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Obama Calls Sandra Fluke to Console Her

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Back to the original topic here. Why the hell did Obama feel it was necessary to call and console her???

Because it keeps people from paying attention to the real problems in this country.


That said, while it continues to make him look like a leaderless dolt, giving people something shiny to follow will help get him reelected, and we must remain focused on the prize.

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Back to the original topic here. Why the hell did Obama feel it was necessary to call and console her???

he is expressing empathy for a historically common phenomenon: disparaging threatening women. remember the witch hunts? this is the 2021 equivalent. obama just said that's not ok anymore.
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I keep having the same argument with people: look, I don't support the Catholic church. I think their doctrine is a shining example of hypocrisy, I think they're ridiculously reactionary and stuck in the 1300's, I think they're irrational and impractical. That's why I left it...because it's a religious doctrine, not a !@#$ing dessert buffet that you can pick and choose from. If you don't like the doctrine, leave. Or work within the church to change the doctrine (fat chance of that, I know).


But arguing the First Amendment is a civil rights violation? Because you can't have riskless sex (in point of fact, just without risk of pregnancy. You're using barrier contraception anyway, if you're not stupid and don't want an STD). Just !@#$ off.



I like the Republican logic, in fact why just apply to birth control


If you boss is a Jehovah Witness no coverage for blood transfusions


If your boss is a Scientologist no coverage of psychological problems


If your boss is a Christian Scientist you healthcare plan will consist of a card with the number of a prayer warrior and the advice to pray harder.


Gluttony and sloth are sins so any health problems caused by obesity should not be covered


The Bible says you should not eat the flesh of the swine nor touch it's hide, so no coverage for trichinosis or football injuries.


And why stop at health care


Catholics shouldn't have their taxes go to unjust wars, just let the Pope decide which military actions are just and unjust.


Quakers shouldn't have their taxes go to any wars.


Rastafarians should not only get to smoke their sacred herb in peace but they shouldn't have to pay any taxes for the suppression of their sacred herb.


Since sex outside marriage is an abomination all employers should be able to force their unmarried employees to sign a celibacy pledge, violation of which results in termination, after all having a salary can help you get laid.


Also the Bible says this

"If he has exacted usury Or taken increase -- Shall he then live? He shall not live! If he has done any of these abominations, He shall surely die; His blood shall be upon him." (Ezekiel 18:13)So obviously no real Christian can have his taxes in anyway support banks or bankers.

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Oh darn, and the Republicans were so close to closing the gender gap in the election! Well, there goes that! :thumbsup:


And Rush is a pathetic POS worshipped by the right.


And, and, This sort of reminds me of Terry Shivo in a strange way, remember, Republicans passing a law for her, the Great President Bush flying to Washington to sign it. Only what Obama is doing isn't retarded, like that was.























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he is expressing empathy for a historically common phenomenon: disparaging threatening women. remember the witch hunts? this is the 2021 equivalent. obama just said that's not ok anymore.

Good God, man. No wonder you're a lib. You're reality is constructed of straw men and stereotypes from generations past. Good thing the frail little flowers of the female persuasion have outraged aging hippies to walk them through this male dominated patriarchal society.


It's also funny how you hypocritical liberals (redundant, I know) fill your tampons over Rush calling some feminist activist a slut but don't bat an eye when Bill Maher calls Sarah Palin a €unt.


And as far as the male equivalent to slut, is that even a serious question? I thought you were a doctor; did you go to the Sensetive School of Politically Correct Medicine where biology is optional and a penis is just an inverted vagina?

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Good God, man. No wonder you're a lib. You're reality is constructed of straw men and stereotypes from generations past. Good thing the frail little flowers of the female persuasion have outraged aging hippies to walk them through this male dominated patriarchal society.


It's also funny how you hypocritical liberals (redundant, I know) fill your tampons over Rush calling some feminist activist a slut but don't bat an eye when Bill Maher calls Sarah Palin a €unt.


