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Breitbart dead

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Wow, to get all that, you must listen to Rush alot.



I do listen to him. I am a bit of a talk radio junkie. Nearly every talk radio station, where I live anyways, is conservative talk radio. Part of the reason I always get a kick out of so many of you pointing out some hypocrisy from the left...the right is no different. The truth is somewhere in the middle, most of the time.


You know what else, I probably watch FOX news more than any other television news. It helps me to know what you idiots are blabbering about! :lol:


btw- that part about blabbering idiots was sarcasm.

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Aw c'mon, it's Infowars. It's good for giggles sometimes.


Hell, I almost bought one of their T-Shirts. But then I realized I'd be on Alex Jones mailing list and um, No


Hey, Alex Jones comes in the reoord store I work at pretty regualarly...if anyone wants an autograph, just let me know. I would be happy to autograph something for you...not sure if Mr Jones will be too keen on it...

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I do listen to him. I am a bit of a talk radio junkie. Nearly every talk radio station, where I live anyways, is conservative talk radio. Part of the reason I always get a kick out of so many of you pointing out some hypocrisy from the left...the right is no different. The truth is somewhere in the middle, most of the time.


You know what else, I probably watch FOX news more than any other television news. It helps me to know what you idiots are blabbering about! :lol:


btw- that part about blabbering idiots was sarcasm.


And the part about knowing what they're talking about wasn't?


Hey, Alex Jones comes in the reoord store I work at pretty regualarly...if anyone wants an autograph, just let me know. I would be happy to autograph something for you...not sure if Mr Jones will be too keen on it...


No, but tell him I saw the plane hit the Pentagon. :devil:

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Then what do you think of Bill Maher?


So, Andrew was going to release some very damaging video on March 1st, the day he died? That's what I call weird. I'm NOT espousing any conspiracy theory.







Hey, it is a black guy involved. Better bring him in for questioning.



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I've got to hand it to you, your prejudice knows no bounds.


Recognizing that Infowars ("There's a war on for your mind" - being fought with chemtrails and fluoridated water) is a joke does not make one prejudiced, much less unboundedly so.

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Recognizing that Infowars ("There's a war on for your mind" - being fought with chemtrails and fluoridated water) is a joke does not make one prejudiced, much less unboundedly so.



The video I posted was of a speech Breitbart gave at CPAC. Yes, it was on infowars but I picked it up from Drudge who picked it up from them. Regardless it is the message that counts. Just because Infowars is distasteful doesn't mean that the posted message is somehow wrong. If you had bothered to view the video you would see what I am talking about. You are so prejudiced against Infowars that you missed out on a good video. In fact your prejudice makes you less informed.

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The video I posted was of a speech Breitbart gave at CPAC. Yes, it was on infowars but I picked it up from Drudge who picked it up from them. Regardless it is the message that counts. Just because Infowars is distasteful doesn't mean that the posted message is somehow wrong. If you had bothered to view the video you would see what I am talking about. You are so prejudiced against Infowars that you missed out on a good video. In fact your prejudice makes you less informed.


That's okay, as both a Bilderberger and one of the lizard people, I'm well-informed enough to not have to watch the video.

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Tom capitulated. In other words, he "cried uncle". As far as me capitalizing Uncle that was just a freudian slip. :devil:


Capitulated? No, Infowars is still not a source and safely ignorable, and anyone who links to it is still espousing conspiracy theories. I just made it seem likes I was capitulating, because as a Freemason I'm required to indulge in at least one false-flag MKULTRA operation a day.


But keep fighting the good fight, Mulder. The truth is out there!

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Capitulated? No, Infowars is still not a source and safely ignorable, and anyone who links to it is still espousing conspiracy theories. I just made it seem likes I was capitulating, because as a Freemason I'm required to indulge in at least one false-flag MKULTRA operation a day.


But keep fighting the good fight, Mulder. The truth is out there!


Uncle Tom, Infowars was not the source. You know that and think your reputation as a prick will get people to back down. Breitbart was the source I used. Do you want to dispuse this?

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Did he actually pass on in the Ronald Reagan Medical Center... Again, one would think that place would breathe life into him! He must have orgasmed to death... That is a "natural cause." Maybe they should have sent him to the Jimmy Carter Clinic... He would have had a to fight his way out of there, let alone get caught dead.


Hey come on... Tasteless I know, but the material is out there.



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