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Trayvon Martin Case


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So they can't argue without throwing insults and you proceed to throw insults. :wallbash:


And I'm glad you like my nickname for you but you do realize it's because you have sticky dough for brains right.

"You bitter bastards can't even argue with throwing insults"


I don't even know where to begin

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I feel sorry for GZ. The poor guy was just trying to ask what TM was doing there. He was trying to give him directions coz he looked lost. GZ knew that 20% of his neighbors were black, and none had children. He also knew most tend to put hoods on in the rain. Clearly TM misunderstood his friendliness and started assaulting him coz he smoked weed days earlier and was suffering from withdrawal. This whole thing could not have been avoided. As TM's girlfriend said he was running away from GZ once he started approaching him.


For GZ's dad to interject his opinions into this story shows how much he loved his bastard son. As he told Hannity "Obama is race baiting".

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Haha. You bitter bastards can't even argue with throwing insults. Considering this is probably your weekend's highlight, keep them comIng.


The toughness behind the computer screen is really intimidating. Enjoy the weekend & your Internet gang to keep out all opposite opinions. You're winners on the Internet! Cowards.


That said, chef Jim's c. Bisquick name is super hilarious. Cheers.


That's because no one's arguing with you. The consensus seems to be you're not worth the effort.

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It seems for the emotionally charged lefty segment that made up its mind at "black kid with skittles shot by white..." and is incapable of any deeper analysis or change of position based on new facts, the lynchpin of the argument they desperately cling to is Zimmerman's failure to comply with the 911 operators order/suggestion. Let's analyze what was said. Zimmerman said he was going to follow Martin to see where he went. The dispatcher said:


"I don't need you to do that."


In what world is this an order? It's not even a request. You'd be hard pressed to even construe it as a suggestion. He simply said that he did not require that of Zimmerman. Let me lay this out for the simpletons:


Order/Command: "Do not do that"


Request: "I'd like you not to do that"


Suggestion: "I wouldn't do that"


Relief of obligation: "I don't need you to do that"


If this is the heart of your case, your case is a piece of ****. Not that it matters anyway, because you don't forclose your right to self-defense by disobeying an order unless, as the initial aggressor, you threaten death or severe bodily harm; there is no evidence that Zimmerman did any such thing.


The bogus "stand your ground" controversy is irrelevant here anyway b/c in jurisdictions that require a duty to retreat, you only have to retreat if you subjectively know you can do so at no risk to your safety.

Edited by Rob's House
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It seems for the emotionally charged lefty segment that made up its mind at "black kid with skittles shot by white..." and is incapable of any deeper analysis or change of position based on new facts, the lynchpin of the argument they desperately cling to is Zimmerman's failure to comply with the 911 operators order/suggestion. Let's analyze what was said. Zimmerman said he was going to follow Martin to see where he went. The dispatcher said:


"I don't need you to do that."


In what world is this an order? It's not even a request. You'd be hard pressed to even construe it as a suggestion. He simply said that he did not require that of Zimmerman. Let me lay this out for the simpletons:


Order/Command: "Do not do that"


Request: "I'd like you not to do that"


Suggestion: "I wouldn't do that"


Relief of obligation: "I don't need you to do that"


If this is the heart of your case, your case is a piece of ****. Not that it matters anyway, because you don't forclose your right to self-defense by disobeying an order unless, as the initial aggressor, you threaten death or severe bodily harm; there is no evidence that Zimmerman did any such thing.


The bogus "stand your ground" controversy is irrelevant here anyway b/c in jurisdictions that require a duty to retreat, you only have to retreat if you subjectively know you can do so at no risk to your safety.

This is all nonsense. As C biscuit will point out, if played backward you can hear "coon" in the 911 call. Case closed,guilty of all charges.

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You might want to check that again.

I can believe there are still break-ins happening. Who would want to be on neighborhood watch anymore?


And that's a gated community, right? Some gate.

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I can believe there are still break-ins happening. Who would want to be on neighborhood watch anymore?


And that's a gated community, right? Some gate.





The answer may lie in police records, which show that 50 suspicious-person reports were called in to police in the past year at Twin Lakes. There were eight burglaries, nine thefts and one other shooting in the year prior to Trayvon’s death.


In all, police had been called to the 260-unit complex 402 times from Jan. 1, 2011 to Feb. 26, 2012.



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BTW - your characterization of GZ as a "wannabe cop" is interesting. I don't know GZ any better than you do. But, having someone pay attention to suspicious goings on in my neighborhood would be welcomed by me. And, yes, walking around in the rain with a hoodie is suspicious. This is coming from a "real" cop in FL.



I'm not so sure I want them walking around with a gun though. Then again, I've had a lot of idiot neighbors over the years.

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If you think that's bad, you should see him attempt to discuss football on the main board.


Says the guy who thought Cam Newton would be a bust. Good call on that one Polian.


I apologize. I thought that this could be a place where people could freely express different opinions. Apparently, i was wrong. If you have a different opinion, the big bad PPP internet thugs gang up on you. Since the majority of you were probably the bullies nerds & now its your chance to get tough for once behind a computer screen, I'll let you enjoy it. Sadly, the opinions of faceless message board doesn't me as much to me as it does to you.


So take care &just keep up the good fight of namecalling the President. I hope we have more heroes like Zimmerman who profile & shoot unarmed teenagers. You guys are truly wonderful &I probably live very fulfilling lives. Take care and never argue with fools because from a distance people can't tell who is who.

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Says the guy who thought Cam Newton would be a bust. Good call on that one Polian.


I apologize. I thought that this could be a place where people could freely express different opinions. Apparently, i was wrong. If you have a different opinion, the big bad PPP internet thugs gang up on you. Since the majority of you were probably the bullies nerds & now its your chance to get tough for once behind a computer screen, I'll let you enjoy it. Sadly, the opinions of faceless message board doesn't me as much to me as it does to you.



Is that why you took the time to PM me asking you to repeat what I said here in person at the home opener :lol:


Yes it bounces right off you :lol:

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Says the guy who thought Cam Newton would be a bust. Good call on that one Polian.


I apologize. I thought that this could be a place where people could freely express different opinions. Apparently, i was wrong. If you have a different opinion, the big bad PPP internet thugs gang up on you. Since the majority of you were probably the bullies nerds & now its your chance to get tough for once behind a computer screen, I'll let you enjoy it. Sadly, the opinions of faceless message board doesn't me as much to me as it does to you.


So take care &just keep up the good fight of namecalling the President. I hope we have more heroes like Zimmerman who profile & shoot unarmed teenagers. You guys are truly wonderful &I probably live very fulfilling lives. Take care and never argue with fools because from a distance people can't tell who is who.


Your reasoning is very weak and not well informed.

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Says the guy who thought Cam Newton would be a bust. Good call on that one Polian.


I apologize. I thought that this could be a place where people could freely express different opinions. Apparently, i was wrong. If you have a different opinion, the big bad PPP internet thugs gang up on you. Since the majority of you were probably the bullies nerds & now its your chance to get tough for once behind a computer screen, I'll let you enjoy it. Sadly, the opinions of faceless message board doesn't me as much to me as it does to you.


So take care &just keep up the good fight of namecalling the President. I hope we have more heroes like Zimmerman who profile & shoot unarmed teenagers. You guys are truly wonderful &I probably live very fulfilling lives. Take care and never argue with fools because from a distance people can't tell who is who.

You were and still are free to offer your dissenting and baseless opinions. It doesn't mean that others won't share their opinion of your opinion.


Nice writing. I think your students are really rubbing off on you.

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