And as far as the male equivalent to slut, is that even a serious question? I thought you were a doctor; did you go to the Sensetive School of Politically Correct Medicine where biology is optional and a penis is just an inverted vagina?

teleologically the penis is the equivalent of the clitoris but given your propensity to homosexual jokes i suspect that particular appendage is not of much interest to you.


so you think sexism is a thing of the past? not quite. it doesn't take much research to find glaring examples of it now but one doesn't find what he's not looking for or doesn't want to see.


i condemn maher for his comment but i think it's a little more denfendable. heck, i've called guys like you "dick's" most of my life. it's an equal opportunity type of insult.

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Article from someone with a little closer viewpoint than us,


Angela Morabito


Sandra Fluke Does Not Speak for Me


I’m a proud Georgetown woman upset about another Georgetown woman who may have no pride at all. How else do you explain - Ms. Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown Law student, now famous for testimony she never gave – jumping up to talk about her sex life (with the House Minority Leader and with the liberal media) and ask for the cost of her sex life to be subsidized by other students at a Jesuit School?


Sandra Fluke was declined the privilege (a privilege, not a right) of testifying in front of a Senate Committee on the proposed contraceptive mandate.


Her name was submitted too late to be admitted to testify. She’s not a lawyer. She’s not a member of the clergy – crucial for a hearing on religious freedom, wouldn’t you say? That’s what Representative Issa said. Her one claim to fame in the reproductive health care debate is…drumroll, please…being a student club leader! You go, Sandra! Hang those posters girl. Wear out those Sharpies.


Having been told by Congress to more or less shut up and go home, Sandra found a sympathetic ear in Nancy Pelosi. She is not going to find one on the Georgetown Campus. She is wildly out of step.


Senate Democrats needed a show pony for this circus – and they knew they could find a liberal woman on a college campus who would willingly trot around the ring. That’s why Nancy & Pals created a photo op with all the props – the microphones, the podium, an air of pretense, and the all-important liberal media – for Sandra to tell her “story.” And it is just that – a story, told on a stage.




Even the oh-so-left HuffPo called Sandra out on her media sluttery: ”Fluke got the stage all to herself and was hailed as a hero by the crowd and Democratic lawmakers on the panel, all of whom rushed to appear on camera with her at the end. “Excuse me. I’d love to get a picture with our star,” Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) said as she pushed her way through the packed room to Fluke.” Star of what? Star of the bedroom sex tape? When did Georgetown Law start admitting Kardashians?



Sandra, we might be on the same campus, but we are not on the same planet.


Sandra told some sob stories about how contraception isn’t covered by the Jesuit institution we attend. (Maybe they don’t cover it because, you know, they’re a Jesuit institution. Religious freedom? Anyone? Bueller?)




Funny how the same side that cries “Get your rosaries off my ovaries” is the same side saying, “on second thought…please pay for me to have all the sex I want!” The people who espouse “pro-choice” “values” are the same people who say religious institutions have no right to choose.


Sandra, I hope you take to heart our school’s motto of “Cura Personalis” – care of the whole person. You are so much more than your reproductive organs. Please, have some self-respect and take responsibility for your choices instead of having to beg the government for help. The government should not be able to force a religious institution – like the one we attend – to pay for the things they don’t believe in. That is pretty clear in the first amendment. But since you missed the ten commandments I can’t expect you to read the Bill of Rights either.




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Because it keeps people from paying attention to the real problems in this country.


Exactly! Spot on!


he is expressing empathy for a historically common phenomenon: disparaging threatening women. remember the witch hunts? this is the 2021 equivalent. obama just said that's not ok anymore.

Wow! you really believe that? You truly are a bonafide lemming. No, really, you are.


Oh darn, and the Republicans were so close to closing the gender gap in the election! Well, there goes that! :thumbsup:


And Rush is a pathetic POS worshipped by the right.


And, and, This sort of reminds me of Terry Shivo in a strange way, remember, Republicans passing a law for her, the Great President Bush flying to Washington to sign it. Only what Obama is doing isn't retarded, like that was.

























Exhibit A: Mindless meatpuppets who fall for the DNC election year strategy







It's also funny how you hypocritical liberals (redundant, I know) fill your tampons over Rush calling some feminist activist a slut but don't bat an eye when Bill Maher calls Sarah Palin a €unt.


