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Mods, feel free to add to the mario post, but I will post Fred's comments in a moment, this is not all about Mario.


chan gailey on Sirius:


He was told great job on the plan

"a guy like him you can located but getting him here is the big job."


talk about recruiting process...

"you know this is amazing, the perception of buffalo from people that have never been here, the reputation, a lot of that stems from the weather, some from four super bowls in a row vs getting htier..."

"when you get here and talk to people who live here, and talk to our players they do the selling. merriman begged not to come here, two weeks later he's helping recruit. all that helps most of these players are honest with each other.".


how did it work in front office, how did it work, take us back to the inside job

"you know our pro dept, tommy gibbons, our pro personel a t the end of the year they grade everyone, and ya'll ebeen in the business, they take every uFa and put them on another board by position, each time the team signs a player you move him" "we did not who would be retained, we " we took a position of need" "to be honest from season being over, it was mario williams and we never waivered from that. we knew he was the guy, if he was free, not retained, we wwre going to go get him, he would be the guy to get us over the hump.


talk about hte medical process. torn chest


you know our trainers are close to ohter guys on other teams, we get feed back from them, we had him set up with our doctors to check him out, when you're talking about a contract of that amounst yoyou can't be too sure, he's compleetely healthy, it's a weeellll completely healed. its a good thing it's not been knews or hips or back. the things he's had get completely well, and we felt really good about htat



how is he going to help on the field?


the fan base is excited? the numbers he put up, ehlp run defense?



you know when he came here one of the things he was interested in, he probably done his work, he looked at the inside people, you know those guys want to get sacks, they'll do all those things, play the run, they want to get tothat cquarterback, we're sitting there with MD and KW and one potential probowler and one that was, and we got like 7 defensive takcles, and that was important to him that the qb can't get to them, he's tall something big, get to qb, wade got him in houston and wasted him not rushing the passer, the other team got excited when you do that, he can do it, but we ant him rushing the passer, he can run backs down from behind, strong enoguh to set the edge


he's in town for 48 hours and i know you interviewed him back at his time at NCSU, and now you have him 48 what do you like about him...now you're alone with the guy, what more moementum came?



he's a class act, a smart guy, the answers he gave, the ansers he gave to chan, with me one on one, he was very honest and upfront, i'm not a vocal leader, i'm not going to be a guy to stand up in the locker room and give speaches or do dances, i lead by example., i came here to be a piece of a puzzle to get over the hump to win. i don't want it placed on me that i ma the guy to cary the team. it's a team sport, i want to elevate the guys around here. by the time he got done telling me that i knew he was our guy.


sirius what a great hookup, the dael wyou put with steve johnson.

talk about geting him done


you know it just takes a lot of pressure off you iif you can fkeep your own good players, in blo you gotta keep your ownp layers, draft them develop them and keep them, we got players been here in last 8 or 10 years that we play every sunday and it'sdepressing to know you had a guy and now they help someone else win. we're going to keep our good players, we'll do everything we can top keep them, steve is a loyal guy and we had never got it done had he not felt he was happy where he was



sirius: how'd you get mario in first? how'd you keep him?


i'll tell you the truth, we took a chance, we flew and sitting in raleigh nc when 4:0-1 or 4-2 hit and icalled him on the cell and said i want you , i want you to visit us first, we got him out there and got him out the plane and actually the reason he stayed, the rule is 48 hjours, we got him 6pm tuesday, he's our now he can stay as long has he wants, after one day, i think he did like a lot of people to see what he had, and he was open minded and he had to be conviced because all the things you hwera bout buffalo, they're unfounded, after one day he said i want to bring my fianccee she's in houston, and i lit up.


Sirius: thats a sign things are going good...!


BN: "we brought her in here, showed her houses, in one night they found a house, put an offer in this AM , and things are going fast, and i"


BN:"we could have had 6 feet of snow, mother nautre cooperated."


Sirius: "you got a sunny day, and 60 degrees, he doesn't think he's in blo"





to the guest line, a fantastic running back blablabla, we're an awesome team, f yeah!



Sirius: whats up fred? reaction to MW?


