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"There are none so stupid as 3rdnling." Yeah, I wrote that myself.



And all along I thought you had to have somebody actually do the writing for you. I'm surprised that someone so stupid could actually be semi-literate. BTW, what did you think of Nancy's comment about natural gas not being a fossil fuel? I noticed, after I gave several instances of why there is shaken confidence in the leaders of our country, that your response was only to correct me on calling Guam Taiwan. Do you have anything of substance to offer, ever? You seem to want to just pooh pooh things and only make snide remarks. Snide remarks are ok but should be accompanied by some substance.

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Posted (edited)

Let's be real here, the GOP is fractured, that's not to say that they can't get unified or become ferociously galvanized once the race is between the nominee and Obama. But as of right now, it's a battle between the heart and the brains of the party. The energy and passion is with the hard right and the logical pragmatic side are with Romney.


I always thought of "conservativism" to be more from a fiscal sense, but it's obvious that fiscal conservativsm in today's "conservative" party plays second fiddle to rhetoric and social issues.



Booooooo to the hard right :bag:

Edited by Magox

Let's be real here, the GOP is fractured, that's not to say that they can't get unified or become ferociously galvanized once the race is between the nominee and Obama. But as of right now, it's a battle between the heart and the brains of the party. The energy and passion is with the hard right and the logical pragmatic side are with Romney.


I always thought of "conservativism" to be more from a fiscal sense, but it's obvious that fiscal conservativsm in today's "conservative" party plays second fiddle to rhetoric and social issues.



Booooooo to the hard right :bag:

How about the severe right? Mitt says he was "severely conservative" as governor


How about the severe right? Mitt says he was "severely conservative" as governor

I'll take a "severely conservative" candidate over a naive, wealth-distributing president incapable of leadership any day of the week.


I'll take a "severely conservative" candidate over a naive, wealth-distributing president incapable of leadership any day of the week.

Oh, Romney seems a little naive, heck he's even still defending his position on the bailout


And the Republicans want to kill grandma.


What in politics isn't?

That's harsh, Republicans don't want to kill grandma they're just willing to kill grandma if she gets in the way.


Let's be real here, the GOP is fractured, that's not to say that they can't get unified or become ferociously galvanized once the race is between the nominee and Obama. But as of right now, it's a battle between the heart and the brains of the party. The energy and passion is with the hard right and the logical pragmatic side are with Romney.


I always thought of "conservativism" to be more from a fiscal sense, but it's obvious that fiscal conservativsm in today's "conservative" party plays second fiddle to rhetoric and social issues.



Booooooo to the hard right :bag:



You're right that there is a difference between the economic conservatives and the social conservatives. The social conservatives are being ignorant.

Roe vs. Wade isn't going to be changed. They need to STFU and realize that the poor economy and not ending this push towards socialism will do more harm to their beliefs than a Mormon would. Obama has been a failure and hasn't even "learned on the job" like he has claimed. The only viable alternative that we have to Obama is Romney, unless someone is going to enter the race during the convention, and then that's up for debate. Fix the phucking economy already. 1.3 trillion dollar deficits are a crime against our children and grandchildren. In effect, Obama is a child abuser.


That's harsh, Republicans don't want to kill grandma they're just willing to kill grandma if she gets in the way.


Maybe some grandmas, but only because of who became their grandchildren.

Posted (edited)

Oh, Romney seems a little naive, heck he's even still defending his position on the bailout

Which is the right position. Anyone who understands anything about economics and doesn't have a partisan view realizes that the U.S has the best bankruptcy courts in the world, a bridge loan that would of ensured that a orderly bankruptcy would of yielded similar economic results, with a few minor differencies, one that the bondholders wouldn't of gotten !@#$ed over for the unions and two it wouldn't of cost the taxpayer nearly as much money. But that won't stop you from believing that the government is the end all be all solution to America's epedimic joblessness.



Yaaay for hope and change! There is soooo much hope out there, soooo much hope that over 5 million people since Obama has taken office that have either given up hope looking for work or simply just choose not to work. That's 5 million people have dropped out of the workforce.


But hey, thats the sort of Hope and change you support.


Welcome to Obama's new normal


We can do better this.

