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Good times again.

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I haven't been around for awhile, haven't paid a lot of attention this last year unfortunately but I'm starting to catch up lately and I'm excited about the direction of this franchise. I'm looking forward to another great draft, a few good free agents and hoping for a whole lot less injuries this year! This kind of reminds me in some ways of 1987. The team/franchise were rounding the corner and things were looking very optimistic. Of course it was founded because we were a play-off team for the next several years. Man, I hope history repeats itself! Lol! Go Bills!

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you are absolutely right, sir! there is definately some excitement around this team right now, at least there is on this board. we of the eternally hopeful (and sometimes delusional) are definately enjoying seeing the pieces of this team come together and pontificating what kind of additions may be coming. good times indeed!

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