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There are many variables as to why this team has turned a corner and it started with the hiring of Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey. They brought in a new attitude and a new culture into the Bills organization and I feel that most people have it wrong, Ralph is not cheap he just had the wrong people calling the shots in his front office and they made horrible personnel decisions. They spent money in the wrong places and didn't manage the talent and cap money to keep a nucleus of talent that could make a difference over the long haul. Ralph was getting older and he let more than the usual amount of control go to these people and when he brought in Buddy/Chan he chose a different type of front office an office that met with players and there families on a more personal level and brought a level of experience and resumes to back it up. It wasn't the sexiest of choices but you can't deny the upward trajectory and the better/smarter choices for this club and that's to be commended. I don't think it's appropriate to leave out Russ Brandon and the rest of pro player personnel they have done an outstanding job of turning this team around as well!


This team has notoriously let it's nucleus dissolve and this FO took whatever was left from Jauron's team and through small steps in free agency (up until today) and through the draft, a nucleus that we could grow from. It's my opinion and I don't think anyone in Bills country would disagree with me that attitude plays so much into the success of a team. It seemed for many years from the top down that this team had no identity and no attitude, it was lethargic and I count Stevie Johnson as being a major factor in bringing attitude to this team. Even know there was negative attention being garnered to him he backed it up with some of the best production we've seen from a wideout wearing a Bills uniform and I firmly Billieve he will mature as signs are already showing during interviews that I've seen conducted with him. Of coarse we'll see but I'm not worried. I also Billieve that Shawne Merriman, although his play has been limited (and by the way I don't think his career is over) I, like many others believe he has been a major factor in bringing in a legitimacy and attitude to this organization. If nothing else he should be considered an asset based on his ability to get players to look at this organization as a viable spot to play football. This team is growing ORGANICALLY!!!


I remember watching the Bill's under Buddy's and Chan's 1st season when we went 4-12 and although the record didn't show it, I hadn't felt better about our direction going as far back as when Wade was coaching the team. There was an attitude change! My friend James plays middle linebacker for the Ram's and he plays the 49ers twice a year and he told me when they were going over film this year they really couldn't identify with what they were doing different other than injecting a new, powerful attitude in Jim Harbaugh. Attitude isn't everything obviously, of course you need talent and coaching, but it certainly starts with attitude.


I firmly Billieve that if this team stays healthy we absolutely have a shot at wreaking havoc on the NFL. Can't wait to see what we do in the draft. Today is a Great Day to be a Bills fan. GO BILLS!!!




Ralph Wilson is trying to make money by selling stadium seating tickets and Mario Williams jerseys to gullible, desperate Buffalo Bills fans.



Aldon Smith


Jared Allen



Missed 12 games last year.


Injured pectoral muscles have a long recovery period and the PM is important in everything from breathing to defensive moves.


WAY too much money for one player.


The only good thing that could come out of this would be: additional big name signings.


P.S. How much of the salary cap does Fitzpatrick and Williams take up?






Ralph Wilson is trying to make money by selling stadium seating tickets and Mario Williams jerseys to gullible, desperate Buffalo Bills fans.



Aldon Smith


Jared Allen



Missed 12 games last year.


Injured pectoral muscles have a long recovery period and the PM is important in everything from breathing to defensive moves.


WAY too much money for one player.


The only good thing that could come out of this would be: additional big name signings.


P.S. How much of the salary cap does Fitzpatrick and Williams take up?







Ralph Wilson is trying to make money by selling stadium seating tickets and Mario Williams jerseys to gullible, desperate Buffalo Bills fans.



Aldon Smith


Jared Allen



Missed 12 games last year.


Injured pectoral muscles have a long recovery period and the PM is important in everything from breathing to defensive moves.


WAY too much money for one player.


The only good thing that could come out of this would be: additional big name signings.


P.S. How much of the salary cap does Fitzpatrick and Williams take up?




way to take all the air out the room...




Ralph Wilson is trying to make money by selling stadium seating tickets and Mario Williams jerseys to gullible, desperate Buffalo Bills fans.



Aldon Smith


Jared Allen



Missed 12 games last year.


Injured pectoral muscles have a long recovery period and the PM is important in everything from breathing to defensive moves.


WAY too much money for one player.


The only good thing that could come out of this would be: additional big name signings.


P.S. How much of the salary cap does Fitzpatrick and Williams take up?



Congratulations. First negative post after 5,000 positive ones.


Put your hopes here:


The only good thing that could come out of this would be: additional big name signings.


