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Pain at the Pump


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This post probably as enough of an excuse to raise prices; I got email from trading firms guaranteeing profits from oil speculation shares.

Yeah, well they are full of ****, and I could get their little rin tin tin outfit log jammed in the poot shoot if they did indeed guarantee profits.





That leads me to the next thing... The problem is computers and tech... Remember when it was so darn hard to reset values at pumps... Now it is literally a push of a button and bam... All the pumps are changed, sign is changed and what not. IMO, I think the tech in the business is the real problem... Put constraints on how easy it is to change prices.

Oh sweet baby Jeezus :wacko:


IF the EPA would settle on ONE Gasoline Blend Nationwide, the price per gallon would easily back off by up to $1 per gallon as a single blend was introduced.

Ummm, no it wouldn't, would it knock of some? yes, a dollar? no.


They'll just keep raising the prices and why not? Not enough people are making a big enough fuss about it.

By "they" who are you referring to? This should be good


It might be that the dollar is falling.


But if it is, that article is still ridiculous. "Based on a 40 year trend compared to gold, the 1-month spike in spot prices is because of currency fluctuations." Yeah, !@#$ing bull ****.

You pretty much nailed it. Overall trend of Oil/Gasoline is linked to the erosion of the US dollar, but the recent spike has absolutely nothing to do with it.


The prices are outrageous. If the oil companies see a chance to rape us, they will take every opportunity to do so. And we as citizens allow it to happen without much of a peep.

Oh yeah, really? Where exactly are you going to air your grievances? Better yet, who do you believe is responsible for the price rise?


$4.15. Only up $.20 cents in the last month. Diesel won't be affected like gas, it really can't get much higher.

ya think?

Edited by Magox
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Don't bet on it.

Since the USA exports petroleum products, methinks this is an oil company SCAM being perpetuated upon us....

Why is it a scam? It's not as if we are short on gasoline/diesel inventories, they are free to export what they wish. If we did have a shortage, or inventories were tight, then maybe you'd have an argument. Gasoline demand is way down here in the US simply because the economy sucks, so it isn't a gasoline demand or supply shortage story. As a matter of fact, gasoline is pretty damn cheap relative to oil, which backs up my point. The reason why gasoline is expensive is attributed to one very simple reason.


Crude oil is expensive.


Crude is expensive for tons of reasons. Higher global demand, Iran cutting off oil to Europe ( and yes Saudis are making up for the lost oil, but that means there is less excess oil available which adds to the premium of the price of oil), shortage of deepsea rigs and the cost attributed to that shortage, cost of extracting oil from the canadian sands, middle eastern insecurity, falling dollar, aging infrastructure etc etc.



But lets not pretend that there is some sort of evil boogeymen hiding behind the curtain in collusion sipping on scotch along side Gordon Gekko and Dick Cheney fixing the price of oil. I know that's what alot of you would simply like to believe, but that's simply not the case.


Prices are determined in the markets. There are buyers and there are sellers, and maybe at certain points prices can get a bit frothy and you can see some excess speculation that causes prices to overshoot to the upside. But I can tell you this, that's temporary, and those prices WILL come down, because someone will be on the otherside of that trade, and once the perception is that prices are too hot, those buyers will flee the market,the shorts will come in and prices will overshoot to the downside. T


he SEC and CFTC have both clamped down on speculation, believing that somehow that that would serve as the panacea of rising oil prices. Well, I could of told them beforehand that it wouldn't work, and it didn't. But under the pressure from the upper ups they have to pretend that they are at least doing something for the average American folks. There are no boogey men people.


If you want to blame anyone for the high price of oil, then you blame our US Energy policies over the past 40 years. We've allowed ourselves to be reliant on oil from a region of the world that hates us. So until we solve that reliance issue, expect to continue to see higher prices.

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$3.45 at Costco, Midlothian VA. Had to drive about 10 miles out of the way to get there too, but it was the best price in the area.

Was it worth the trip? If you drove 20 miles RT to fill up, a lot of cars would use about a gallon of gas doing that. If your gas tank holds 20 gallons (many hold less, and most people aren't bone dry when they start the pump), you would have come out ahead by filling up anywhere that gas was $3.62 or less but required no side trip.


Costco is just about always cheapest for me, but not by $0.17/gallon.

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It's only $4.99 here...


(Note to Clippers: that's the high, not the average price).

Then what a retarded thread. I want to know what everyone is paying. Not the highest possible..... I'm out.


$3.45 at Costco, Midlothian VA. Had to drive about 10 miles out of the way to get there too, but it was the best price in the area.

Ur not supposed to post best price, per your quote. Ur supposed to post the highest in ur area. Ok bye now.

Dumb thread.

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I want to know what everyone is paying....Dumb thread.


Don't leave now. High in LA broke to $6.09/gallon today. I genuinely don't think I've ever seen gas go over $6/gallon in the US. This is a pretty historic day.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Then what a retarded thread. I want to know what everyone is paying. Not the highest possible..... I'm out.



Ur not supposed to post best price, per your quote. Ur supposed to post the highest in ur area. Ok bye now.

Dumb thread.


I know, it's one of the dumbest threads ever. I'd firebomb LA's house for starting it but with gas in SoCal over $6 per gallon I can't afford it.

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Then what a retarded thread. I want to know what everyone is paying. Not the highest possible..... I'm out.



Ur not supposed to post best price, per your quote. Ur supposed to post the highest in ur area. Ok bye now.

Dumb thread.


Then start your own thread, moron.

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Yikes. Really makes you question if you really need to go anywhere. At my current level of pay (intern) I would be walking alot out there

I paid over $85 to fill my tank on Monday.When you drop that kind of money on something like gas, you absolutely think twice about going out of town for the weekend, etc. The other challenge is that I send employees to various jobsites almost every day, and of course reimburse them for mileage, but that extra cost needs to be covered, so we pass it on to our customer. But they just pass it on to their customer, etc. Vicious cycle.

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