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Obama Calls Sandra Fluke to Console Her

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Meanwhile, at yesterday's weekly Friday night info dump by the administration;


Another Failed ‘Accommodation’

By Grace-Marie Turner, March 17, 2012


It is clear that the Obama administration is not backing down from its anti-conscience mandate but hopes to bury the controversy with bureaucratic delay. In its “Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,” the government now officially promises to take action at some time in the future to address the conflict.


The notice, issued on Friday, takes 32 pages to explain that the president still doesn’t have a clue how to balance the demands of the Left, which insists that all women should have free access to drugs that cause early abortion, sterilization procedures, and contraceptives, and the Catholic Church, which believes the mandate is a government violation of conscience and religious liberty.


The March “notice” about February’s “accommodation” to January’s “final rule” also is an admission that the administration still has no idea who should be forced to pay for its mandate.


You will recall that on February 10, President Obama announced he would require health insurance companies to pay for the offending services so Catholic institutions didn’t have to.


That was widely derided as a shell game because the insurers would simply pass the costs along indirectly to religious organizations through higher premiums. And it left no escape for self-insured religious organizations that pay health costs directly for their employees.


In an admission that the original idea had failed, Friday’s notice lists several ways that health plans could get money to pay for the mandate without dipping directly into premiums: through rebates the plans get from prescription drug companies, service fees, savings from disease management programs, or private non-profit contributions. It also proposes having the Office of Personnel Management in Washington require health plans to provide the mandated services for free as a price for participating in ObamaCare’s coming multi-state health-insurance plans.


But the religious organizations would still be required to make sure all of their employees have access to the offending coverage. So nothing has changed.


Friday’s announcement falls apart in another key way. The administration’s notice repeatedly refers to the mandate as only covering contraceptives, not the full contingent of “All Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity” which are actually covered by the mandate, as defined by the Health Resources and Services Administration.




Friday’s notice even admits that the government is trying to figure out how to define religious ministries when it asks: “What entities should be eligible for the new accommodation (that is, what is a ‘religious organization’)?”


George Weigel warns of just this danger when “an overweening and arrogant government tries, through the use of coercive power, to make the Church a subsidiary of the state, [and when] the state claims the authority to define religious ministries and services on its own narrow and secularist terms.”


Weigel says that with the anti-conscience mandate, “the state is attempting to co-opt as much of society as it can, while the Church is defending the prerogatives of civil society.”


The bishops have been and continue to be strong and unwavering in explaining that this debate is about the core American value of religious liberty. The administration’s latest notice does nothing to change the risk to Catholic institutions. They still would be forced by government to violate their own teachings within their very own institutions.


The bishops will not be fooled by this obfuscation. The administration is doing nothing to protect their religious liberty and is only trying to buy time so it can try, once the election is over, to bend the Church to the will of the state.






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Lets start with the basics. The government's mandate to change people's coverage IS the instigator of all this fake war nonsense. The media and administration's spin on this is to attack the natural RESPONSE to their over-reach and then try to deflect it into the GOP attacking women.


Goodbye. You am right, me and Obama Barack am not as smart as Bizarro Man-Boob and the GOP (Guardians of Privilege). You must have great solution on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies and costs, while not asking insurance to cover expense of prevention when they cover male services like vasectomies, and even Viagra (those slutty men!), AND get rid of Planned Parenthood who provides services to women. Perhaps Super pill between knees? Don't dress so slutty? Listen to Rush so they lose all sex drive?


Funny ha-ha how Man-Boob and GOP smarter, but not smart enough to avoid fake war Super trap. Like hooking bears in an aquarium. Hello.

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Funny ha-ha how Man-Boob and GOP smarter, but not smart enough to avoid fake war Super trap. Like hooking bears in an aquarium. Hello.

Not as funny as Man-Boob now claiming he was set up by the left into revealing what a misogynistic asswipe he is. Yeah, everyone was in on the big conspiracy, including Darrel Issa who shut Sandra Fluke out of his committee hearing. There's a reason they call 'em ditto-heads.



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Funny ha-ha how Man-Boob and GOP smarter, but not smart enough to avoid fake war Super trap. Like hooking bears in an aquarium. Hello.



Not as funny as Man-Boob now claiming he was set up by the left into revealing what a misogynistic asswipe he is. Yeah, everyone was in on the big conspiracy, including Darrel Issa who shut Sandra Fluke out of his committee hearing. There's a reason they call 'em ditto-heads.






LOL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .gibberish, the left's new intelligent response.





