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Energy Secretary Wants High Gas Prices

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So the administration wants Europe like gas prices to force us into green vehicles. I wonder how Europe is coming along with all their electric cars? Anybody know? I saw that they have only a spattering, but maybe there is more information out there. You'd think with $10 gas they would have converted long ago if it made sense.

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So the administration wants Europe like gas prices to force us into green vehicles. I wonder how Europe is coming along with all their electric cars? Anybody know? I saw that they have only a spattering, but maybe there is more information out there. You'd think with $10 gas they would have converted long ago if it made sense.


I have always heard this... But does Europe "drive" like we do. America is a greater expanse... Then mix in all the sprawl and lack of public transportation systems. America was built around the car, no?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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It may make me look like a mook, but damn it, I'll be a wealthy mook. I might even buy one anyway for the summer. Gas is gonna be over $5 a gallon.


You may look like a mook riding one (hell you might even look like a mook walking down the street :D ) but chicks look hot riding those things.

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Well, first off, the price of oil is set on the international market by a multitude of different forces which the president has little to no control over. I'm sure Gingich knows this very well. It doesn't matter who the president is. As long as there is turmoil in the middle east we are going to have high oil.

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Well, first off, the price of oil is set on the international market by a multitude of different forces which the president has little to no control over. I'm sure Gingich knows this very well. It doesn't matter who the president is. As long as there is turmoil in the middle east we are going to have high oil.

It's one thing to (rightfully) state that Barry has no control over oil/gas prices. But the energy secretary saying that Barry doesn't mind high gas prices won't play well with da peeps.

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I have always heard this... But does Europe "drive" like we do. America is a greater expanse... Then mix in all the sprawl and lack of public transportation systems. America was built around the car, no?

I'd think those electric cars would work better in Europe since they only get 80 miles per charge. Well, gee, golly, gosh we're shooting for $10 gas that will screw the economy even worse than it is now, for something that even socialist Europe doesn't even embrace. Is Obama this dumb? If so, he rivals DIN. The only other possibility is that this horseshit is on purpose. So, what do you think libs, is your Messiah really this dumb or is he trying to damage this country? Can there be a third choice? Please libs, come up with one that makes sense. I certainly don't want to think this country elected a dummy or someone that hates this country enough to want to damage it.

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If I didn't live in WNY, I'd buy a Vespa...


Will Walmart let you park it inside? You might have to get a really big lock! :P :P


You may look like a mook riding one (hell you might even look like a mook walking down the street :D ) but chicks look hot riding those things.


Fat chicks and mopeds? They are both fun to ride until a friend sees you it!

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So the administration wants Europe like gas prices to force us into green vehicles. I wonder how Europe is coming along with all their electric cars? Anybody know? I saw that they have only a spattering, but maybe there is more information out there. You'd think with $10 gas they would have converted long ago if it made sense.


When I was in Italy this summer, my cousin had just purchased a used vehicle that operates on G.P.L (Gas Petroleo Liquido) which cost .70 Euro in comparison 1.50 Euro for normal gasoline. I never bothered to do research on how it worked but I believe you have two different tanks and this type of fuel was catching on.

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Will Walmart let you park it inside? You might have to get a really big lock! :P :P




Fat chicks and mopeds? They are both fun to ride until a friend sees you it!



:thumbsup: I've ridden my bike there and never had a problem, but yea, I would have to get a REALLY good lock.

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I'd think those electric cars would work better in Europe since they only get 80 miles per charge. Well, gee, golly, gosh we're shooting for $10 gas that will screw the economy even worse than it is now, for something that even socialist Europe doesn't even embrace. Is Obama this dumb? If so, he rivals DIN. The only other possibility is that this horseshit is on purpose. So, what do you think libs, is your Messiah really this dumb or is he trying to damage this country? Can there be a third choice? Please libs, come up with one that makes sense. I certainly don't want to think this country elected a dummy or someone that hates this country enough to want to damage it.


How do you force change? People in general hate shock and change. Yet, if fuel is let to CREEP up... I suppose the shock will be less. I do understand what you say... Again, with low fuel prices... How will we ever embrace change. I think that is all he is saying.


Do you want transportation change? And how do we go about it with the minimal of shock to the system?

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Well, first off, the price of oil is set on the international market by a multitude of different forces which the president has little to no control over. I'm sure Gingich knows this very well. It doesn't matter who the president is. As long as there is turmoil in the middle east we are going to have high oil.


The f'n libs have been fighting drilling in ANWR, offshore and even Obama prevented the Keystone Pipeline. Restrictive rules caused the BP spill being as extensive as it was. Oil rigs that were in the Gulf are now off South America. China and Cuba are now drilling in the Gulf. Do you trust them to be as environmentally safe as the U.S. or UK?

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How do you force change? People in general hate shock and change. Yet, if fuel is let to CREEP up... I suppose the shock will be less. I do understand what you say... Again, with low fuel prices... How will we ever embrace change. I think that is all he is saying.


Do you want transportation change? And how do we go about it with the minimal of shock to the system?


The free market will determine change. Hope and change slogans don't do it. Artificial restrictions by the government to enforce change are stupid. At some point in time the free market will come up with something better than fossil fuels. This is not something that you can legislate. Since that's all Obama knows, that is his approach.

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The only thing holding back the electric car is the Republican Congress.


Once Nancy is back in power, her and Barry will fix the Laws of Physics. The current Laws of Physics were of course put in place by lobbyists for Big Oil.


Just think of it. Perpetual motion machines. Energy and matter are no longer not created nor destroyed, but can now be created and taxed at a fair share.


Yes We Can!

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