Or Ed Schultz calling Laura Ingrahm a slut.



Liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds :lol:




i condemn maher for his comment but i think it's a little more denfendable.

Of course it's more "denfendable" you're a hypocrite.... Duhhhhhhhh

Edited by Magox
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he is expressing empathy for a historically common phenomenon: disparaging threatening women. remember the witch hunts? this is the 2021 equivalent. obama just said that's not ok anymore.



Any other predictions, Dr Brown?

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teleologically the penis is the equivalent of the clitoris but given your propensity to homosexual jokes i suspect that particular appendage is not of much interest to you.

If you drop the hyper-compassionate feministic attitude towards female oppression, you might encounter one in a non-professional capacity.

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If you drop the hyper-compassionate feministic attitude towards female oppression, you might encounter one in a non-professional capacity.



You mean he might get to peek at a kitty without looking for cysts?

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If you drop the hyper-compassionate feministic attitude towards female oppression, you might encounter one in a non-professional capacity.

Really? Ya mean that condescension results in more sex than cooperation? Thanks for the advice Casanova. The ancient Greeks could have used your advice. Ever read "lysistrata"?

Edited by birdog1960
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Really? Ya mean that condescension results in more sex than cooperation? Thanks for the advice Casanova. The ancient Greeks could have used your advice. Ever read "lysistrata"?

Condescension!?!? :lol:

Treating someone like a victim is the epitome of condescension. The hilarious part is you don't even know it. You probably put chicks on a pedestal when you were younger & eventually came to believe it. I'll share a secret your Dad failed to pass on which is women don't appreciate male feminists. Women like guys that are real and treat them like a regular person while taking the lead role so she feels protected and attracted. Kissing her ass isn't getting it done. That's why you don't do so well.

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Condescension!?!? :lol:

Treating someone like a victim is the epitome of condescension. The hilarious part is you don't even know it. You probably put chicks on a pedestal when you were younger & eventually came to believe it. I'll share a secret your Dad failed to pass on which is women don't appreciate male feminists. Women like guys that are real and treat them like a regular person while taking the lead role so she feels protected and attracted. Kissing her ass isn't getting it done. That's why you don't do so well.

sure. male doctors have a notoriously difficult time finding dates. and those poor hippies at woodstock were so sex deprived. while rush limbaugh apparently never has to pay for it.

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I like the Republican logic, in fact why just apply to birth control


If you boss is a Jehovah Witness no coverage for blood transfusions


If your boss is a Scientologist no coverage of psychological problems


If your boss is a Christian Scientist you healthcare plan will consist of a card with the number of a prayer warrior and the advice to pray harder.


Gluttony and sloth are sins so any health problems caused by obesity should not be covered


The Bible says you should not eat the flesh of the swine nor touch it's hide, so no coverage for trichinosis or football injuries.


And why stop at health care


Catholics shouldn't have their taxes go to unjust wars, just let the Pope decide which military actions are just and unjust.


Quakers shouldn't have their taxes go to any wars.


Rastafarians should not only get to smoke their sacred herb in peace but they shouldn't have to pay any taxes for the suppression of their sacred herb.


Since sex outside marriage is an abomination all employers should be able to force their unmarried employees to sign a celibacy pledge, violation of which results in termination, after all having a salary can help you get laid.


Also the Bible says this

"If he has exacted usury Or taken increase -- Shall he then live? He shall not live! If he has done any of these abominations, He shall surely die; His blood shall be upon him." (Ezekiel 18:13)So obviously no real Christian can have his taxes in anyway support banks or bankers.


Nice try. Way to miss the idea of "choice" in the matter.

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Let's see. $3,000.00 for three years of condoms @ $0.50 per condom would cover roughly 5.5 acts of coitus a day or 2,000 acts of coitus a year or 6,000 acts of coitus in 3 years. That's a lot of coitus! Maybe she spends some of that money on cold compresses and an occasional poultice.

I wonder if she works pro bone o!

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Nice try. Way to miss the idea of "choice" in the matter.

Did you really expect to him to post anything that resembles a coherent and complete thought without a youtube video?

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