Edited by Magox

Which is the right position. Anyone who understands anything about economics and doesn't have a partisan view realizes that the U.S has the best bankruptcy courts in the world, a bridge loan that would of ensured that a orderly bankruptcy would of yielded similar economic results, with a few minor differencies, one that the bondholders wouldn't of gotten !@#$ed over for the unions and two it wouldn't of cost the taxpayer nearly as much money. But that won't stop you from believing that the government is the end all be all solution to America's epedimic joblessness.



Yaaay for hope and change! There is soooo much hope out there, soooo much hope that over 5 million people since Obama has taken office that have either given up hope looking for work or simply just choose not to work. That's 5 million people have dropped out of the workforce.


But hey, thats the sort of Hope and change you support.


Welcome to Obama's new normal


We can do better this.

Oh come on, admit Romney was wrong, he even said the industry would die if we didn't follow his vulture capitalist creative destruction formula


Tough thing for Romney is, given the climate of the campaign, he can't really boast about how successful he was, not only as a businessman, but as a governer.

Yes he can! Romney will be a MUCH better General election candidate than a primary one. He is a competent, pragmatic, non ideologicl man who has a history of success and turning things around. He will feel alot more comfortable in his own skin in the general elections, why? Because he won't have to pander and try soooo damn hard to be liked by the right wingers. He's not one of them (Thank God) , he is a fiscal conservative who gets things done.


People like competence, and thats Obama's weakness, he's not a competent leader. Where Romney can beat out OBama with independents is the issue of competence and the economy. I think very soon you will begin to start hearing about this phony unemployment rate. About all the disaffected people who have given up looking for work. It's an embarrassment from the media that this isn't an issue. How can the media not be talking about all the people who have given up looking for work? That is a major problem. I see that as being one of the major issues in the U.S


But like I said, I predict that the American public will get educated on this issue, and I believe that will begin to happen soon.


Oh come on, admit Romney was wrong, he even said the industry would die if we didn't follow his vulture capitalist creative destruction formula



Yes he can! Romney will be a MUCH better General election candidate than a primary one. He is a competent, pragmatic, non ideologicl man who has a history of success and turning things around. He will feel alot more comfortable in his own skin in the general elections, why? Because he won't have to pander and try soooo damn hard to be liked by the right wingers. He's not one of them (Thank God) , he is a fiscal conservative who gets things done.


People like competence, and thats Obama's weakness, he's not a competent leader. Where Romney can beat out OBama with independents is the issue of competence and the economy. I think very soon you will begin to start hearing about this phony unemployment rate. About all the disaffected people who have given up looking for work. It's an embarrassment from the media that this isn't an issue. How can the media not be talking about all the people who have given up looking for work? That is a major problem. I see that as being one of the major issues in the U.S


But like I said, I predict that the American public will get educated on this issue, and I believe that will begin to happen soon.




no, he's severely conservative!!


Yes he can! Romney will be a MUCH better General election candidate than a primary one. He is a competent, pragmatic, non ideologicl man who has a history of success and turning things around. He will feel alot more comfortable in his own skin in the general elections, why? Because he won't have to pander and try soooo damn hard to be liked by the right wingers. He's not one of them (Thank God) , he is a fiscal conservative who gets things done.


People like competence, and thats Obama's weakness, he's not a competent leader. Where Romney can beat out OBama with independents is the issue of competence and the economy. I think very soon you will begin to start hearing about this phony unemployment rate. About all the disaffected people who have given up looking for work. It's an embarrassment from the media that this isn't an issue. How can the media not be talking about all the people who have given up looking for work? That is a major problem. I see that as being one of the major issues in the U.S


But like I said, I predict that the American public will get educated on this issue, and I believe that will begin to happen soon.






Tha media is going to attack whoever they think could be a real alternative to their hero.


Yes he can! Romney will be a MUCH better General election candidate than a primary one. He is a competent, pragmatic, non ideologicl man who has a history of success and turning things around. He will feel alot more comfortable in his own skin in the general elections, why? Because he won't have to pander and try soooo damn hard to be liked by the right wingers. He's not one of them (Thank God) , he is a fiscal conservative who gets things done.


