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Trayvon Martin Case


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So it all comes back to character assassination and a general propensity argument. The wounds are evidence of a struggle....but not the important parts of GZ's story. The location of the struggle is perhaps the only actual evidence that supports anything GZ claims...and even that can be argued either way given the holes in what happened.


So the wounds to the back of GZ's head are not consistent with him fearing for his life as his head was being slammed into the concrete? The broken nose is not consistent with TM attacking GZ? The witness that saw TM on top of GZ and heard screams of "help" means nothing? I hope for your sake you write wills or do real estate legal work.

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So the wounds to the back of GZ's head are not consistent with him fearing for his life as his head was being slammed into the concrete? The broken nose is not consistent with TM attacking GZ? The witness that saw TM on top of GZ and heard screams of "help" means nothing? I hope for your sake you write wills or do real estate legal work.

Sounds like he lost the fist fight, but that doesn't speak to who started the fist fight.

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Sounds like he lost the fist fight, but that doesn't speak to who started the fist fight.


I'd say the aggressor started the fist fight. Knowing that it occurred near GZ's vehicle and that GZ was returning to his vehicle, who do you think might be the most likely candidate to be the aggressor?

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So the wounds to the back of GZ's head are not consistent with him fearing for his life as his head was being slammed into the concrete? The broken nose is not consistent with TM attacking GZ? The witness that saw TM on top of GZ and heard screams of "help" means nothing? I hope for your sake you write wills or do real estate legal work.


The injuries are consistent with a fight. Of which clearly George took damage. All I'm saying is if you want to talk fact sand direct conclusions from them...there are few...and some are bad for George..and it isn't as if George has a ton of them that directly support anything positive for him. The location is clearly the best of what he has though. Much better than the injuries imo.


Now, don't confuse my little discussion of this as to say that he won't walk. He'll clearly walk. I'm just pointing out that most of everybody's outrage, IMO, is traceable to the media and not the situation. It is not outlandish at all that this went to a jury. However, he'll likely win unless they have some stuff we are not aware of...

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The injuries are consistent with a fight. Of which clearly George took damage. All I'm saying is if you want to talk fact sand direct conclusions from them...there are few...and some are bad for George..and it isn't as if George has a ton of them that directly support anything positive for him. The location is clearly the best of what he has though. Much better than the injuries imo.


Well, it certainly takes a lot of grit to say that. You have quite the talent for being abrasive.


Now, don't confuse my little discussion of this as to say that he won't walk. He'll clearly walk. I'm just pointing out that most of everybody's outrage, IMO, is traceable to the media and not the situation. It is not outlandish at all that this went to a jury. However, he'll likely win unless they have some stuff we are not aware of...


Even if he wins, he loses. If freed, he'll probably be killed within six months. He's safer in prison.

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The injuries are consistent with a fight. Of which clearly George took damage. All I'm saying is if you want to talk fact sand direct conclusions from them...there are few...and some are bad for George..and it isn't as if George has a ton of them that directly support anything positive for him. The location is clearly the best of what he has though. Much better than the injuries imo.


Now, don't confuse my little discussion of this as to say that he won't walk. He'll clearly walk. I'm just pointing out that most of everybody's outrage, IMO, is traceable to the media and not the situation. It is not outlandish at all that this went to a jury. However, he'll likely win unless they have some stuff we are not aware of...


I really don't see what facts are bad for GZ. Obviously we don't have a video and from what I hear just one person who saw TM & GZ at some point in time during the altercation. There doesn't appear to be any facts that would refute GZ's statement. There do appear to be facts that not only make the prosecutions case unwinnable, but seemingly contrived. BTW, the injuries are very important in this case. They don't prove anything definitively but the lack of them would make GZ's story much harder to believe. Yes, the wildcard here is what kind of stuff the prosecution might have. If there are no great surprises then this prosecution is nothing less than a sham.

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If you think he's better off in prison than out...you are just wrong.


