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Sylvester Stallone


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Like many of you, I'm a huge movie fan. It pretty much all started with Star Wars when I was five years old, and it's continued over the last 34 years. There aren't many times when I can point my finger to something and label it "my favorite", because usually they are so many contenders in just about any category I could discuss. But if I had to choose only one actor who impacted my life through film more than any other, and one who has literally been an icon to me since the beginning, it would have to be Sly Stallone.


I still remember the year was 1982, and my best friend and I were celebrating our birthdays around the same time (May/June). His parents were going to take us to a movie and drop us off, but we just had to choose the film. IIRC, I was pretty set on seeing E.T., and I figured my friend would be, as well. He wasn't. He was dead set on seeing Rocky III. I was really taken aback by this, as I had absolutely no interest in boxing, hadn't seen the first two Rocky movies, and quite frankly was pretty damn determined to see E.T. I don't really recall what my reasons were for giving in, and I wasn't happy about it, but off to Rocky III we went. Over the next two hours, I was transformed. The movie completely changed me, and I remember it was then that I started to think about athletic fitness, competition, sports, etc. I'm currently in pretty lousy shape, but I was an athlete all through my childhood and into college. I can give a lot of credit to this film for helping me to find that road.


Stallone's films were one of the few instances where I went for the actor more than the movie itself. It didn't matter what the reviews were, I just knew I loved this guy's films and would geek out to them no matter what. Even something like Over the Top...I know people (most people, probably) who consider this one of the worst films of all time. I can still remember the day I saw it at the theater with my brother...I loved it. Hell, how bout the ultimate Stallone on-screen embarrassment...fuggin Rhinestone! Everyone I know hated it. Nope, not THIS Focker. I laughed my arse off and wanted to become a singer! (I can't sing.) Loved his part in Victory with Pele, loved all the Rambo films, was there for the midnight screening of Judge Dredd on opening night, etc, etc.


Anyway, I could go on and on...but the whole point of this post was to share an interview with you that was conducted recently with the man himself. Just in case there are any other Stallone fans out there who want to read it. Enjoy! :)


Interview with Sly

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Lincoln Hawk!


I loved the most recent Rambo movie. It was fun to see him open up with that .50 cal and just start waxing MFers.


lol, I loved it, too...I still remember the first time I saw the preview for that film where he was on the back of that jeep and just blew that one guys head off at close range...gory as hell, but I was lmao at the same time


(NSFW!!!) Edited by ajzepp
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I worked at a restaurant in Sunset in the 80's called Nicky Blair's. I left there but used to pop in to the bar every now and then. I was standing there talking to Nicky one night and right in the middle of a sentence he looked over my shoulder and said "SLY!! How are you!!" I turned around and there stood Stallone. Now everyone always said how short he was and I almost laughed out loud when I saw him. He is not taller than me and might even have been shorter. And I'm 5'9" on a good day. :lol:

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I worked at a restaurant in Sunset in the 80's called Nicky Blair's. I left there but used to pop in to the bar every now and then. I was standing there talking to Nicky one night and right in the middle of a sentence he looked over my shoulder and said "SLY!! How are you!!" I turned around and there stood Stallone. Now everyone always said how short he was and I almost laughed out loud when I saw him. He is not taller than me and might even have been shorter. And I'm 5'9" on a good day. :lol:


lol, I've always wondered about that...I don't know if he uses shoe inserts sometimes or what, but sometimes he seems to be around 6', yet other times he looks really short compared to who he's standing next to. I remember seeing a clip of him, Arnie, and Willis on one of those Planet Hollywood segments, and he was like a dwarf next to Arnie.

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lol, I've always wondered about that...I don't know if he uses shoe inserts sometimes or what, but sometimes he seems to be around 6', yet other times he looks really short compared to who he's standing next to. I remember seeing a clip of him, Arnie, and Willis on one of those Planet Hollywood segments, and he was like a dwarf next to Arnie.






They all look pretty close in height.

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That's what's weird...sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. I wish we could see what footwear he had on in that pic.


BTW, I'm so glad Arnie is done screwing around with that governor crap...he belongs on the big screen kicking arse.


Look at this pic....Dolph is about 6'3", but he looks like a giant compared to Sly.

Edited by ajzepp
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That's what's weird...sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. I wish we could see what footwear he had on in that pic.


BTW, I'm so glad Arnie is done screwing around with that governor crap...he belongs on the big screen kicking arse.



.....Then again, maybe he's wearing these.







Check out this site, AJ




BTW, Sly's movies kick ass.


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.....Then again, maybe he's wearing these.







Check out this site, AJ




BTW, Sly's movies kick ass.



Wow, that's a lot of witnesses to his elevator shoes! :lol:


It's okay, Sly...we still love ya brother! haha

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lol, I've always wondered about that...I don't know if he uses shoe inserts sometimes or what, but sometimes he seems to be around 6', yet other times he looks really short compared to who he's standing next to. I remember seeing a clip of him, Arnie, and Willis on one of those Planet Hollywood segments, and he was like a dwarf next to Arnie.


Oh I was working security during Arnolds induction to Mann's Chinese theatre. Dude just about ran me over. He's short too. :lol:


.....Then again, maybe he's wearing these.







Check out this site, AJ




BTW, Sly's movies kick ass.



There you go. 5'9". Called it.

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Promising premise and great cast (especially Assante) but the execution of that movie was quite disappointing.


Good call on Assante...he's one of the more underrated actors in hollywood, IMO. And of course there is Diane Lane...she's a terrific actress and easy on the eyes.

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