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Hey... Blago just hit the fed pokey, he probably wants Barry to lose... He will get pardoned faster.

Why would Blago want Barry to lose?


After Barry gets re-elected and Hillary goes to the World Bank, Barry will bounce Uncle Joe to Secretary of State and pickup Blago as his Veep. Setting up a Blago run in 2016




Y'know, when you're entire re-election campaign is built on blaming people for your lot in life while never speaking about your own accomplishments, these things are bound to happen.


Granted, they happen to him all the time, but yes, they're going to happen.


Got a chuckled out of one of the comments: "You know, it’s one thing for this guy to slam President Reagan, Israel, the Pope, Pat Tillman, the people of Sierra Leone, and the victims of 9/11, but President Hayes? Now he’s gone too far."


Hayes Lied, People Died! Or something...


Just to be clear, President Obama...Hayes oversaw the end of the Reconstruction era as one of the Party of Lincoln that emancipated the slaves, and personally supported and fought for equal rights...and you're criticizing him as not being forward thinking because of the invention of the telephone???


Mr. President, are you completely !@#$ing retarded? :doh:


Hayes Lied, People Died! Or something...


Just to be clear, President Obama...Hayes oversaw the end of the Reconstruction era as one of the Party of Lincoln that emancipated the slaves, and personally supported and fought for equal rights...and you're criticizing him as not being forward thinking because of the invention of the telephone???


Mr. President, are you completely !@#$ing retarded? :doh:



I assume that the question is rhetorical, Tom.





I assume that the question is rhetorical, Tom.





I wish it were...but generally, when someone manages to get a law degree from Harvard, I assume they're at least not a total mongoloid.


But when someone professes to claim Abraham Lincoln a hero, then have absolutely no !@#$ing idea what that means in a contemporary sense, I have to revisit that assumption.


Perhaps Mr. Obama should stop using incorrect quotes and ponder the wisdom of an actual statement by Mr. Hayes


He serves his party best who serves the country best.” - President Rutherford B. Hayes




Hey... Blago just hit the fed pokey, he probably wants Barry to lose... He will get pardoned faster.



Why? Bill Clinton can't run again.

But obviously Rutherford B. Hayes isn’t as “forward-looking”


as a 21st-century president who believes in Jimmy Carter malaise............... 1970s Eurostatist industrial policy............... 1940s British health-care reforms............... 1930s New Deal–sized entitlements premised on mid-20th-century birth rates and life expectancy, and all paid for by a budget with more zeroes than anybody’s seen since the Weimar Republic. If that’s not a shoo-in for Mount Rushmore, I don’t know what is.


I was interested in the rest of Obama’s yukfest of history’s biggest idiots. Considering that he is (in the words of historian Michael Beschloss) “the smartest guy ever to become president,” the entire passage sounded as if it was plucked straight from one of those “Top Twenty Useful Quotes for Forward-Looking Inspirational Speakers” websites. And whaddayaknow? Rutherford B. Hayes, the TV flash in the pan, the horse is here to stay — they’re all at the Wikiquote page on “Incorrect Predictions.” Fancy that!



History will laugh at us for ever taking him seriously.





Obama's History Lesson


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