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Too many inconsistencies & errors in the reporting. Companies often set up international subs that "buy" the parent company's products to qualify for Ex-Im financing. What's not reported is what was the Canadian sub doing. If this deal allows the solar firm to earn a bigger margin by setting up a Canadian sub (because maybe Canadian laws are quirky) then it's a good thing.


This is getting a bit absurd. The big issue with crony capitalism should be focused on whether elected/public officials personally direct government contracts/investments to a favored party. If that happens, then roll out the gallows. But don;t paint everything with a broad brush.



How many Republicans own wind and solar power companies? I'm guessing just this side of none, since I'm guessing the business model of "screw money, be a good steward of the planet instead" doesn't appeal to them.


So until someone shows me that a significant minority of green energy companies are owned by Republicans (let's say 15%), and they're getting significantly less money proportionally (say 7% - we'll presume, for argument's sake, that the "warm and fuzzy feeling before profit" crowd needs the money more since they're totally clueless, hence they get more), I won't accept that it's crony capitalism.



More accurately, it's Enron capitalism - a company selling its own assets to itself, then claiming it as real revenue.


In September 2011, Ex-Im approved $455.7 million in loan guarantees to subsidize the sale of solar panels to two wind farms in Canada. That means if the wind farm ever defaults, the taxpayers pick up the tab, ensuring First Solar gets paid.


Selling solar panels to wind farms? That just feels like an indictment of both energy production models...



Selling solar panels to wind farms? That just feels like an indictment of both energy production models...

Sending a solar panel to Canada for any reason doesn't raise all sorts of red flags????????????????????????


That is like sending sporting equipment to old people. I have as much or more respect for them than anyone, but let's face it, they aren't going to be moving around a whole lot.

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