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Have I Mentioned Recently How Much I Hate Bicyclists?

Chef Jim

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The last couple of weeks been dealing with a unicyclist with an attitude, on my way home from work...this is always on a stretch of city street that is already too narrow for the four lanes of traffic, and two bicycle lanes...guy dosn't stay in the bike lane, weaves in and out of traffic, and curses people and filps them off if they get too close to him....it is one of those "big wheel" unicycles, so he is about 6 feet off the ground...can't explain it, but I think he thinks, in his mind, he is a disco..he kind of dances with the bike, putting his hands on his hips, running his fingers through his hair, clapping, singing along to some imaginary turntabel in his head...cuz you know, he has nothing else to do with his hands...at least he isn't texting anyone! He almost got into it with a motorcycle driver yesterday...for once, I would have sided with the motorcycle driver! The price we pay for "keeping Austin weird"!


I can't tell you how much I hate this little prick!


Here's a unique trick. Next time you see him breaking the law dial 911. Don't get mad get the !@#$er busted.

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The last couple of weeks been dealing with a unicyclist with an attitude, on my way home from work...this is always on a stretch of city street that is already too narrow for the four lanes of traffic, and two bicycle lanes...guy dosn't stay in the bike lane, weaves in and out of traffic, and curses people and filps them off if they get too close to him....it is one of those "big wheel" unicycles, so he is about 6 feet off the ground...can't explain it, but I think he thinks, in his mind, he is a disco..he kind of dances with the bike, putting his hands on his hips, running his fingers through his hair, clapping, singing along to some imaginary turntabel in his head...cuz you know, he has nothing else to do with his hands...at least he isn't texting anyone! He almost got into it with a motorcycle driver yesterday...for once, I would have sided with the motorcycle driver! The price we pay for "keeping Austin weird"!


I can't tell you how much I hate this little prick!




When did Tom move to Austin?



Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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The last couple of weeks been dealing with a unicyclist with an attitude, on my way home from work...this is always on a stretch of city street that is already too narrow for the four lanes of traffic, and two bicycle lanes...guy dosn't stay in the bike lane, weaves in and out of traffic, and curses people and filps them off if they get too close to him....it is one of those "big wheel" unicycles, so he is about 6 feet off the ground...can't explain it, but I think he thinks, in his mind, he is a disco..he kind of dances with the bike, putting his hands on his hips, running his fingers through his hair, clapping, singing along to some imaginary turntabel in his head...cuz you know, he has nothing else to do with his hands...at least he isn't texting anyone! He almost got into it with a motorcycle driver yesterday...for once, I would have sided with the motorcycle driver! The price we pay for "keeping Austin weird"!


I can't tell you how much I hate this little prick!


Can you stick a broom handle in his spokes?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well that was a crappy outcome....


Ramage said the attack was "pretty unpleasant," and the woman was ordered to pay $40 in dry cleaning costs.

"I'm not physically intimidated. I know I won't suffer any serious injury but the mental anguish with having to deal with the encounter, that's what it's really all about," Ramage said.



A: $40 to clean a pink and chartreuse spandex shirt that Britney Spears thinks is too feminine to wear?


2: 70 years or so ago British men were going into war and yesterday we commemorated them. They marched into the teeth of Hitler's wrath; often to their death. Today this guy is proud to not be PHYSICALLY INTIMIDATED by a 75 YEAR OLD WOMAN WITH DOG POOP but readily admits to having mental anguish.


C: Do you know when this guy will realize that an old woman with dog poop is not the worst he has to fear?















































When his head is rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.

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Wait, that quote is from the guy, not the 75 year old lady?? What a fricken puzzy.


Yes, the proud member of the international spandex mafia gave us that quote.


I'm sure societies have always had to put up with these types of nerds, but now they have lawyers. They are softening up the western world to the point where it can be easily taken. The 75 year old lady would last longer than this guy and his pedaling pals if the stuff really hit the fan.

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Did you see where they had to close the bike path down in Chicago? I guess there was black ice on the path and bikes were wiping out all over the place... I am working on trying to find the video. LoL...


Have any of the pedal pushing pansies sued God for inventing winter?

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There should be some video in here... I am on a mobile device and it is not coming through... Enjoy!





"...Meantime, in Chicago, waves from Lake Michigan created slick conditions along parts of the lakefront bike and jogging path. Part of the lakefront path was shut down at Oak Street Beach, due to water and black ice on the bike trail, after at least a dozen cyclists fell as they rode along the lakefront.


Paramedics were called to help the injured, but fortunately no one was seriously hurt, nor did anyone end up in the lake. The Chicago Park District shut down the path as a precaution..."








Grab your popcorn!



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Actually I started to laugh but then thought better. They are not doing dumb ****, they're just riding their bikes and getting wiped out on the ice. I thought "how would I feel if that were my wife" and I stopped laughing.


I know it is sunny out and all... But had a pretty cold system come through... I think, get a little common sense and pack the bike in for the winter... Let alone riding along a bike path that gets waves off of Lake Michigan. I underestand, but stupid is what stupid does... It is friggan November, what do you expect and what were they thinking? Now they are gonna want it salted?


Save it for the weekend dumbazzes when it will be back up into the 50's & 60's... It is 25 degrees out there now!

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I know it is sunny out and all... But had a pretty cold system come through... I think, get a little common sense and pack the bike in for the winter... Let alone riding along a bike path that gets waves off of Lake Michigan. I underestand, but stupid is what stupid does... It is friggan November, what do you expect and what were they thinking? Now they are gonna want it salted?


Save it for the weekend dumbazzes when it will be back up into the 50's & 60's... It is 25 degrees out there now!


Yes they will want it salted and they will sue when their toys rust.

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  • 2 months later...

a friend of mine posted this status update on facebook saturday, figured it was appropriate for this thread



Can an officer in downtown Atlanta give you a ticket for running a red light on your bike -- even if you paused to ensure your safety? Why yes they can. And will.

Will you momentarily think of giving a fake name when they ask for it (since you don't have a driver's license with you)? Maybe. But you won't.

Will your mind go blank when they ask "what kind of bike is that?" for their report? Yes, because there are so many ways to answer that!

Will nearby homeless people who witness the ticket-giving laugh at you? Yes. Yes they will. They may even cackle and taunt.

Will you look forward to telling your wife about the fine? Not. At. All. However, you may suddenly develop an urge to help with laundry or take the dog out.



Oh, well.... Lesson learned. Maybe it will save my life. Thanks ATL PD!

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