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All Peyton Manning, all the time!

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I know it's not over yet...But I've been saying for a while now that Manning would not go to any NFC East Teams, nor would he go to the Jets. And that I doubted he would want to be in the same Division as Brady...I also said a week ago that Tennessee was the darkhorse in the Manning Sweepstakes...We'll see soon enough... B-)

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Most likely means Flynn to Miiami, this sucks :(


Theyre picking between Rob Johnson and Drew Bledsoe, and we all know how both of those turned out.


Really not worried about Miami if this is how they are going to address QB.


Draft DEs to go along with Williams and Dareus, and plan on crushing whoever they line up under center early and often.

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Most likely means Flynn to Miiami, this sucks :(


That may cost them more than Manning, as they will be in a huge bidding war with Cleveland. I always figured Manning would give Miami a discount due to the nice weather, less scrutiny, fact he lives there, and the fact that the team would be fantastic with him, Marshall, and whoever he brings with him from indy.

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That may cost them more than Manning, as they will be in a huge bidding war with Cleveland. I always figured Manning would give Miami a discount due to the nice weather, less scrutiny, fact he lives there, and the fact that the team would be fantastic with him, Marshall, and whoever he brings with him from indy.

Flynn will be reunited with his former OC whose now the HC. Cleveland is mosy likely out, theyll likely build around McCoy which is what they said theyd do. In limited play time Flynn set a game record that even Manning can't touch. He got glowing praise from his teammates on a team that already has an elite starter. people damning him because of rob Johnson and kolb are simply being assinine.

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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Theyre picking between Rob Johnson and Drew Bledsoe, and we all know how both of those turned out.


Really not worried about Miami if this is how they are going to address QB.

Draft DEs to go along with Williams and Dareus, and plan on crushing whoever they line up under center early and often.


Well, if they stand pat on their QB roster, they still beat us twice this year.

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Reportedly, Manning will talk to Miami by phone. :lol:

The report that Manning was out of the running in Miami originally came from the pretty well-known Miami sportswriter, Dave Hyde.

SIX MINUTES later he retracted it because of all the tweets he received.


Meanwhile, as everyone obsesses over Manning in Miami, things are changing by the minute. Sun Sentinel columnist Dave Hyde wrote on Twitter on Monday afternoon that the “Dolphins are out of the running for Peyton Manning, a source said.” After six minutes of furious re-tweeting around the NFL Twitter world, Hyde tweeted again, “Strike that: They are NOT out of the running. Dolphins are in the running.”


I don't want Manning in Miami, and do not think he will eventually sign there. He is a unique guy in a truly unique situation. He doesn't need the most money. His priorities are likely to be different than almost anyone's. I'm betting on the favorite, Denver, because of Elway, the defense, the fans, the city, and the good O Line.

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Most likely means Flynn to Miiami, this sucks :(

Cause Flynn is such a proven stud? Yes I am sure the rest of the AFC just shat their respective pants, now that the MIGHTY FLYNN is coming. Fet the !@#$ out of here...the guy has been rubbing Rodgers shoulders for 4 years and carrying a clip board and all of the sudden hes the next coming??

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@buffalo, The guy was an unheralded late round pick and earned eveything he got. You think it's a bad thing he spent a few in a terrific program learning from one of the best in the business? That he's put up outstanding numbers and shown he's mobile, can make all the throws and he's a fiery competitor in his starts? That in interviews he says all the right things, showing humility and composure?

You damn him yet anoint 36 year old whose neck was so bad he had to sit for a year and whose numbers were steadily declining before that?

Edited by Joe_the_6_pack
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@buffalo, The guy was an unheralded late round pick and earned eveything he got. You think it's a bad thing he spent a few in a terrific program learning from one of the best in the business? That he's put up outstanding numbers and shown he's mobile, can make all the throws and he's a fiery competitor in his starts? That in interviews he says all the right things, showing humility and composure?

You damn him yet anoint 36 year old whose neck was so bad he had to sit for a year and whose numbers were steadily declining before that?

Try the reply button, it makes it much easier to figure out who you are talking to.


Anyway, I suppose that his numbers have steadily declined since they were 0 last season, but before that he threw for 3747 yds in 2005, 4397 in 2006, 4040 in 2007, 4002 in 2008, 4500 in 2009 & 4700 in 2010. During that time his completion % was between 65-68.8&, TDs were between 28-33. I hope that the Bills someday have a QB with such steadily declining numbers.

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I don't want Manning in Miami, and do not think he will eventually sign there. He is a unique guy in a truly unique situation. He doesn't need the most money. His priorities are likely to be different than almost anyone's. I'm betting on the favorite, Denver, because of Elway, the defense, the fans, the city, and the good O Line.

Would you take Tebow on the team if that happened?

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