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"The following information is compiled from news, law enforcement, survivors of victims, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Border Patrol and Department of Homeland Security reports:


83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.

86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.

75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles , Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.

24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals.

40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals.

48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals.

29% (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons fill our State and Federal prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually.

53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.

50% plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or "transport coyotes".

47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens.

63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens

66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66% 98% are illegal aliens.

380,000 plus "anchor babies" were born in the US to illegal alien parents in just one year, making 380,000 babies automatically US citizens (which is UN-Constitutional; illegal).

97.2% of all costs incurred from those illegal births were paid by the American taxpayers. That is almost ALL of them!

And remember YOU are supporting ALL of these illegals no matter where they are now. Every time another illegal runs the border breaking our laws, your pocket just gets lighter and robbed more!"



It is the President's sworn duty to protect our borders. I'm not just blaming the present President but weren't we scheduled to have a border fence for a goodly section of our southern border?

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380,000 plus "anchor babies" were born in the US to illegal alien parents in just one year, making 380,000 babies automatically US citizens (which is UN-Constitutional; illegal).


Oh, was the Fourteenth Amendment repealed while I was asleep or something?


The GOP is on the wrong side of this issue.

Ok, I get it. So Romney is wrong, right?


Oh, was this info taken from a Gallop poll? :rolleyes:


No, appears to have come from a website that has no concrete links to where it is getting it's information and when I tried to fact check it I couldn't find anything to support it.


Plus some of those #s seem a little steep.


You don't learn from your stupid mistakes, do you?


Here are some real statistics from a real study conducted by the center for immigration studies in the state of Arizona.


Illegal immigration in Arizona:


The federal government estimated that Arizona had one of the fastest growing illegal immigrant populations in the country, increasing from 330,000 in 2000 to 560,000 by 2008.1


Arizona has adopted other laws to deter the settlement of illegal immigrants in the state in recent years. The federal government estimates that the illegal immigrant population dropped by 18 percent in the state from 2008 to 2009, compared to a 7 percent drop for the nation as a whole.2 This may be evidence that the state enforcement efforts are having an impact.


The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office has found that 22 percent of felonies in the county are committed by illegal immigrants.3 Illegal immigrants are estimated to be 10 percent of the county’s adult population.4


Analysis of data from State Criminal Alien Assistance Program showed that illegal immigrants were 11 percent of the state’s prison population. Illegal immigrants were estimated to be 8 percent of state’s adult population at the time of the analysis.5


Approximately 17 percent of those arrested by the Border Patrol in its Tucson Sector have criminal records in the United States.6


The issue of illegal immigration and crime is very difficult to measure, and while in Arizona there is evidence that illegal immigrants are committing a disproportionate share of crime, it is not clear this is the case nationally.7


In 2007, the Center for Immigration Studies estimated that 12 percent of workers in Arizona are illegal immigrants.8


In 2007, the Center estimated that illegal immigrants and their U.S.-born children (under 18) comprise one-fifth of those in the state living in poverty, one-third of those without health insurance, and one out of six students in the state’s schools.9


In 2007, the Center estimated that one-third of households headed by illegal immigrants in Arizona used at least one major welfare program, primarily food-assistance programs or Medicaid. Benefits were typically received on behalf of U.S.-born children.10


The new law (SB 1070) is extremely popular among Arizona voters. A Rasmussen poll found that 70 percent of voters approve of the new bill, and just 23 percent oppose it.11




Posted (edited)

Here are some real statistics from a real study conducted by the center for immigration studies in the state of Arizona.


Illegal immigration in Arizona:


The federal government estimated that Arizona had one of the fastest growing illegal immigrant populations in the country, increasing from 330,000 in 2000 to 560,000 by 2008.1


Arizona has adopted other laws to deter the settlement of illegal immigrants in the state in recent years. The federal government estimates that the illegal immigrant population dropped by 18 percent in the state from 2008 to 2009, compared to a 7 percent drop for the nation as a whole.2 This may be evidence that the state enforcement efforts are having an impact.


The Maricopa County Attorneys Office has found that 22 percent of felonies in the county are committed by illegal immigrants.3 Illegal immigrants are estimated to be 10 percent of the countys adult population.4


Analysis of data from State Criminal Alien Assistance Program showed that illegal immigrants were 11 percent of the states prison population. Illegal immigrants were estimated to be 8 percent of states adult population at the time of the analysis.5


Approximately 17 percent of those arrested by the Border Patrol in its Tucson Sector have criminal records in the United States.6


The issue of illegal immigration and crime is very difficult to measure, and while in Arizona there is evidence that illegal immigrants are committing a disproportionate share of crime, it is not clear this is the case nationally.7


In 2007, the Center for Immigration Studies estimated that 12 percent of workers in Arizona are illegal immigrants.8


In 2007, the Center estimated that illegal immigrants and their U.S.-born children (under 18) comprise one-fifth of those in the state living in poverty, one-third of those without health insurance, and one out of six students in the states schools.9


In 2007, the Center estimated that one-third of households headed by illegal immigrants in Arizona used at least one major welfare program, primarily food-assistance programs or Medicaid. Benefits were typically received on behalf of U.S.-born children.10


The new law (SB 1070) is extremely popular among Arizona voters. A Rasmussen poll found that 70 percent of voters approve of the new bill, and just 23 percent oppose it.11





My understanding is that a lot of illegal aliens who commit crimes are housed in Federal Prisons.


