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Illegal Immigration Takes Its Toll


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8pm on CNN there is going to be what should be a pretty informative hour-long special on immigration. Probably worth watching I would recommend it.

Is it hosted by Soledad O'Brien?

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No like everything I link to it's hosted by Fareed "I brainwash NewBills" Zakaria. So it will probably be good.



Yes, he's already been quite "good" today..........................................................lol


Fareed Zakaria Asks Rahm Emanuel 'Should Obama Run a Campaign Against Do-Nothing Republican Congress? ? ?'

By Noel Sheppard | June 10, 2012


Fareed Zakaria on Sunday actually asked former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel if the president should "run a campaign against a do-nothing Republican Congress."


Such actually transpired on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS, a program hysterically presented by the so-called "Most Trusted Name In News"


FAREED ZAKARIA, HOST: But the president has proposed a number of things, like the Infrastructure Bank, infrastructure -- other infrastructure proposals.




ZAKARIA: They don't go anywhere. Should he run a campaign against a do-nothing Republican Congress, a kind of reprise of the Truman campaign?



So now Zakaria is part of the administration's propaganda team. Not too surprising given his previous involvement in advising the president on foreign policy.


Consider first that the Democrats control the Senate, a fact that virtually all of the Left and their media minions such as Zakaria conveniently ignore.


As for the often-touted Truman comparison, when he ran against a do-nothing Congress in 1948, the Republicans controlled both the House AND the Senate.


In a bicameral system like ours, it does indeed take two to tango. I guess it's too much to expect liberal media members to remember that.


As for Obama's infrastructure plans, they were part of his American Jobs Act which never made it out of the Democrat-controlled Senate.


It failed to pass cloture on October 11, 2011. Three Democrats voted against cloture including Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).


As such, blaming this on Republicans is preposterous.


But that's par for the course for shills like Zakaria.







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So long-story short:


Japan is basically insanely anti-immigration despite the fact it seems it would help with some serious problems they face.


European nations have many of the same problems we have in the way they view the problem and the politicization of it.


Canada and Australia do it well.


We can do it well and know how (Ted Kennedy/John McCain/George Bush tried) but the extremes of the parties on both left and right oppose it and it's not likely we are politically capable of enacting intelligent reform anytime soon.


No use writing a summary but it's worth watching even if you think you hate Zakaria or are generally "anti-immigration" (whatever that means to you personally)....


Some fair discussion on the illegal issue....and some light shed on the backwards policy we have related to the educated immigrants (educated in our schools no less) particularly Silicon Valley's frustration with an inept skilled-worker policy.

Edited by TheNewBills
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So long-story short:


Japan is basically insanely anti-immigration despite the fact it seems it would help with some serious problems they face.


European nations have many of the same problems we have in the way they view the problem and the politicization of it.


Canada and Australia do it well.


We can do it well and know how (Ted Kennedy/John McCain/George Bush tried) but the extremes of the parties on both left and right oppose it and it's not likely we are politically capable of enacting intelligent reform anytime soon.


No use writing a summary but it's worth watching even if you think you hate Zakaria or are generally "anti-immigration" (whatever that means to you personally)....


Some fair discussion on the illegal issue....and some light shed on the backwards policy we have related to the educated immigrants (educated in our schools no less) particularly Silicon Valley's frustration with an inept skilled-worker policy.



Tell us, are you for legal immigration and against illegal immigration? If you agree with legal immigration only do you agree that there should be certain restrictions on immigration?

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Tell us, are you for legal immigration and against illegal immigration? If you agree with legal immigration only do you agree that there should be certain restrictions on immigration?



Of course I'm for legal immigration and against illegal immigration. I'm also against political manipulation of the issue in a way the prevents common sense reform.


What about you 3rdling? Is this an issue you care about/what are your general thoughts and irks regarding various options?

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Of course I'm for legal immigration and against illegal immigration. I'm also against political manipulation of the issue in a way the prevents common sense reform.



Does common sense reform include amnesty for people who have broken our laws? What do you think about securing our borders? Would you go as far as a wall across our entire borders, including sensors to seek out tunnels?

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Does common sense reform include amnesty for people who have broken our laws? What do you think about securing our borders? Would you go as far as a wall across our entire borders, including sensors to seek out tunnels?



Personally no I would not build a wall.


Fareed's personal conclusion at the end of his special outlines what he sees a possible solution (his opinion of course). Basically give papers to existing illegal immigrants without criminal records, deport those with criminal records. Those given legal status would still have a long route to citizenship most likely lasting 15 years (back of the line) during which they have to pay taxes and stay crime free (of course). Then we would reduce the number (currently 75%) of all immigrants who come in currently b/c they have been sponsored by a legal immigrant, we would increase the number of immigrants who come in with skills we need (needless to say every higher education diploma we give out in our schools to an immigrant student studying STEM fields should include a green card). Lastly make some orderly provision for temp workers who pick crops seasonally.


This is basically the crux of the bill co-sponsored by Ted Kennedy and John McCain and strongly supported by then President George Bush...but the right opposed any path to valid status for those who came illegally in the past, some leftist forces opposed the shift to skills based immigration (I assume to protect the higher percentage of legal immigrants sponsoring family members relative to those coming in for skills based reasons?), and the unions opposed the temp worker provisions.



I am no expert on immigration but I don't see huge problems with that basic outline.

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Personally no I would not build a wall.


Fareed's personal conclusion at the end of his special outlines what he sees a possible solution (his opinion of course). Basically give papers to existing illegal immigrants without criminal records, deport those with criminal records. Those given legal status would still have a long route to citizenship most likely lasting 15 years (back of the line) during which they have to pay taxes and stay crime free (of course). Then we would reduce the number (currently 75%) of all immigrants who come in currently b/c they have been sponsored by a legal immigrant, we would increase the number of immigrants who come in with skills we need (needless to say every higher education diploma we give out in our schools to an immigrant student studying STEM fields should include a green card). Lastly make some orderly provision for temp workers who pick crops seasonally.


This is basically the crux of the bill co-sponsored by Ted Kennedy and John McCain and strongly supported by then President George Bush...but the far right opposed any path to valid status for those who came illegally in the past, some leftist forces opposed the shift to skills based immigration (I assume to protect the higher percentage of legal immigrants sponsoring family members relative to those coming in for skills based reasons), and the unions opposed the temp worker provisions.



I am no expert on immigration but I don't see huge problems with that basic outline.



So, do you believe that everyone entering this country illegally has broken the law?

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So, do you believe that everyone entering this country illegally has broken the law?



LOL yes 3rdling illegals are here not in accordance to our current immigration laws. However I have a forward looking approach to the issue of fixing the problem today for today and the future. What are your answers to the issues facing us in this realm?

Edited by TheNewBills
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Geez Louise... This thread was started in Feb... I now know where the fixation and crusade started with toll collectors!


I can't aswer if illegal immigration has taken a toll, but in my 1 hour working out of 8, I haven't collected one toll. I must be terrible at my job... Oh well, at least Humana is getting their dough! :nana:

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Geez Louise... This thread was started in Feb... I now know where the fixation and crusade started with toll collectors!


I can't aswer if illegal immigration has taken a toll, but in my 1 hour working out of 8, I haven't collected one toll. I must be terrible at my job... Oh well, at least Humana is getting their dough! :nana:


It appears as if you now have the proper experience to ask the real question. "Can I supersize that for you"?

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I am no expert on immigration but I don't see huge problems with that basic outline.


There was no problem with the outline of the proposed bill, other than the dirty word - AMNESTY. So here we are, a decade later, yet all those illegals are still here. No amnesty for them. Showed them!

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