People like competence, and thats Obama's weakness, he's not a competent leader. Where Romney can beat out OBama with independents is the issue of competence and the economy. I think very soon you will begin to start hearing about this phony unemployment rate. About all the disaffected people who have given up looking for work. It's an embarrassment from the media that this isn't an issue. How can the media not be talking about all the people who have given up looking for work? That is a major problem. I see that as being one of the major issues in the U.S


But like I said, I predict that the American public will get educated on this issue, and I believe that will begin to happen soon.

Yep. Once Mitt can stop having to attack his fellow Repubs and focus on attacking Barry, things will improve in a hurry for him. As was mentioned, I see this as little more than what happened in 2008 between Barry and Hilly, and Hilly withdrew from the race on June 7th.


You're right that there is a difference between the economic conservatives and the social conservatives. The social conservatives are being ignorant.

Roe vs. Wade isn't going to be changed. They need to STFU and realize that the poor economy and not ending this push towards socialism will do more harm to their beliefs than a Mormon would. Obama has been a failure and hasn't even "learned on the job" like he has claimed. The only viable alternative that we have to Obama is Romney, unless someone is going to enter the race during the convention, and then that's up for debate. Fix the phucking economy already. 1.3 trillion dollar deficits are a crime against our children and grandchildren. In effect, Obama is a child abuser.




Maybe some grandmas, but only because of who became their grandchildren.


Oh my dear god. Talk about nothing of substance. If 1.3tril deficits is what it takes to move the economy so be it because at this point they don't matter so much as getting people back to work. And why is it that when it comes to running deficits it's all about the children, but when it comes to burning fossil fuels you have no problem making sure they don't even have clean air to breathe?


Obama is a child abuser? That's just rich. You guys are just running out of crap to hate him for.


Oh my dear god. Talk about nothing of substance. If 1.3tril deficits is what it takes to move the economy so be it because at this point they don't matter so much as getting people back to work. And why is it that when it comes to running deficits it's all about the children, but when it comes to burning fossil fuels you have no problem making sure they don't even have clean air to breathe?


Obama is a child abuser? That's just rich. You guys are just running out of crap to hate him for.



Hook, line and sinker but not even a keeper. Do you know what we do with Sheephead here? Whack.

Posted (edited)

Yes he can! Romney will be a MUCH better General election candidate than a primary one. He is a competent, pragmatic, non ideologicl man who has a history of success and turning things around. He will feel alot more comfortable in his own skin in the general elections, why? Because he won't have to pander and try soooo damn hard to be liked by the right wingers. He's not one of them (Thank God) , he is a fiscal conservative who gets things done.


People like competence, and thats Obama's weakness, he's not a competent leader. Where Romney can beat out OBama with independents is the issue of competence and the economy. I think very soon you will begin to start hearing about this phony unemployment rate. About all the disaffected people who have given up looking for work. It's an embarrassment from the media that this isn't an issue. How can the media not be talking about all the people who have given up looking for work? That is a major problem. I see that as being one of the major issues in the U.S


But like I said, I predict that the American public will get educated on this issue, and I believe that will begin to happen soon.




Uh, Magox, honestly, I am not sure how you can write any of this with a straight face. I don't see any eye-roller emoticon or anything, so I assume you are serious. I really don't hate Romney (if Obama does not win, I hope it is Romney), but I don't know how anyone who has followed this Republican primary can come away with a lot of respect for Romney as far as being principled. If he "isn't one of them", why is he trying so shamelessly to pretend that he is?


He was "for everything before he was against it" (and vice versa)all along the campaign trail. He has been sucking up to the far right wingers all along...the guy has ripped a page out of John McCains' guide on "just say whatever you think people want to hear at the moment"...you won't be able to blaim the media when they point out all of his contradictory statements. He has made them time and again... now, he is chasing Santorums' tail, and who knows what he will say next...


I am not going to make any predictions, but it just seems this field of candidates have lost their collective eye on the prize. I can't imagine what kind of transformation Romney will have to go through, in the general election, to win the presidency. I know, you will say that he won't have too, because Obamas' record will speak for itself...so I will save your fingers the taps.

