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Have I Mentioned Recently How Much I Hate Bicyclists?

Chef Jim

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That's just too large....




LoL! Nice find!



Nathan makes the popular horn blasters chimes who then sell them as kits. I am working on saving up to get this, as my bumper has a magnet on it for tards to pull in front of me. Luckily, I do not deal with many bicyclists, but it is amazing how little respect people give to a 4.5 ton truck


You know how they have "deer whistles?" Somebody should invent a "bike whistle." ;-)




I have a Jeep wrangler and have one hid under the hood. Not room for two horns, but one fits just fine and does the job.


If it is an older TJ... There is plenty of room under the hood for even an onboard air compressor.

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Nah....just give them a dirty look. I have seen too many instances of "road rage" between drivers and bicyclists here...to the point where people do dangerous things, just to make their point. I will admit, I am not that agressive. I am pretty cautious when it comes to driving around here...I sometimes think I am over-compensating for my girlfriend who is a hyper-agressive driver... :lol:


I used to be a bike rider (for years) before it became such a hot button, almost political, issue. Like others have said, I don't hate bike riders, I just hate the ones that do stupid crap. This city bends over backwards to accomodate bicyclists, to the point where many of them act as if they have no responsibitly. Austin has gone bike lane crazy...while the bike lanes are narrow in some areas (some of the streets themeselves are too narrow to accomodate 4 lanes of car traffic comfortably, but they stil put bike lanes in), but it is not the case where I am driving to work. There is plenty of room...I sometimes feel like they are doing it, just to have a confrontation of some sort. I am not going to give them the satisfaction, but I will be happy to curse them out in the sanctity of my own car.



Ding ding ding. We have a winner.

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What I can't figure out - - how did the driver of the Ferrari manage to target the lone cyclist in the crowd when he "crashed" (need to click on the video embedded in the article):




The owner somehow lost control of the car when approaching a turn and barrelled into the crowd where three spectators were injured, two of which were admitted to hospital. A spectator at the event Cida Alves said, “We were behind the guard rail and he (the driver of the Ferrari yellow) lost control in the curve. Upon impact, a cyclist (who was in the audience) was thrown into the air and the rails fell on him. He was wounded in head.”


Maybe it wasn't really an accident.

Edited by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
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What I can't figure out - - how did the driver of the Ferrari manage to target the lone cyclist in the crowd when he "crashed" (need to click on the video embedded in the article):






Maybe it wasn't really an accident.


I feel sorry for the other two spectators, but...well, collateral damage. C'est la vie.

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I feel sorry for the other two spectators, but...well, collateral damage. C'est la vie.


From the video it looks like he missed the guy in the Kobe Bryant jersey. Maybe Kobe and the spandex mafia dude were far apart and the driver hit the two innocents while trying to pick up a proverbial 7-10 split.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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I wasn't sure where to put this... So I will bury this abortion of a story here. They hate cyclists in India:




I am trying hard not to pass judgment on the victims... But come on! Who the !@#$ camps in a jungle where the locals will not even go?


Things to delete off my to do list:


India "Lotus tour" by bike


Like biking and camping in central India was ever on my to do list!



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  • 3 weeks later...


Well, they're still bicyclists. Probably tougher and less spandexed but still bicyclists.


Don't your bikes around Ft Bragg because there are ancient artifacts there that you might upset. We can blow the **** out of it but don't dare bring your bikes here.


Boy, wouldn't it suck if they had training for laying minefields or something...


Oh, oh, oh, oh. Pick me mista Kotter, pick me!!

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  • 2 months later...

driving home from the dentist this morning, I am on my country road when I come across some bicyclists around a blind fast corner. The speed limit is 45, which I obey while many do not, two bicyclists are on the road two abreast. I give them about 20 seconds to shift to 1-1. I blow my horn and pass them, blowing my horn to make sure they realize I am passing them. They flick me off and yell. I just laugh because I know what comes next. I have to stop by the construction site for my daily look-see, though the bridge hasn't started yet.


About 1/2 mile down the road the guys pass by and the guy throws his arms up like "WTF." I say "hey, obey the law and do not ride two wide." They run their mouth, and me - I never ever run mine or yell. I politely told them that they looked less then manly, and if they wanted to act like a man they can come and act like one because they looked like men who like other men and need to not be impolite people who cause a hindrance to others and neglect their own safety. They did not appreciate this but were too far away, though still saying something. I just laughed, continued my walk around and headed home.


I am the bad guy for saying something. I am the guy those two will talk about later to their biking friends on how rude and intolerant people here are...

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I found this feel good story in my local paper




CHARLES CITY Two bicyclists participating in the Virginia Capital Trail Foundation's Cap2Cap Ride were seriously injured when they were struck by a hit-and run tractor-trailer on state Route 106 in Charles City County.
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I found this feel good story in my local paper




Great case study. Who is at fault here? I would say the bicyclist's are at fault. The TT had to cross a double solid line to pass and then had to swerve back in to avoid a head on collision. Although he should have stopped if he noticed that he hit the bicyclist's. IMHO bicyclists need to access a situation and make room accordingly. And like I have always said, when your a bicyclist, no matter how right you are, your the one going to get run over by a large heavy auto, so make room.

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Great case study. Who is at fault here? I would say the bicyclist's are at fault. The TT had to cross a double solid line to pass and then had to swerve back in to avoid a head on collision. Although he should have stopped if he noticed that he hit the bicyclist's. IMHO bicyclists need to access a situation and make room accordingly. And like I have always said, when your a bicyclist, no matter how right you are, your the one going to get run over by a large heavy auto, so make room.


I'm gonna say that both parties may be at fault. The TT driver definitely for crossing the solid yellow to go around, and the bicyclists possibly, because the article doesn't say how many abreast they were riding. In traffic it is supposed to be single file, but I'm guessing they were probably 2 or 3 across based on how far over the TT driver had to go.

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I found this feel good story in my local paper



FiSD is sort of right. Just like if I am in my big truck with a trailer and I see a car waiting to pull out at an intersection I know they are going to pull out and cut me off to avoid being "stuck" behind me. Of course, this is not right and I probably would not be at fault for an accident but I have to take it upon myself to realize that people just do not care and I have to drive defensively. Bikers need to bike defensively.


But, by no means should that driver have passed on a double yellow. A double yellow, wow, what does this mean? Oh my god, double, yellow!


I'm gonna say that both parties may be at fault. The TT driver definitely for crossing the solid yellow to go around, and the bicyclists possibly, because the article doesn't say how many abreast they were riding. In traffic it is supposed to be single file, but I'm guessing they were probably 2 or 3 across based on how far over the TT driver had to go.

This morning I went fully in to the other lane to cross them, despite them only taking up 3/4 of the lane. I was not going to be near them and risk ruining my paint job. I was in my old cavalier that my mom now drives, also.
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  • 1 month later...

My GF sent me this last week in a text message. "Put this on your thread. These !@#$s have been holding this truck up for over 8 miles and he cannot pass because the roads are too winding. "


See, these two would not move over enough for this guy to pass. Being that it was country roads he could not get a straight away long enough with the room to make the pass safely. Finally, she said, he just floored it and didn't leave them much room to spare. I guess driving at 20 mph was not that fun.



hope this cheers you up JimWJXCSwS.jpg

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