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I just hope that policy makers won't be as rigid as your belief when it comes to this issue. My guess is that Romney wouldn't. There are two possible outcomes, one a alot rosier than the other.




1) Rubio or Martinez the gov out of New Mexico gets added to the ticket, and adopts a more inclusive tone, one that would attract more latinos come November. That poll that came out yesterday, that showed a 70% to 14% advantage for Obama, inside of that poll, approximately a third of the 70% said they would consider voting for Romney if he were to add a Latino to the ticket. Thats approximately 23%, you add that with the 14% that he has, and maybe another 40% of undecided Latinos which was 16%, then you reach above George Bush's latino voters of 08 of around 43-44%. That's almost a 30% net swing.


Considering that many races could go neck and neck throughout the country that swing could very well make the difference.


2) Or no latino gets added to the ticket, Romney tries to shift to the middle during the general elections, but most latinos won't buy what he's selling and will come off as phony. If those numbers come below 20% of the total Latino vote during the election (McCain had 31%) then most likely Obama wins. Which virtually guarantees that during his presidency he makes a hard push to pass through the Dream Act, BUT UNDER HIS TERMS.


a) it Passes and Obama becomes the president who actually achieved comprehensive immigration reform. He becomes a huge favorite of Latinos and secures the Latino vote for quite some time. (not a likely scenario)


b) it doesn't pass, but Conservatives use inflammatory rhetoric and cite violence, destruction of property, drug smuggling as road blocks to passing this bill and insist on a Fence and "protect borders first" mantra. In which Latinos more then ever will continue to move massively towards Democrats. (the more likely scenario)



What people don't understand is that the Latino voter is a good fit for Conservatives on a few key issues. Generally speaking they are socially conservative people and that right there is a strong base to build off of. Central and SouthAmerican Latinos are generally anti leftist, so thats another area that they could have in common.


Conservatives are gonna have to move more towards the Latino voter either the more inclusive way or the painful one, which means more lost elections until they wake up to the fact that they have to adopt a new policy.


On the other hand, if we just shoot 'em all in the head, we get to avoid this whole stupid discussion.


Try again in English please after you master comprehension.



OK if the pusher and junkies are the same, why not fix the problem at home? It's closer and easier, right? Go ahead start with eliminating demand for illegal drugs.

Sure make meth legal to help the Mexican government get their society under control. Any thing else we can do?


Sure make meth legal to help the Mexican government get their society under control. Any thing else we can do?


Sure. Shoot them in the head.


I knew it




But I dislike Booster more. According to him I want to shoot him in the head. I don't want to do that, it is too hard finding armor piercing ammunition.


But I dislike Booster more. According to him I want to shoot him in the head. I don't want to do that, it is too hard finding armor piercing ammunition.


Again, weak.


Just accept it. Even I have an off-day sometimes.


Not that you ever have an "on" day...


Again, weak.


Just accept it. Even I have an off-day sometimes.


Not that you ever have an "on" day...



More like on and off days.





Not that anyone gives a ****, but I'm ummm, actually at a loss of words, just really disappointed in the cold hearted nature that people display. And it's not just Jim and LA who have these utterly detached and insensitive POV's towards illegal immigrants but I know there are at least 4 or 5 other of you here on this board that feel the same way. Im a tell you this right now, you're on the wrong side. I don't how one can quantify or make that judgement, but I just know it to be true. The best way I can describe it is as an extremely narrow-minded view.


The vast majority of these people come here looking for a better life, so desperate to get out of the **** holes where they live that they will sacrifice their lives in order to have an opportunity of the American dream, only to be greeted by a bunch of bigoted !@#$s at the border with guns ready to blow their heads off.



Please, just like you attack liberals with their strawmans,

"Destroying my property" Whata crock of ****! or "drug smugglers" pffff Those are cases that are few and far between.

If the government was doing its job it would never come to this. Obama won't properly protect the borders so what is a border state to do? Personally, a civilian militia guarding the borders probably isn't the best idea but I suppose they feel they are out of options. Last thing I wan't is people to get shot, on either side. Really, what should be done but never will be, is a real effort to help Mexico rid itself of its corrupt government so maybe some day, that country can get it's collective **** together and Mexicans won't be motivated to enter the US illegally. But that will never happen under Obama because it doesn't suit his political needs. He's easy on illegals the more support he garners among the Mexican and Latino community. The more poor, uneducated immigrants are here, the more watered down the society is. The more divided it is and that's just fine with him.

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