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Trayvon Martin Case


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Says the guy who thought Cam Newton would be a bust. Good call on that one Polian.


I apologize. I thought that this could be a place where people could freely express different opinions. Apparently, i was wrong. If you have a different opinion, the big bad PPP internet thugs gang up on you. Since the majority of you were probably the bullies nerds & now its your chance to get tough for once behind a computer screen, I'll let you enjoy it. Sadly, the opinions of faceless message board doesn't me as much to me as it does to you.




You need to grow up, Sparky.


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Is that why you took the time to PM me asking you to repeat what I said here in person at the home opener :lol:


Yes it bounces right off you :lol:

Did he do that for real? If so, that would be incredibly hypocritical. Specially considering all the talk coming from him chastising " Internet tough guy" talk.



Edited by WorldTraveller
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You were and still are free to offer your dissenting and baseless opinions. It doesn't mean that others won't share their opinion of your opinion.


Nice writing. I think your students are really rubbing off on you.


He's a teacher? Ohhh, it all makes sense now.

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Did he do that for real? If so, that would be incredibly hypocritical. Specially considering all the talk coming from him chastising " Internet tough guy" talk.



Oh Booster 4324 would send me PM's all the time,wanting to fight. There have been some very odd people on here, but they always leave.

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Oh Booster 4324 would send me PM's all the time,wanting to fight. There have been some very odd people on here, but they always leave.

Booster is a better person than you and me, and if he were here right now, he'd be outraged about something. And that fact that you're not outraged, makes him even more outraged and even better than you, and me.

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Booster is a better person than you and me, and if he were here right now, he'd be outraged about something. And that fact that you're not outraged, makes him even more outraged and even better than you, and me.

Yeah but when we meet behind school after class he will beat my sorry butt. Guy seemed almost insane with anger.

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Yeah but when we meet behind school after class he will beat my sorry butt. Guy seemed almost insane with anger.

From what I've been able to discern from first hand accounts of TBD members, the typical poster here is on average 6'5", 275 lbs, earns $500k annually plus stock options, volunteers 20 hours per week for local charities and if I were to run into them in person I would be incapable of speech as I stand in sheer terror of their awesome violence.

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Where'd he go?


He certainly got insane with anger over pot with me. And, then said it's all in good fun or something.

He started his own business and is way too busy and morally superior to be seen slumming it with us Joe 18-packs here at PPP.

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From what I've been able to discern from first hand accounts of TBD members, the typical poster here is on average 6'5", 275 lbs, earns $500k annually plus stock options, volunteers 20 hours per week for local charities and if I were to run into them in person I would be incapable of speech as I stand in sheer terror of their awesome violence.

:lol: They also drive BMW's exclusively :lol:

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The answer may lie in police records, which show that 50 suspicious-person reports were called in to police in the past year at Twin Lakes. There were eight burglaries, nine thefts and one other shooting in the year prior to Trayvon's death.


In all, police had been called to the 260-unit complex 402 times from Jan. 1, 2011 to Feb. 26, 2012.




Justification for aggressive neighborhood watch tactics by Zimmerman right there.


This case is heading right to an aquittal.


Says the guy who thought Cam Newton would be a bust. Good call on that one Polian.


I apologize. I thought that this could be a place where people could freely express different opinions. Apparently, i was wrong. If you have a different opinion, the big bad PPP internet thugs gang up on you. Since the majority of you were probably the bullies nerds & now its your chance to get tough for once behind a computer screen, I'll let you enjoy it. Sadly, the opinions of faceless message board doesn't me as much to me as it does to you.


So take care &just keep up the good fight of namecalling the President. I hope we have more heroes like Zimmerman who profile & shoot unarmed teenagers. You guys are truly wonderful &I probably live very fulfilling lives. Take care and never argue with fools because from a distance people can't tell who is who.


Wow, you really told us.

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From what I've been able to discern from first hand accounts of TBD members, the typical poster here is on average 6'5", 275 lbs, earns $500k annually plus stock options, volunteers 20 hours per week for local charities and if I were to run into them in person I would be incapable of speech as I stand in sheer terror of their awesome violence.


Don't forget we are all Muay Thai warriors.

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I wouldnt be caught dead in those overpriced Panzer-wagons.

Over priced my ass. BMW's are very affordable, you don't have to be well off to afford one of their vehicles, plus their customer service is top of the line, no long waits to have your vehicle serviced, and they rarely break down.

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Over priced my ass. BMW's are very affordable, you don't have to be well off to afford one of their vehicles, plus their customer service is top of the line, no long waits to have your vehicle serviced, and they rarely break down.


And BMW built engines, not tanks.

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Over priced my ass. BMW's are very affordable, you don't have to be well off to afford one of their vehicles, plus their customer service is top of the line, no long waits to have your vehicle serviced, and they rarely break down.


Oh yeah....$250 for an oil change and $1,300 for a front brake job. Not overpriced.

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