Edited by Buftex
Posted (edited)

Uh, Magox, honestly, I am not sure how you can write any of this with a straight face. I don't see any eye-roller emoticon or anything, so I assume you are serious. I really don't hate Romney (if Obama does not win, I hope it is Romney), but I don't know how anyone who has followed this Republican primary can come away with a lot of respect for Romney as far as being principled. If he "isn't one of them", why is he trying so shamelessly to pretend that he is?


He was "for everything before he was against it" (and vice versa)all along the campaign trail. He has been sucking up to the far right wingers all along...the guy has ripped a page out of John McCains' guide on "just say whatever you think people want to hear at the moment"...you won't be able to blaim the media when they point out all of his contradictory statements. He has made them time and again... now, he is chasing Santorums' tail, and who knows what he will say next...


I am not going to make any predictions, but it just seems this field of candidates have lost their collective eye on the prize. I can't imagine what kind of transformation Romney will have to go through, in the general election, to win the presidency. I know, you will say that he won't have too, because Obamas' record will speak for itself...so I will save your fingers the taps.

Let's not talk about "for everything before he was against it" or matters of "principle" when we talk about politicians. Did Obama rip Hillay Clinton about her idea of having health insurance mandates in the 08 primaries? That's a major flip flop. Or how about when Obama back in the primaries lashed out at John Edwards and said


In a 2007 campaign stop in Iowa then-Senator Obama railed against outside groups and their influence in an election. In this clip he talks about John Edwards and a group supporting him that is "getting around campaign finance laws."


"You can't say yesterday you don't believe in them and today you have three-quarters of a million dollars being spent for you," Obama said.


"You can't just talk the talk," Obama told an audience during the campaign event. "The easiest thing in the world is to talk about change during election time. Everybody talks about change at election time. You've got to look at how do they act when it's not convenient, when it's harder."


That is about as hypocritical as you get. Agreed?


President Barack Obama — in an act of hypocrisy or necessity, depending on the beholder — has reversed course and is now blessing the efforts of a sputtering super PAC, Priorities USA Action, organized to fight GOP dark-money attacks.


On Monday morning, Obama reviled the “negative” tone of the super PACs, a dominant fundraising source in the wake of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. But by the evening, word leaked to POLITICO that Obama had offered his support for Priorities USA Action, which thus far has raised a fraction of what GOP-backed groups have raked in.


Or how about when Obama criticized George Bush for running up the US National debt and called him "unpatriotic" for doing so. I mean, really? YOu telling me that he wasn't saying that to score political points? The debt under Obama by the end of his first term will surpass what Ol Bushy did in two terms.


Trust me when I tell you, I could bring up many more instances of hypocritical political expediency, so if you are gonna bring this issue up, then at the very least admit that Obama has been shallow as well when it comes to this subject.




If this election boil down to substance, competence and record of achievements and not other BS topics that the Obama campaign will desperately try to make it into, then Romney wins.


Romney was extremely successful as a venture capitalist, he was extremely successful at turning around the Olympics, elected Gov in a very blue state and turned a budget deficit to balancing the budget every year he served and turned a surplus of over $2 Billion and he was able to work with Democrats across the aisle. These are facts, and you can't deny them, not at least from an objective rational POV.


I'll tell you what else are some facts, Obamas job record has been horrible, his handling of the National debt has been atrocious, I mean in his latest budget, he doesn't even have a long term plan for bringing it down, and his handling of the looming entitlement ticking time bomb has been non existent. He would rather demagogue a plan such as Ron Wyden and Paul Ryans, rather than produce a plan himself.


This Buftex, is a complete failure of leadership. That's a fact.


As I said, if this election gets successfully portrayed from the left about Mitt ROmney AKA Gordon Gekko the callous corporate raider, who waxes poetic about trees being just the right size then Obama will win,




if this election focuses on substance and the economy, Mitt wins.



So it's gonna be about who wins the message war.

Edited by Magox
So it's gonna be about who wins the message war.

For a while you heard liberal talking heads saying they wanted a Mitt Romney nomination because Obama could rip him apart on all the flip-flopping he has done.


And I'm thinking "Really? That's your plan? Attack Romney for changing his mind? Who's driving this car? Stevie Wonder?"

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