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Seriously, Manboobs? Is that where the left is going with this election?


How about talking about, oh I dunno something other than birth control and unflattering vacation pics of a middle aged guy


Nah, lets get back to the important stuff. What's Sarah Palin up to these days?



You know, you need to cut Obama a break. He's doing the best he can with the mess he inherited from Rutherford B. Hayes.

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The timing of this announcement just couldn’t have been better.


The announcement came late Friday afternoon, on the eve of St. Patrick’s Day, as the second day of March Madness basketball games were under way. People skip work to watch March Madness. Think they’re going to turn off the TV to dig up a dry statement from Kathleen Sebelius? Not likely.


So what did the administration have to say on this late Friday afternoon? Basically, it was a thinly veiled attempt to punt the entire issue into 2013, thus allowing the president to continue his doublespeak on the issue — pretending that he is interested in protecting religious liberty with pronouncements about a forthcoming concession while the policies he actually implements go in exactly the opposite direction



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........and back on the propoganda homefront;


More on the Democrats’ Violence Against Women Act Hoax

by John Hinderaker


We noted yesterday that the Democrats have continued their phony “war against women” campaign by alleging in fundraising appeals that Senate Republicans “will oppose re-authorizing the Violence Against Women Act,” thereby “put[ting] women’s lives in danger.” This is just one more in a series of Democrat scams, intended to 1) divert attention from the Obama administration’s record of failure, and 2) raise money from the Democrats’ gullible base.


What is actually going on, as we wrote yesterday, is that Senate Democrats have slipped extraneous provisions into this year’s version of the Violence Against Women Act, and have refused to consider the Republican alternative, drafted by Senator Grassley, that strips out those inappropriate provisions or imposes safeguards to prevent their abuse.




So what we have here is another case of the Democrats attempting to use a program that is popular but little-understood, the Violence Against Women Act, to advance their collateral political agendas by facilitating waste, immigration fraud, and so on. When Republicans offered reforms to prevent these blatant abuses, the Democrats howled that Republicans are trying to kill the Violence Against Women Act.


The Democrats think their voters are dumb enough to fall for this kind of nonsense................. They are probably right.




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Goodbye. You am right, me and Obama Barack am not as smart as Bizarro Man-Boob and the GOP (Guardians of Privilege). You must have great solution on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies and costs, while not asking insurance to cover expense of prevention when they cover male services like vasectomies, and even Viagra (those slutty men!), AND get rid of Planned Parenthood who provides services to women. Perhaps Super pill between knees? Don't dress so slutty? Listen to Rush so they lose all sex drive?


Funny ha-ha how Man-Boob and GOP smarter, but not smart enough to avoid fake war Super trap. Like hooking bears in an aquarium. Hello.

What do you think of my proposal that all Canadian 12 year old boys are given a free government vasectomy?

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Let her Pimp Pay![

When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act takes effect most Pimps will drop any coverage for their Ho's. It's cheaper to pay the fine than provide coverage.


They might keep it as incentive for the Bottom B word. But their average skanks, ho's, and sluts will have to find their own private coverage or go on some Government® program

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Is this Joe Spaghetti guy a real poster or just someone's trolling profile? I see him show up periodically, drop a string of Democrat talking points, and disappear. I'm always in favor of more libs to argue with, but I'm not sure how much value is added by hit and run regurgitation of the mindless liberal cliches of the day without any follow up or analysis.


If you're out there pasta boy, I suggest you just chime in with "I'm a Democrat". You'll be conveying the exact same info without putting your idiocy on full display.

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Is this Joe Spaghetti guy a real poster or just someone's trolling profile? I see him show up periodically, drop a string of Democrat talking points, and disappear. I'm always in favor of more libs to argue with, but I'm not sure how much value is added by hit and run regurgitation of the mindless liberal cliches of the day without any follow up or analysis.


If you're out there pasta boy, I suggest you just chime in with "I'm a Democrat". You'll be conveying the exact same info without putting your idiocy on full display.


Do your own homework Sue. A quick search on pasta joe will give you all the answers. But I have to agree with him on the one thing he had right - Hillary was a much better option than Obama.

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Do your own homework Sue. A quick search on pasta joe will give you all the answers. But I have to agree with him on the one thing he had right - Hillary was a much better option than Obama.

I don't get this reference. Will you explain or do I need to do more homework?


And Hillary might well have been a better option than Obama (hard not to be) but her current position, still visible largely removed from the public public spotlight and policy controversies, helps her image immensely.

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