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Have I Mentioned Recently How Much I Hate Bicyclists?

Chef Jim

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I got stuck at just about every red light this morning on the way to work. I was the first car in line at each light. This guy on a bike was leapfrogging the traffic and jumping up front at each light. He did wait to go though until the light went green. I realize this guy isn't doing anything wrong, but man did it get frustrating. At each light I had to slowly move forward because there wasn't enough room to get around this guy (narrow roads with traffic in both directions).

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I got stuck at just about every red light this morning on the way to work. I was the first car in line at each light. This guy on a bike was leapfrogging the traffic and jumping up front at each light. He did wait to go though until the light went green. I realize this guy isn't doing anything wrong, but man did it get frustrating. At each light I had to slowly move forward because there wasn't enough room to get around this guy (narrow roads with traffic in both directions).




You're in a car. He's on a bike. Why would this frustrate you? Your commute is immeasurably easier than his.

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You're in a car. He's on a bike. Why would this frustrate you? Your commute is immeasurably easier than his.


Having to drive 10 MPH until there aren't any cars coming the other direction and I can finally get around him. Wash rinse and repeat at every traffic signal.

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You're in a car. He's on a bike. Why would this frustrate you? Your commute is immeasurably easier than his.


Has nothing to do w/who is working harder. It is about who should give way and who should stand on.


Becuase what it sounds like, the bike is adding to the clusterf**k on the road... AND the cars are paying for the road w/the fuel taxes, while they are burning more fuel waiting! The system, if it continues, will be broken soon.


I pointed out on the rivers... Commercial vessels pay a 20 cent surcharge on every gallon of fuel the use. They have greater priority when it comes using the infrastucture (like say @ locks and etc...). Cars should have priority over bikes...


Even worse, cars that get better fuel mileage BUT tear up the roads equally or if not more!

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Having to drive 10 MPH until there aren't any cars coming the other direction and I can finally get around him. Wash rinse and repeat at every traffic signal.


And how long did that last between lights? Be realistic. 10 seconds, tops? Were you narrowly missing lights? How much time did this guy really set you back?

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And how long did that last between lights? Be realistic. 10 seconds, tops? Were you narrowly missing lights? How much time did this guy really set you back?


Like I said, I was the first in line at several red lights, so it stands to reason that without the delay I probably would have made one of those lights. Honestly though, the frustration is more of a statement about the conditions of the road around here lately. Things have been god awful slow since school started up, much worse than in previous years. Add that extra slow down this morning to all those factors (including the way maniacs drive out here) and I'm just about ready to slam my head through the window.

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Like I said, I was the first in line at several red lights, so it stands to reason that without the delay I probably would have made one of those lights. Honestly though, the frustration is more of a statement about the conditions of the road around here lately. Things have been god awful slow since school started up, much worse than in previous years. Add that extra slow down this morning to all those factors (including the way maniacs drive out here) and I'm just about ready to slam my head through the window.


Then you are idling in traffic... That is good for the envrionment or @ least they say. Isn't that what they are trying eliminate?

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Like I said, I was the first in line at several red lights, so it stands to reason that without the delay I probably would have made one of those lights. Honestly though, the frustration is more of a statement about the conditions of the road around here lately. Things have been god awful slow since school started up, much worse than in previous years. Add that extra slow down this morning to all those factors (including the way maniacs drive out here) and I'm just about ready to slam my head through the window.


Understood. And it's no mystery what my bias is since I'm a bike commuter here in Chicago.


As such, I've had people lay on their horns and scream at me through their windshields then aggressively peel out when I've delayed them for--at most--a couple seconds, time EASILY made up without having to gun it.


It goes to show that people have an unreasonable aggression towards cyclists that I've argued here repeatedly. Unreasonable because one lousy experience with a bad **** crazy, road warrior messenger on a 2 oz fixie does not a relationship with ALL cyclists make, and unreasonable because it manifests itself often times into unwarranted aggression that is downright dangerous to the cyclists out there.

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A good article until this final paragraph.


The truth? Roads don't belong to any one person no matter what they're driving. Outside of freeways, cyclists have the same right-of-ways as any other user. And no baseball bat can inflict the permanent hit from a 3,000-lb. hunk of metal at 30 mph. With 3.9 million miles of road in the United States, you would think sharing wouldn't be such a big deal.


It appears that is a jab at motorist. Well living in one of those areas with lots of bicyclists in the city and in the country I can tell you there is one group that is not doing their part to share the road and that is the two wheeled elitist bastards.

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Understood. And it's no mystery what my bias is since I'm a bike commuter here in Chicago.


As such, I've had people lay on their horns and scream at me through their windshields then aggressively peel out when I've delayed them for--at most--a couple seconds, time EASILY made up without having to gun it.


It goes to show that people have an unreasonable aggression towards cyclists that I've argued here repeatedly. Unreasonable because one lousy experience with a bad **** crazy, road warrior messenger on a 2 oz fixie does not a relationship with ALL cyclists make, and unreasonable because it manifests itself often times into unwarranted aggression that is downright dangerous to the cyclists out there.


Sorry, the aggression is quite reasonable. At least here in SF.

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I see. Specifically what is the annoyance index that justifies causing someone serious injuries or death?


So honking their horn, yelling at you through their windshield and peeling out in front of you is an aggression equal to injury or death? Quite the leap there.

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The last couple of weeks been dealing with a unicyclist with an attitude, on my way home from work...this is always on a stretch of city street that is already too narrow for the four lanes of traffic, and two bicycle lanes...guy dosn't stay in the bike lane, weaves in and out of traffic, and curses people and filps them off if they get too close to him....it is one of those "big wheel" unicycles, so he is about 6 feet off the ground...can't explain it, but I think he thinks, in his mind, he is a disco..he kind of dances with the bike, putting his hands on his hips, running his fingers through his hair, clapping, singing along to some imaginary turntabel in his head...cuz you know, he has nothing else to do with his hands...at least he isn't texting anyone! He almost got into it with a motorcycle driver yesterday...for once, I would have sided with the motorcycle driver! The price we pay for "keeping Austin weird"!


I can't tell you how much I hate this little prick!

Edited by Buftex
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