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I know some people don't like it when others start threads like this, but I could really use some support right now since I know a lot of you can relate to this sort of pain.


One of my dogs, a little Bichon named Fozzie, passed away today about an hour ago. He was 16 years old, but up until a week or two ago you'd never guess it. He's been my little buddy for the past 16 years and making the decision to let him move on from this world was literally the hardest thing I've ever had to do. He really had a rough week, and then this weekend he really took a turn for the worse. I took him over to the vet today and he was found to be a pretty sick little guy. He was in renal failure, had a severe bout of pancreatitis, and most likely prostate cancer. The vet was going to start him on fluids and antibiotics and then call met later in the day to let me know how he responded. I got a call around 430pm that his temperature had dropped another two degrees and he was really in bad shape. When the vet told me she didn't think he'd make it through the night, I couldn't handle the thought of him being there alone by himself should he pass away. I went back over to see him, spoke with the vet there and also a good friend of mine who is a vet in Chicago, and then decided to let him go. I got down close to him, held his head next to mine while I petted him, and he very peacefully went to sleep.


Right now I feel at peace with the decision and I truly do feel that he's in a better place now, but at the same time I feel as if part of me is gone. I haven't been able to hold it together all day and my stomach feels like it's one huge knot. I truly loved my dog and this is honestly breaking my heart to type this right now. If anyone feels like offering some support, it would really mean a lot to me. Even if you don't want to say anything here in the thread, a PM would be great. I know that I'll be okay with time, but right now I'm broken and hurting pretty bad. He had a really good 16 years and I'm proud of the way I took care of him. It's just killing me to have to say good-bye.




I posted it on the Last Post wins and some other thread for Cowgirls, maybe it'll make ya say awe.


Buddy, I am not sure what to say. I have lost a lot of animals... many of which are loved ex girlfriends... A cat and many dogs, some fish, chickens, and of course cows. There is nothing to replace that pit in your stomach seeing something you love lifeless and there is only time and the knowledge that you did everything you could to provide it the best life possible. Whether a cow or "real" pet losing a four legged friend is never easy and only the memories comfort you and those memories are what live on long after that knotted up pit.


AJ you're in my thoughts. I truly know what you're feeling. A few years back I had to do the same thing with my 14 yo Miniature Schnauzer Scarlett. If I remember correctly you and I discussed it in this very forum. It will get better with time but I'll say I still tear up whenever I see a Schnauzer puppy.


Fozzie's not suffering anymore and that's really what matters. In time you won't suffer anymore either.


AJ -- my deepest condolences on your loss. Fozzie sounds like an amazing dog (great name too). If it helps, my wife and I to this day regret we were not with our first dog when she passed, and that was over 15 years ago. I believe you made the proper decision for both Fozzie and yourself. God bless the little guy.


Sorry to hear this AJ... Hang in there... We had to put a cat down that was with us for the past 16 years too... The wife and children go out and get 2 kittens! Now we have 3! :wallbash: :wallbash: That is border line insane... I was always a dog person growing up! You can tell who runs the ship here... :blush:


So sorry,aj. You absolutely did the right thing. I guess let yourself just hurt for a little while, then you can remember him for the awesome friend he was. You seem like a great guy. I'm sure Fozzy had a really happy life. That's really something to be proud of.


I'll probably be where you are before too long. My Billie is 15 and a half now. I'm gonna make sure to be there for her all the way.


Thank you guys (and gals) for all the support. As much as it hurts, it's comforting to know that there are others who understand and have been through it. It's also so amazing to me that so many people love their pets as they do. Thanks for helping me to not go through this alone.


Ajzepp, I am sorry to hear about your loss. I've had dogs my entire life, the pain I feel every time I put one down is only overcome by the joy a new pet brings. Remember the good times and know that even though they have passed you made their life better by being a good owner.


I cry at most once every 2-3 years, but when I had to put my cat of 15 years down last year, I cried for a two days.


Feel the pain and grief and then you'll get better, but I do think you have to feel that to be fully human.


16 years is a hell of a run for a dog! You must have been a great owner.

  On 2/28/2012 at 3:55 AM, ajzepp said:

Thank you guys (and gals) for all the support. As much as it hurts, it's comforting to know that there are others who understand and have been through it. It's also so amazing to me that so many people love their pets as they do. Thanks for helping me to not go through this alone.


A little levity always helps in these situations. Our first cat became very sick. He was old and unfortunately that's what happens to old pets. We took a trip to San Francisco while he was sick and had a friend look in on him. She called us and said she had stopped in and he was dead. I told her could she take him to the pound the next morning so they could dispose of the body. She couldn't seeing she was going out of town early that morning herself. I though for a bit and said "put him in the freezer, we'll take care of him when we return." Well she did and when we got home I put him in a bag, his head hitting the tile floor with a "clunk!" His name was Poo. He got that name the first time he used his box. "Oh poo...that stinks." Well after the freezer incident he was forever known as our poosicle.


Also if you ever have to put a pet down I suggest you do what we did with our second cat. Have someone come to the house and do it. We've never had to go through that tough part of taking a pet in to be put down. First one died and at home the second one on his favorite perch looking out his favorite window. Having pets instead of kids sucks seeing you outlive your pets and not your kids. The pain will go and all you'll be left with are pictures and fond memories.


I'm really sorry about your loss aj. A dog can be just like family and it's never easy when it's their time to go. It seems he had a wonderful life with you and that's what matters.

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