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Nix: Bills won't reach for a pass-rusher at #10

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Nix has made been absolutely EXPLICIT: THEY WILL BE AGGRESSIVE in FA THIS YEAR.


I don't understand why noone wants to believe him - he's been point-blank up front about this for months now.


He's going hard after difference makers starting at 12:01am when FA opens. He just spelled it out again today.


He said they haven't in the past - and won't most of the time as a general rule - but will do so this year.


Because they think they are that close to being a playoff team.



They intend to re-sign Stevie AND add another stud WR - he's already said that mroe than once now too.


Buddy said they received 35 calls a day for the HC job. Buddy said the media reports during the HC search were 80% false. Buddy says a lot of things that are typical hyperbole and lacking substance. As Ramius said above, when he controls the purse strings (currently held tightly by Littmann via Overdorf) I'll believe they're going to be active in UFA. Until that time, Buddy is blowing smoke up fans collective hind quarters.


Before Fitz's rib injury, he did have deep throw accuracy (Fitz & Owens share the club record with a 98 yard TD reception).


If the Bills lose Stevie, they'll need 2 WR's (and have a big PR nightmare!!)


One pass play demonstrates deep accuracy? From 2+ seasons ago?


Fitzpatrick deep accuracy


If they lose SJ it's a first round pick and a combination of Marcus Easley, David Nelson, Donald Jones, Derek Hagan, and whomever comes cheaply in UFA they can hype.

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"Our philosophy, or mine, or ours is that those big money guys that hit the market at 12:01 or midnight, the way it used to be, if you're not careful you'll overspend on those guys and not get what you pay for," Nix started out. "We've been one to think you can pick up good players later on in free agency, and I'm talking about guys like Nick Barnett, receivers that we've picked up. They're out there, and they'll be out there and that's kind of been our philosophy along with building through the draft.



"And when I say we're gonna be aggressive, what I mean is this time if there's a difference maker -- not necessarily a position -- but if there's a guy that can come in here and immediately improve our football team, we'll get in the hunt early this time."[/i]



please let this mean this year will be different! Does this signal Nix has more say than GMs typically do under Ralph's watch?




man the koolaid hasnt tasted this good in a while... :devil:

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Nix has a grasp on how to run a football operation. The focus isn't on positions so much as a focus on talent. The Bills have numerous needs. No one doubts it. If anything can be learned from the inept Levy/Jauron regime it is that desperatiely reaching for needs is a losing proposition. What Nix has brought to the table to this very troubled Wilson franchise is an understanding of the relationship of talent evaluation to value (contracts).


Compare the clueless Levy bringing in mediocre talents such as Dockery and Langston Walker and paying them at an elite level to how Nix/Whaley brought in players such as Urbik, Rhinehart and Pears and paid them at a more reasonable rate. There is no doubt that the team under the newly installed Levy was desperate for an infusion of OL help. But overpaying for such middling talent didin't really upgrade the line and it sunk a lot of wasted money on players that were soon dispatched.


If Nix's draft board has a couple of OTs (Rieff and Martin) rated higher than the defensive players on the board then he should trust his board and take the higher rated players. Nix has brought in some order and methodology to the way the football operation is being run. As long as the business side of Wilson's business allows Nix to do his job without much hinderance the franchise will continue to move in the right direction.

Yours is a good post.


Spiller was Best player on board at 9 in 2010


Dareus was the Best at 3 last year. Him and Williams inside is a great combo.


If they draft an OT that is higher on the board talent wise than any DE or OLB on their board well my thing is he better be a starter.


But I'll save my mock draft top ten until after FA period.

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