From your link.







Some nice charts

Edited by 3rdnlng

No, appears to have come from a website that has no concrete links to where it is getting it's information and when I tried to fact check it I couldn't find anything to support it.


Plus some of those #s seem a little steep.


The web site compiles victim reports (their own, apparently) and crime statistics on their own.


I have a strong suspicion their methodologies are suspect.


The web site compiles victim reports (their own, apparently) and crime statistics on their own.


I have a strong suspicion their methodologies are suspect.


I posted a very similar group of statistics here a year or two ago and they were quite similar with every one being sourced, so I wasn't too worried about the veracity of this website. It would be nice if the Federal government tracked crime statistics of illegal aliens but supposedly they don't.


Oh, was the Fourteenth Amendment repealed while I was asleep or something?



Ok, I get it. So Romney is wrong, right?

Yep, on this issue he is


Yep, on this issue he is

Magox, you and I agree on most all issues but I don't understand you not wanting illegal immigration to be stopped. Maybe I'm getting it wrong here, but please explain yourself.


I posted a very similar group of statistics here a year or two ago and they were quite similar with every one being sourced, so I wasn't too worried about the veracity of this website. It would be nice if the Federal government tracked crime statistics of illegal aliens but supposedly they don't.

The federal government really only collects extensive data on homicides in the U.S. It's possible that they collect citizenship status for other crimes as well, but it doesn't seem likely to me.


Magox, you and I agree on most all issues but I don't understand you not wanting illegal immigration to be stopped. Maybe I'm getting it wrong here, but please explain yourself.

Mags is obviously just more of a free market adherent than you and the rest of the xenophobic right wing. He understands that in the free market the free low of labor is as sacred as the free flow of capital. Anti immigration is simply anti-capitalist. When the government starts telling small business owners who they can and cannot hire we are going against the very free market principles this country was built upon.

Posted (edited)

The federal government really only collects extensive data on homicides in the U.S. It's possible that they collect citizenship status for other crimes as well, but it doesn't seem likely to me.



You would think that they would involve themselves with that since maybe keeping stats on illegal aliens and crimes and affect on our society would be important. Other estimates are that illegal immigration costs 100-200 billion annually.

Edited by 3rdnlng

You would think that all they involve themselves with that maybe keeping stats on illegal aliens and crimes and affect on our society would be important. Other estimates are that illegal immigration costs 100-200 billion annually.

The problem is that the Federal crime stats (UCR in particular) rely on local police reports to the government. That means more paperwork and more time committed to it by local officers, time that could be used to hit the streets instead.


And really - how many cops do you know that would rather do paperwork than be out on patrol or assignment?


Mags is obviously just more of a free market adherent than you and the rest of the xenophobic right wing. He understands that in the free market the free low of labor is as sacred as the free flow of capital. Anti immigration is simply anti-capitalist. When the government starts telling small business owners who they can and cannot hire we are going against the very free market principles this country was built upon.



Sorry DCTom, he's not worth refuting. DIN, you are an idiot and a !@#$ing moron.


DC--I give you license to call anybody but me a chuntmudgeon---once.


I believe that we as a country should be more inclusive and that the rhetoric from the right to be too divisive. Whether you like it or not, there are a few realities regarding immigration, one the net gain from an economic standpoint outweighs the costs incurred from illegal immigration, two in order for there to be meaningful growth, population growth through immigration is a key part to making that happen and three from a political standpoint, the latino population is the fastest growing population in the US,and if the conservatives want to win elections moving forward, they better start gameplanning a strategy that includes them in their tent. Jeb Bush gets it, and so does Marco Rubio.


And I hate watching these primaries, specially this one, simply because the tea party without a doubt has driven the conservative movement a few notches to the right, so everyone is trying to prove that they are more conservative than the guy next to him (except Ron Paul of course). It's a turnoff. And for many people, specially in the age of the American Idol society, people look at these issues almost if not more than they look at who can run this economy better.


Like I said, if the focus can stay on the economy, ROmney wins, he is vastly superior to Obama when it come to handling the economy and the debt, if the Obama campaign can divert the attention away from the economy (which they will desperately want to) and steer it towards social issues, how Repubiclans are stuck in the dark ages, immigration, how Romney hate poor people and wants to protect his wall street buddies and that he waxes poetic about trees being the right size, then Obama wins.


I believe that we as a country should be more inclusive and that the rhetoric from the right to be too divisive. Whether you like it or not, there are a few realities regarding immigration, one the net gain from an economic standpoint outweighs the costs incurred from illegal immigration, two in order for there to be meaningful growth, population growth through immigration is a key part to making that happen and three from a political standpoint, the latino population is the fastest growing population in the US,and if the conservatives want to win elections moving forward, they better start gameplanning a strategy that includes them in their tent. Jeb Bush gets it, and so does Marco Rubio.


And I hate watching these primaries, specially this one, simply because the tea party without a doubt has driven the conservative movement a few notches to the right, so everyone is trying to prove that they are more conservative than the guy next to him (except Ron Paul of course). It's a turnoff. And for many people, specially in the age of the American Idol society, people look at these issues almost if not more than they look at who can run this economy better.





Magox, you and I agree on most all issues but I don't understand you not wanting illegal immigration to be stopped. Maybe I'm getting it wrong here, but please explain yourself.


Why don't you try reading the 14th amendment?

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