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I had a friend in high school who, as a seventeen year old senior, was living with, and eventually married and sired a child with his 24 year old band teacher. She was pretty foxy too.


Also had an English teacher in the ninth grade who seated all of the boys front and center, and would sit on her desk in a miniskirt, and from time to time gave us the 'basic instinct' treatment. She was a pretty hot 50ish, which made most of us gag back then. IDK if she ever, you know what, with any students, but she sure gave off that vibe. Damn. Missed opportunities. :doh:


Oh wait. Sorry. That's a bad thing nowadays, isnt it? :unsure:

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As someone who is in the education field, there are few things here that I found pretty odd about this article. The kid is 15 years old and still in middle school, meaning he is either special ed or been held back a couple times. In either case, the kid is a vulnerable one and the teacher is wrong.


When I first had a full-time teaching job at the age of 24, I had high school students try to hit on me, but I was comfortable enough with myself to not stoop so low. However, I can understand how easy it is to screw up like that. There is a certain professionalism that some do not possess right out of college, and in some cases later in life. The saddest thing is that some glamourize these women for their flaws as humans, when they should be shunned upon. Especially in cases like this, where the teacher is definitely attractive, she easily could have picked up a guy of legal age instead of a teen. She deserves her punishment.

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As someone who is in the education field, there are few things here that I found pretty odd about this article. The kid is 15 years old and still in middle school, meaning he is either special ed or been held back a couple times. In either case, the kid is a vulnerable one and the teacher is wrong.




15 year old middle schoolers not so unusual.my daughter is heading into the 8th grade, and I would say the majority of her class turned 14 sometime during their 7 th grade year, some in the fall of last year.. So many people hold ole Johnny and Jane back a year now...6 is the new 5. After all, we need to give them every advantage we can, and give them a leg up in both sports and school.


And as Pooj would say...he'll to the yes,

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Do these chicks all have super low self esteem or wtf is their deal


Always pretty, never popular, never knew how pretty they were/are, suddenly the 'popular kid' who never had the time of day is fawning all over them and--to your point--since there is a veritable absence of self esteem, POW, scandal.

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