FJ: it's awesome, just the addition makes us better, i can't think of one person in WNY that represents the bills that is not happy, we're excited to work with him


s: perception not reality? selling points to decide to stay and lock down in blo? buddy nix said he got a house?


FJ: i think just how, you know he's loooking for family background and our coaching staff, wanting him to spend time with our family, and at our facility he's going to be around a great bunch of guys, he's going to be around a great bunch of guys that share beliefs and are comepteive, and we started good and he saw that.


Sirisu: lets get to you


FJ : i am good, excited to get back in to it, missed last 6 games, i'm excited right now llooking forward to get back to work, long way to go so pace myself, but i'm ready to go


you've earned every dime, most underrated RB in nfl: talk about your mind set


that makes at least two of us, but i had a good convo with nix afer seaston and they said they have to do some things liek get mario here and get guys like chandler and stevei back, we'll have a chance to sit down and talk, we have more free agency to get to and we'll sit down and talk and see what happen, i want want to finish my career here. <---- THIS!!!!


you're well carried, do you think it's fair, (basically was question)


it's aways something you can second guess but it's how my momma raised me, you get what you deserve, you don't have to go out of your comfort zone to get things donw nad i hope i get rewarded for it



missing on meachem, who to go with, a couple areas we need: positions



you know i think its something that theey're focused on getting ag uy in with WR but we like the guys but it doens't heurt to get a new guy in to spice things up, and i'm sitting here trying to direct that, doing a great job on olk guys switching positions, ewood back, healthy, hairston did great, they need to look and see whats available, but uh we're content on offense, made abig splash on defense and now we need to continue to make upgrades



sirius: mario made it clear he's not loud and vocal, those kinds of guys set up well, from other teams, its not their team, you have team leaders and that'll be good for him to blend in



without a doubt but at the same time he has done al ot he's been in the league, pro bowler when he speaks guys will listen, we don't have a real ra ra type of uy in our locker room and he'll come and fit right in, we'll welcome him, we're all excited, we expect him to be a player maker like in houston



sirius: another D player, made his presene known, talk about excitment for kelvin sheph


another hard worker, guy who came in and took advantage of hwat he got, humble guy wiling to work, he came in and when we had workout he was one of first players, we expect great things from him, ewe got some great things last year, he's as excited as anyone to get on tat field and develop this year.

Edited by jboyst62

The most interesting thing in there is that "we got like 7 defensive tackles." To me this is a signal that we won't be looking at DT in RD1-2. I think we're not going to bring in a Brockers or a Brandon Thompson. But we might look at RD6-7-UDFA guys. I like Travian Robertson and Dareus's sidekick at Alabama, Chapman.

Posted (edited)

The most interesting thing in there is that "we got like 7 defensive tackles." To me this is a signal that we won't be looking at DT in RD1-2. I think we're not going to bring in a Brockers or a Brandon Thompson. But we might look at RD6-7-UDFA guys. I like Travian Robertson and Dareus's sidekick at Alabama, Chapman.

exactly, i type so fast i do not even digest what is being said often and i usually don't post opinions in the same post as posting the interview, but that was huge. 7 defensive tackles?! i almost stopped in my tracks, that's a ton (literally = 2192 lbs).


it also sounded a lot like MW was very in to our scheming and we saw him with DW. I am curious as to what role he may have in front office interactions, etc. seems like he might have wanted the bills to do a few things? maybe a stretch but who knows?


also, based on that combined with Fred's comments, maybe move DT down and WR up to P2? Whats that going to do to the dradft?

Edited by jboyst62

"talk about recruiting process...

"you know this is amazing, the perception of buffalo from people that have never been here, the reputation, a lot of that stems from the weather, some from four super bowls in a row vs getting htier..."

"when you get here and talk to people who live here, and talk to our players they do the selling. merriman begged not to come here, two weeks later he's helping recruit. all that helps most of these players are honest with each other.".


A-fuggin-MEN, Chan!!!!


Honesty? it's a very good character trait. One of the things folks have mentioned here is that we feel Buddy and Chan are straight shooting sons o guns. Can't build a better foundation than that i will bet.

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