a spouse is repeatedly cheated upon, and finally experiences the “straw that broke the camel’s back” (that’s the State’s phrase) and strikes out at their cheating partner.


Zimmerman, the State seeks to argue, was frustrated by the fact that so many of the suspicious persons observed and reported to the police by the Neighborhood Watch participants repeatedly managed to “get away.” Finally, he couldn’t take it an more, their theory runs, so he decided to “take the law into his own hands” with Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman, the State seeks to argue, wasn’t truly calm on those prior calls, he only appeared to be calm. Inside he was a seething cauldron of hate just looking for the innocent young black boy against which he could release his righteous anger.


The fact that the State would launch this line of argument in the first day of substantive testimony suggests powerfully that they have an almost total lack of direct evidence of second degree murder in this case. The theory they seek to advance with the prior, entirely innocuous, calls to police is entirely circumstantial–and it’s on that circumstantial evidence that they seek to convince a jury, beyond a reasonable doubt, both that George Zimmerman committed murder with a “depraved mind” and that his actions were not in lawful self defense.


At the time the Court recessed at the close of today Judge Nelson had not yet decided whether to admit the prior recordings or not. Either way, however, it hardly seems that a half-dozen recordings of Zimmerman calmly phoning the police precisely as he had been instructed by them can much advance their charges of second degree murder.



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