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An indepth look at Wanny's Playbook


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1992 Dallas Cowboys Defensive Playbook


As the notes say:



Might provide some insight to what we will be doing this year...



skimmed thru... just like wanny said recently, the pass rush MUST be generated by the front 4. the LBs and DBs are likely to be in zone coverage most of the time.


looks like blitzes will come from the safeties more often than the LBs.


outside of redzone situations, it doesnt look like there will be a lot of man to man coverage.


that said, the alignments are such that there is flexibility to call 2 deep man coverage often enough.


i wonder how true this will ring to what wanny has up his sleeve for this year.


one thing's for sure - running this type of defense and NOT generating pressure from the front 4 would allow a QB to pick the zone coverage apart.


before someone calls me a moron for something i overlooked or whatever- remember i just skimmed it and i'm not a pro football player, so maybe my interpretation is off... 0:)


EDIT: oh yeah, thanks Dr. D! that was a nice find

Edited by uncle flap
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1992 Dallas Cowboys Defensive Playbook


As the notes say:



Might provide some insight to what we will be doing this year...

Very cool find Dr.


Wonder if today's player can handle these "Hard" practices. :cry:


"OUT PHYSICAL THE OPPONENT -Every Saturday our opponent must fear the idea of playing against a tough, physical defense... we must tackle in a hard, aggressive, wrapping fashion [AMEN!]. Mistakes will not be tolerated. Mistakes is the disease that can completely cripple a defense.


...They shall not score!


You may hate us for making you run, but you will still run, run, run. :devil: :devil: :devil:


I'm drinking the kool-aid now! coach em up Dave! :thumbsup:

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I'm drinking the kool-aid now! coach em up Dave! :thumbsup:

Pass me a cup, Conan! I began believing in Chan we he started talking like this - expecting to win, etc. - it's all about establishing an expectation of excellence, and following through. Obviously the team didn't hold up to that standard all year - Chan didn't either, at times - but with Wanny taking no prisoners on D, I'm ready to give Chan & co. another chance . . . once more into the breach, dear friends!

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From listening to Nix's interview, I doubt the first round pick will be a DE or OLB, but it definitely sounds like rounds 2-4 will be used on DE's and OLB's. Wanny mentioned getting DE's as a priority, so I wouldn't doubt seeing the Bills get 2 or more this year (to include free agency).

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Pass me a cup, Conan! I began believing in Chan we he started talking like this - expecting to win, etc. - it's all about establishing an expectation of excellence, and following through. Obviously the team didn't hold up to that standard all year - Chan didn't either, at times - but with Wanny taking no prisoners on D, I'm ready to give Chan & co. another chance . . . once more into the breach, dear friends!

that's all we can do, man I wish the season was as fun as the offseason.

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that's all we can do, man I wish the season was as fun as the offseason.

First four games were GREAT fun last year! Some more of those would be good!


IF Ralph Inc. gives Chix the same lattitude at the draft this year as last . . . and IF we pick up a few quality FAs . . . and IF we can keep our own FAs (the good ones) . . . let's see where this goes this year!

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I can't seem to get past the cover page, but I hope he has changed some things since 1992

I'm sure he hasn't. :rolleyes:


From listening to Nix's interview...

I stopped right there because you can trust what Nix says before the draft about as far as you can throw him. And he's a big boy.

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If they play more zone, does that help McKelvin? He struggles to locate the ball and play the ball after very good if not perfect coverage. Maybe with his hips open to the QB and looking back into the pocket he can judge the ball better. He turns well and breaks on the ball very well.

I hope they can get some rush out of Carrington and Merriman. Just wishful thinking a rookie playing next to a second year player in Dareus is going to be able to create havoc like the experienced line of the Giants.

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Great discovery but it is 20 years old. I'm sure Wanny's defensive philosophy and schemes have evolved since then.


Still, you can see Wanny isn't a pure X's and O's kind of guy. He's big on attitude.


Surprising how inarticulate Wanny is, though, if he indeed is the author of this document.

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Not sure about resurrecting yesteryear as the basis of the defense for the Bills 2012-13 season. Remember: "If you always do what you always did; you always get what you always got." Unfortunately, this appears to be the mantra of the Bills for lo these many years....

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