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The Entitlement Mentality

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The average "nursing home" worker has a high school diploma and a few weeks of training. They make about $25k a year. The problem isn't the wage. The problem is the cost of things has continued to skyrocket because government continues to !@#$ things up by trying to control everything. They've driven up the cost of housing, food, cars, insurance, and medical costs because they simply won't let the market work the way it should. Your solution is even more of the same ****!


It's like ObamaCare. It fixes NOTHING but has THOUSANDS of pages of bull ****. You liberals trumpet it like it's the Arc of the !@#$ing Covanent but there's not a single provision in it that does anything to address the actual problems that cause health care to be expensive.


My wife and I each made far less than $25k a year for the first few years we were married. We did without a second car, cable, long distance, and various other "luxuries" that the average American enjoyed. We were both military, so we at least had ok (not great) health care but we were so young we rarely used it. I worked an additional job the first SIX years I was in the military so we could save enough money to buy a house and so my wife could finish her Bachelor's while still on Active Duty. We were both putting in upwards of 70 hour weeks and living in the highest cost of living area in the United States. Sell your !@#$ing bull **** somewhere else.


You !@#$ing liberals piss and moan when people give wildlife handouts because it teaches them to be dependent and eventually ends their lives but can't see the correlation to the welfare state that you've created with over a half century of the same abject !@#$ing stupidity. It's now so easy not to work that you've created a voting block that is perpetual and generational. AND IT STILL ISN'T ENOUGH. MORE, MORE, MORE. You're not going to get a different result but you still don't learn. <_<


No, yours is "sunshine and unicorns" and doesn't even come close to reality. You want to pay popcorn tub fillers and cashiers a "living wage", which is completely impossible everywhere but fantasy land. Your "solution" will ensure there are no more movie theaters or low end restaurants because no one is going to be willing to pay $12 for a !@#$ing Happy Meal or $30 for a bucket of corn. These are ZERO skill jobs and anyone worth their salt does them only as a bridge to something better.


Turn off your !@#$ing television and go outside. There's a whole world out there that you're not going to fix with liberal idealism, because that's what's actually broken it.



Well said. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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no, you really don't get it. who's gonna wipe your grandpas butt in the nursing home? that function has value. is it worth the cost of food and shelter and basic healthcare? i say it is. you say that worker needs more skills to deserve that compensation. i disagree but even if he/she does, then who will do the task. you? your premise is based on the foundations of our current "free market" economy. mine isn't limited by those constraints.


and who is arguing that money has inherent value? GG's the one that argues that all switzerland's success lays at the feet of money manipulators (financial services guys).. i fail to see much inherent value there. i'm arguing against that very principle.


and it wouldn't be so very punitive to the middle class if it was funded by surcharges on the wealthy. perhaps a significant luxury tax to subsidize the minimum wage. i'm confident a mechanism could be engineered. it's not impossible to devise a system that results in a more equitable division of wealth without entering into what a majority of observers would call socialism.

Come on, man. You have to know better than that. You don't think it will work, you just want it to.


And as to the bolded point, was that a joke? You can't possibly think that claiming the economy of a small nation with disproportionately high concentration of the world's banking industry benefits from that arrangement is analogous to claiming government manipulation of wages creates prosperity. You just can't.


Additionally, the numbers don't work the way you want them to. You can't get the amount of money required to do what you're suggesting simply by placing a surcharge on the wealthy. It's not mathematically possible.

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Come on, man. You have to know better than that. You don't think it will work, you just want it to.


And as to the bolded point, was that a joke? You can't possibly think that claiming the economy of a small nation with disproportionately high concentration of the world's banking industry benefits from that arrangement is analogous to claiming government manipulation of wages creates prosperity. You just can't.


Additionally, the numbers don't work the way you want them to. You can't get the amount of money required to do what you're suggesting simply by placing a surcharge on the wealthy. It's not mathematically possible.



But, but, but it's desirable!

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there are plenty of everyday folk as well. bus drivers, secretaries, maintenance workers, food workers, nurses, doctors, plumbersl, cashiers, farmers and electricians...everyone it takes to make things work for those financial services big shots. now your gonna tell me that it's all trickle down from the real producers - the money guys, right?