And when I ask about the Fitz + Williams salary cap it's because I honestly don't (want to) know.


the PM is important in everything from breathing to defensive moves.


uhhhh.....if you're using your pectoral muscles to breathe...you're likely in need of serious medical attention and a ventilator....soon. :blink:


There are many variables as to why this team has turned a corner and it started with the hiring of Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey. They brought in a new attitude and a new culture into the Bills organization and I feel that most people have it wrong, Ralph is not cheap he just had the wrong people calling the shots in his front office and they made horrible personnel decisions. They spent money in the wrong places and didn't manage the talent and cap money to keep a nucleus of talent that could make a difference over the long haul. Ralph was getting older and he let more than the usual amount of control go to these people and when he brought in Buddy/Chan he chose a different type of front office an office that met with players and there families on a more personal level and brought a level of experience and resumes to back it up. It wasn't the sexiest of choices but you can't deny the upward trajectory and the better/smarter choices for this club and that's to be commended. I don't think it's appropriate to leave out Russ Brandon and the rest of pro player personnel they have done an outstanding job of turning this team around as well!


This team has notoriously let it's nucleus dissolve and this FO took whatever was left from Jauron's team and through small steps in free agency (up until today) and through the draft, a nucleus that we could grow from. It's my opinion and I don't think anyone in Bills country would disagree with me that attitude plays so much into the success of a team. It seemed for many years from the top down that this team had no identity and no attitude, it was lethargic and I count Stevie Johnson as being a major factor in bringing attitude to this team. Even know there was negative attention being garnered to him he backed it up with some of the best production we've seen from a wideout wearing a Bills uniform and I firmly Billieve he will mature as signs are already showing during interviews that I've seen conducted with him. Of coarse we'll see but I'm not worried. I also Billieve that Shawne Merriman, although his play has been limited (and by the way I don't think his career is over) I, like many others believe he has been a major factor in bringing in a legitimacy and attitude to this organization. If nothing else he should be considered an asset based on his ability to get players to look at this organization as a viable spot to play football. This team is growing ORGANICALLY!!!


I remember watching the Bill's under Buddy's and Chan's 1st season when we went 4-12 and although the record didn't show it, I hadn't felt better about our direction going as far back as when Wade was coaching the team. There was an attitude change! My friend James plays middle linebacker for the Ram's and he plays the 49ers twice a year and he told me when they were going over film this year they really couldn't identify with what they were doing different other than injecting a new, powerful attitude in Jim Harbaugh. Attitude isn't everything obviously, of course you need talent and coaching, but it certainly starts with attitude.


I firmly Billieve that if this team stays healthy we absolutely have a shot at wreaking havoc on the NFL. Can't wait to see what we do in the draft. Today is a Great Day to be a Bills fan. GO BILLS!!!



Great Post :) To anyone that's negative about this or says it's too much money, get over it! They are putting their Cap space to good use and trying to put this team on top... if you're not excited about what happened today, then you're not a true Bills fan...


Great Post :) To anyone that's negative about this or says it's too much money, get over it! They are putting their Cap space to good use and trying to put this team on top... if you're not excited about what happened today, then you're not a true Bills fan... a total moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Great Post :) To anyone that's negative about this or says it's too much money, get over it! They are putting their Cap space to good use and trying to put this team on top... if you're not excited about what happened today, then you're not a true Bills fan...

...and keep in mind that teams must use 89% of their cap space starting 2013, we had to spend to get there, it might as well be a proven player at a position we needed.




Ralph Wilson is trying to make money by selling stadium seating tickets and Mario Williams jerseys to gullible, desperate Buffalo Bills fans.



Aldon Smith


Jared Allen



Missed 12 games last year.


Injured pectoral muscles have a long recovery period and the PM is important in everything from breathing to defensive moves.


WAY too much money for one player.


The only good thing that could come out of this would be: additional big name signings.


P.S. How much of the salary cap does Fitzpatrick and Williams take up?





Wow, u must be fun at parties! And pectoral muscles do take a long tome to heal, thats why he was out for most of the season, and is probably not back to 100% yet, but the point is, when they do heal, they can be just as strong, not like a joint or tendon which has inherent instability. Also, like billsmd said, using ur pecs to breathe is a well recognized sign that ur not gonna be breathing for long.






Made up of the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, the pectorals are the thick muscles located on the front portion of the chest. They're responsible for lifting and rotating the arms, meaning they play a significant role in most all physical activities. Pectoral pain can hinder movement and even make breathing uncomfortable.





