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Have I Mentioned Recently How Much I Hate Bicyclists?

Chef Jim

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Critical Mass? lololololol.


I dont know of any cyclist that likes or participates in Critical Mass. In fact, cyclists despise it for the same reasons everyone else does. Its OWS on bicycles. Literally.


But nice try though.


Oh...speaking of ghey clothing.....is the pink ascott you wear to the winery on Saturday nights out of the cleaners yet? And do you set up your pretty polka dot blanket on the vinyard lawn while you pontifcate about how you can taste "hints of chocolate over your tounge?"


Ohhh.....how maaaanly that is!




It's the participants in critical mass that I despise. I'm not so pissed at the spandex army (though I am seeing a lot of them since moving to the East Bay). The smug bastards that commute in the city via bike and disregard all rules of the highway are exactly who participate in critical mass.

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I had one yesterday who was riding in the bike lane and decided to no look pass another biker. She cut over right in front of me, but was lucky that I was actually paying attention and hit the brakes fast enough.

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Critical Mass? lololololol.


I dont know of any cyclist that likes or participates in Critical Mass. In fact, cyclists despise it for the same reasons everyone else does. Its OWS on bicycles. Literally.


But nice try though.


Oh...speaking of ghey clothing.....is the pink ascott you wear to the winery on Saturday nights out of the cleaners yet? And do you set up your pretty polka dot blanket on the vinyard lawn while you pontifcate about how you can taste "hints of chocolate over your tounge?"

Ohhh.....how maaaanly that is!




Nice one! I'll give you a B+ for effort and creativity. By the way what does OWS stand for?

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So Jim and FSD...is this how you dress? So MANLY!!!!!




Be sure to describe how the "long chocolate rod like tannins roll around your tounge and the back of your throat."


Oh...Jimmy and FSD...one more thing....


When youre out there in the fancy vineyard with your white short shorts and pink collared shirt letting things roll around your tounge and mouth. When youre done sipping your pretty rose...You GOTTA let us know...



Edited by RkFast
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So Jim and FSD...is this how you dress? So MANLY!!!!!




Be sure to describe how the "long chocolate rod like tannins roll around your tounge and the back of your throat."


Oh...Jimmy and FSD...one more thing....


When youre out there in the fancy vineyard with your white short shorts and pink collared shirt letting things roll around your tounge and mouth. When youre done sipping your pretty rose...You GOTTA let us know...





You know, you're really bad at this. WTF are you babbling about??

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You know, you're really bad at this. WTF are you babbling about??

I think he's trying to reference a wine tasting. And yes, doing a terrible job at it.


He's probably upset that he couldn't make as many people late for work, seeing how today's Saturday.

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Bikers and people at the "rainbow parade" both wear leather jackets and chaps, not cycling shorts, my friend.




Just remember.....when you guys were all watching the Super Bowl this past year beating your chests drinking your Schlitz with your faded Jim Kelly jersey on your chest talking about how 'manly' you are......you also were all attending a MADONNA CONCERT.


There us NOTHING you can say that changes that. Nothing.


I win.

What's so bad about madonna?

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Critical Mass? lololololol.


I dont know of any cyclist that likes or participates in Critical Mass. In fact, cyclists despise it for the same reasons everyone else does. Its OWS on bicycles. Literally.


But nice try though.


Oh...speaking of ghey clothing.....is the pink ascott you wear to the winery on Saturday nights out of the cleaners yet? And do you set up your pretty polka dot blanket on the vinyard lawn while you pontifcate about how you can taste "hints of chocolate over your tounge?"


Ohhh.....how maaaanly that is!



Funny. But again nothing wrong with Madonna. Except never really liked, "Like a prayer"


By the way I thought wine tasting = free samples and to laugh at the guys in pink ascotts laying down pretty polka dot blankets. Lol.

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So Jim and FSD...is this how you dress? So MANLY!!!!!




Be sure to describe how the "long chocolate rod like tannins roll around your tounge and the back of your throat."


Oh...Jimmy and FSD...one more thing....


When youre out there in the fancy vineyard with your white short shorts and pink collared shirt letting things roll around your tounge and mouth. When youre done sipping your pretty rose...You GOTTA let us know...





She did a Superbowl halftime show, which proves that everyone else is gayer than he is.

Just like that?

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So Jim and FSD...is this how you dress? So MANLY!!!!!




Be sure to describe how the "long chocolate rod like tannins roll around your tounge and the back of your throat."


Oh...Jimmy and FSD...one more thing....


When youre out there in the fancy vineyard with your white short shorts and pink collared shirt letting things roll around your tounge and mouth. When youre done sipping your pretty rose...You GOTTA let us know...




This is a pure regression. Your back to the infantile amateur status.

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Yes, but with more prima donnas.

Had it on in the background yesterday morning while doing some work. It was interesting listening to the commentators talk about how the young riders need to learn to respect the older riders and not do stupid things like, oh I don't know, pass the older riders and try to win that leg?!

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I was up in Northwest Ohio, pretty flat if you did not know and I was out in the more rural part in an area called Berkey. A spandexed Lance Armstrong comes flying by at a red light at a popular intersection between townships. He blows the light then pulls out of the bike lane again and rides in the traffic lane.


Well, me being in a mood to remind him where trucks drive I got right where I need to be to lay on the accelerator and did so laying coal right in his pathway and face. He did not like this disapproving with a finger, but anyone who knows the Toledo area knows there is just a sense of entitlement among its western suburbs that is annoying.


**coal is when you push out the thick diesel exhaust.

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