In one of my first jobs, I worked for an outfit that provided financial planning catering to the medical community. The boss loved the industry because he said doctors were clueless about finance. So take that with a grain of salt.


Now, read what you wrote and ask again how your response figures into a calculation of average wages?

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Additionally, the numbers don't work the way you want them to. You can't get the amount of money required to do what you're suggesting simply by placing a surcharge on the wealthy. It's not mathematically possible.


Math is just a tool the evil fat-cat bankers in the 1% uses to oppress the 103%.

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The average "nursing home" worker has a high school diploma and a few weeks of training. They make about $25k a year. The problem isn't the wage. The problem is the cost of things has continued to skyrocket because government continues to !@#$ things up by trying to control everything. They've driven up the cost of housing, food, cars, insurance, and medical costs because they simply won't let the market work the way it should. Your solution is even more of the same ****!


It's like ObamaCare. It fixes NOTHING but has THOUSANDS of pages of bull ****. You liberals trumpet it like it's the Arc of the !@#$ing Covanent but there's not a single provision in it that does anything to address the actual problems that cause health care to be expensive.


And my wife and I each made far less than $25k a year for the first few years we were married. We did without a second car, cable, long distance, and various other luxuries that the average American enjoyed. We were both military, so we at least had ok (not great) health care. I worked an additional job the first SIX years I was in the military so we could save enough money to buy a house and so my wife could finish her Bachelor's while still on Active Duty. We were both putting in upwards of 70 hour weeks and living in the highest cost of living area in the United States. Sell your !@#$ing bull **** somewhere else.


You !@#$ing liberals piss and moan when people give wildlife handouts because it teaches them to be dependent and eventually ends their lives but can't see the correlation to the welfare state that you've created with over a half century of the same abject !@#$ing stupidity. It's now so easy not to work that you've created a voting block that is perpetual and generational. AND IT STILL ISN'T ENOUGH. MORE, MORE, MORE. You're not going to get a different result but you still don't learn. <_<


No, yours is "sunshine and unicorns" and doesn't even come close to reality. You want to pay popcorn tub fillers and cashiers a "living wage", which is completely impossible everywhere but fantasy land. Your "solution" will ensure there are no more movie theaters or low end restaurants because no one is going to be willing to pay $12 for a !@#$ing Happy Meal or $30 for a bucket of corn. These are ZERO skill jobs and anyone worth their salt does them only as a bridge to something better.


Turn off your !@#$ing television and go outside. There's a whole world out there that you're not going to fix with liberal idealism, because that's what's actually broken it.

most nursing assistants/orderlies in nursing homes/rest homes i've met make minimum wage and no insurance. i recently found such a worker to have a positive ppd (tb test) and prescribed 9 months of the standard treatment. he couldn't afford it (and the required blood work to monitor therapy) nor would his employer pay for it despite the fact it was highly likely that he was exposed at his job. 25k at 7.25 is a lot of hours.


but of course your familiar with that. me too. i could rebut the rest of your screed but it would only serve to inflame an already red hot nerve and what purpose would that serve? so i'll leave it at that.

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most nursing assistants/orderlies in nursing homes/rest homes i've met make minimum wage and no insurance. i recently found such a worker to have a positive ppd (tb test) and prescribed 9 months of the standard treatment. he couldn't afford it (and the required blood work to monitor therapy) nor would his employer pay for it despite the fact it was highly likely that he was exposed at his job. 25k at 7.25 is a lot of hours.

The number comes from a validated source.


I love how you liberals always have some worse case scenario to fall back on as your rationale for changing the entire fabric of society. Maybe you should concentrate that on the public employees who're getting pensions that average 75% of their 4 highest earning years and earmark that money to some of the "grandpa butt wipers" you seem to need to curry favor for.

but of course your familiar with that. me too.

I am. I come from a big Irish family. My relatives are cops, health care workers, teachers, etc. My son is a Master's degreed therapist who works with the mentally handicapped for a pittance because the government you love so much refuses to provide oversight on the programs they've put in place to supposedly "help". He's writing a book on all the things he sees, it'll likely be ignored and cost him his career because NO ONE likes the truth these days.