Pectoral pain from simple pulls and strains can be treated with ice, rest, stretching and massage. Wearing a sling to immobilize the arm on the injured side can help alleviate discomfort and assist the healing process, which could take several weeks to completely recover. Full pectoral tears may require surgery to reattach the muscle. Surgery will also require a long, sometimes painful rehabilitation process that could take anywhere from four months to a year before normal range of motion returns.


Q. If Williams' injury was simple it would have taken several (not twelve) weeks to heal. Did Williams have surgery? Somewhere along the four months to a year before normal range of motion returns?






Made up of the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor, the pectorals are the thick muscles located on the front portion of the chest. They're responsible for lifting and rotating the arms, meaning they play a significant role in most all physical activities. Pectoral pain can hinder movement and even make breathing uncomfortable.





Pectoral pain from simple pulls and strains can be treated with ice, rest, stretching and massage. Wearing a sling to immobilize the arm on the injured side can help alleviate discomfort and assist the healing process, which could take several weeks to completely recover. Full pectoral tears may require surgery to reattach the muscle. Surgery will also require a long, sometimes painful rehabilitation process that could take anywhere from four months to a year before normal range of motion returns.


Q. If Williams' injury was simple it would have taken several (not twelve) weeks to heal. Did Williams have surgery? Somewhere along the four months to a year before normal range of motion returns?


You breathe using the diaphragm muscle. Sure, a torn pec can make breathing uncomfortable, but not always and is certainly not "important" to breathing.


I can tell you from experience, having a fully separated shoulder can make breathing uncomfortable - especially when you sneeze or cough - but is the shoulder really "important" to breathing? Not hardly. And neither is the pec.


I'd also argue that there is more good to come from this than just big name FA signings. Check this out: http://nfl.si.com/2012/03/15/break-it-down-how-mario-williams-can-help-the-bills/?sct=nfl_t11_a0 (props to MaineMoxie for finding)




Ralph Wilson is trying to make money by selling stadium seating tickets and Mario Williams jerseys to gullible, desperate Buffalo Bills fans.



Aldon Smith


Jared Allen



Missed 12 games last year.


Injured pectoral muscles have a long recovery period and the PM is important in everything from breathing to defensive moves.


WAY too much money for one player.


The only good thing that could come out of this would be: additional big name signings.


P.S. How much of the salary cap does Fitzpatrick and Williams take up?




I had a grade 2 pectoral tear from lifting weights about 10 years ago. It takes a while to heal, but not an inordinate amount of time. I did not have access to the doctors and trainers he has, so I am sure he is getting much better treatment for it than I was. I am pretty sure the medical team gave clearance before they gave him all that money. You are trying way too hard to make a big deal out of not much of a big deal. You seem like a person who just enjoys finding things to complain about and no matter what the Bills would do short of winning a Super Bowl every year, you would find something to complain about....sorry, you are in a complaining party of oh...probably 1 tonight...




Ralph Wilson is trying to make money by selling stadium seating tickets and Mario Williams jerseys to gullible, desperate Buffalo Bills fans.



Aldon Smith


Jared Allen



Missed 12 games last year.


Injured pectoral muscles have a long recovery period and the PM is important in everything from breathing to defensive moves.


WAY too much money for one player.


The only good thing that could come out of this would be: additional big name signings.


P.S. How much of the salary cap does Fitzpatrick and Williams take up?




And we all know the best way to make up $100M is to reduces prices on what are already the cheapest tickets in the NFL. Always a motive with Ralph.




I may be a sap but I'm basically 50 yrs old and have now lived away from the 716 for over half my life. Today feels like the Christmas days I remember as a kid in Cheektowaga! (Come on, there's gotta be some of you out there old enough to remember decorating the tree and watching Juice get 2,000 vs the Jets!) The older I get, it seems the stronger this irrational love of the Bills & Sabres becomes. I know this is a team game and one man does not make the franchise,etc. But I am pumped about the signing, what it means to the defense, the team and the community. Sorry, just had to get that outta my system. Coincidentally, some friends of ours invited us over for homemade beef on wecks this wknd...& I know mine will taste especially good! Thanks to all you posters for keeping me informed and in sticthes. (there was a recent line about some linebacker being stiffer than Mitt Romney @ a Jayzee concert...still laughing about that one!)


Put your hopes here:




And when I ask about the Fitz + Williams salary cap it's because I honestly don't (want to) know.


Here's a better idea.... Go f"@k yourself! You and anyone else that wants to play Debbie Downer today can kiss my and thousands of other Bills fans asses. Not saying you have to always "drink the koolaid" but "fans" like you that have the "you're sucking it wrong" attitude should pick a new team to root for.

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