That's not what he said. He said he'd be safer in prison, but most likely only if he's in solitary confinement. George Zimmerman's life is either going to be in prison in some sort of a protected state, outside of prison looking over his shoulders constantly or getting substantial plastic surgery and a new identity. How would you like to have those as your options?

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3rd how much $$$$ have you donated to GZ's defense fund......seems like your all in on GZ.


Msnbc..CNN etc have played all the videos of GZ recollecting the night with police detectives.


Could be true, could be made up to save him from jail. He seems a lil sketchy, I would also say I was attacked if a neighbor came out and called 911 moments after I shot someone....


He said she said is goin on hea.....gz and trayvon both have skeletons in their closets FTR

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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3rd how much $$$$ have you donated to GZ's defense fund......seems like your all in on GZ.


Msnbc..CNN etc have played all the videos of GZ recollecting the night with police detectives.


Could be true, could be made up to save him from jail. He seems a lil sketchy, I would also say I was attacked if a neighbor came out and called 911 moments after I shot someone....


He said she said is goin on hea.....gz and trayvon both have skeletons in their closets FTR


Your rare visits down here certainly give us some comic relief. Did you notice that there have been 89 pages of discussion here regarding this topic? Some of us have followed this case since the beginning and have come to a probable conclusion based on facts and common sense. Obviously, you are still in the Spike Lee, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama camp that sees nothing but a little black kid with skittles and ice tea. Have at it Ryan. While you're off convicting the Duke lacrosse team, I'll be looking at the facts.


My advice to you:


"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."


Abraham Lincoln

16th president of US (1809 - 1865)





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Yep gz's account must be true.....because HE SAID SO


Not saying it ain't but you are totally sold my friend.


You have to acknowledge there's a chance zimm was an overzealous wannabee cop who went too far...(he might be a druggie for all you know)


I could do without the quote....and I'm no spike lee/Jesse Jackson/other black disciple like you mentioned.


Keep sticking up your nose at anyone who ain't in camp GZ. Your a noble follower of the cause


Fair and balanced baby ... My popcorn is ready!

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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Yep gz's account must be true.....because HE SAID SO


Not saying it ain't but you are totally sold my friend.


You have to acknowledge there's a chance zimm was an overzealous wannabee cop who went too far...(he might be a druggie for all you know)


I could do without the quote....and I'm no spike lee/Jesse Jackson/other black disciple like you mentioned.


Keep sticking up your nose at anyone who ain't in camp GZ. Your a noble follower of the cause


Fair and balanced baby ... My popcorn is ready!


My big thing @ the start is that this in trial where it belongs... Not having Zimm walk away Scott Free w/the flawed stand your ground intreptation.


Unfortunately, one guy can't tell his story. I am not sure they can get second on this... And rightly so! There has been a lot of mistakes made by both men... I break for Zimmerman hearing all that is coming out.

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Yep gz's account must be true.....because HE SAID SO


Not saying it ain't but you are totally sold my friend.


You have to acknowledge there's a chance zimm was an overzealous wannabee cop who went too far...(he might be a druggie for all you know)


I could do without the quote....and I'm no spike lee/Jesse Jackson/other black disciple like you mentioned.


Keep sticking up your nose at anyone who ain't in camp GZ. Your a noble follower of the cause


Fair and balanced baby ... My popcorn is ready!


Now you're just acting like a clown who is also hampered by a lack of reading comprehension. I was one of the posters here who cautioned patience in drawing any conclusions. I suggested we let things "play out" as far as the evidence goes before drawing any conclusions. The fact that the DA had initially chosen not to prosecute also made me wonder how strong a case this special prosecutor had. With that said, and with the facts that are now known to the public, it would appear that GZ's story is accurate. Now, I am not going to go over all the details of why it appears to me that GZ is innocent. You didn't take the time over the last year to follow and contribute much, if any to this discussion, so I certainly don't feel any oligation to do so. Go back and read the thread starting at page one (including all the linked stories) and just maybe you'll at least knowledge wise be able to discuss this with me. (in case you didn't get it, that was a kinder and gentler way of telling you to !@#$ off and to bring something to the table next time).

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