One of my sisters is a Speech Therapist. Another is a senior RN at one of the top hospitals in the country. All of us come from an extremely poor upbringing with parents who taught us not to take a handout but to work hard and good things would happen.


My wife is retired veteran who is now a teacher at an inner-city school and could turn the stomach of even the most hard core liberal with the tales from her day-to-day and all the corruption/malfeasance in the public education system. But it's the corporations that are ruining America, right big government corporation liberal?

i could rebut the rest of your screed but it would only serve to inflame an already red hot nerve and what purpose would that serve? so i'll leave it at that.

Sure you could, you !@#$ing coward. I'd eat you for lunch and pick my teeth with what was left of you. Don't pretend you're anything but a pretender in this game.

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most nursing assistants/orderlies in nursing homes/rest homes i've met make minimum wage and no insurance. i recently found such a worker to have a positive ppd (tb test) and prescribed 9 months of the standard treatment. he couldn't afford it (and the required blood work to monitor therapy) nor would his employer pay for it despite the fact it was highly likely that he was exposed at his job. 25k at 7.25 is a lot of hours.


but of course your familiar with that. me too. i could rebut the rest of your screed but it would only serve to inflame an already red hot nerve and what purpose would that serve? so i'll leave it at that.


You double his wage to $14.50 an hour, hell triple it and that's still a lot of hours to get that $25k. What's your point? **** happen, life sucks, deal with it. I just found out my aunt just died. This is three months after her son lost his wife to cancer. That's life, **** happens you deal with it and move on. Giving people a "living wage" means !@#$ing ****.

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The average "nursing home" worker has a high school diploma and a few weeks of training. They make about $25k a year. The problem isn't the wage. The problem is the cost of things has continued to skyrocket because government continues to !@#$ things up by trying to control everything. They've driven up the cost of housing, food, cars, insurance, and medical care because they simply won't let the market work the way it should. Your solution is even more of the same ****! You'd have a better chance of success if you prayed to the God of Powdered Deer Penis.


It's like ObamaCare. It fixes NOTHING but has THOUSANDS of pages of bull ****. You liberals trumpet it like it's the Arc of the !@#$ing Covanent but there's not a single provision in it that does anything to address the actual problems that cause health care to be expensive.


My wife and I each made far less than $25k a year for the first few years we were married. We did without a second car, cable, long distance, and various other "luxuries" that the average American enjoyed. We were both military, so we at least had ok (not great) health care but we were so young we rarely used it. I worked an additional job the first SIX years I was in the military so we could save enough money to buy a house and so my wife could finish her Bachelor's while still on Active Duty. We were both putting in upwards of 70 hour weeks and living in the highest cost of living area in the United States. Sell your !@#$ing bull **** somewhere else.


You !@#$ing liberals piss and moan when people give wildlife handouts because it teaches them to be dependent and eventually ends their lives but can't see the correlation to the welfare state that you've created with over a half century of the same abject !@#$ing stupidity. It's now so easy not to work that you've created a voting block that is perpetual and generational. AND IT STILL ISN'T ENOUGH. MORE, MORE, MORE. You're not going to get a different result but you still don't learn. <_<


No, yours is "sunshine and unicorns" and doesn't even come close to reality. You want to pay popcorn tub fillers and cashiers a "living wage", which is completely impossible everywhere but fantasy land. Your "solution" will ensure there are no more movie theaters or low end restaurants because no one is going to be willing to pay $12 for a !@#$ing Happy Meal or $30 for a bucket of corn. These are ZERO skill jobs and anyone worth their salt does them only as a bridge to something better.


How you liberals doing at controlling public education costs? You freakin' OWN that venue and it's as bad as the ever-evil health care system. Why is that? :lol:


Turn off your !@#$ing television and go outside. There's a whole world out there that you're not going to fix with liberal idealism, because that's what's actually broken it.


This is all very admirable Mr. Limbaw but you still shouldn't call people sluts.

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My problem with the "entitlement" crowd is that I'm tired of paying for people's needs, so they can spend their money on their wants. In talk of a "social contract," that's the other party failing to live up to his/her end and I shouldn't have to honor my end.

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