ajzepp Posted May 3, 2012 Posted May 3, 2012 Rob was still fun to watch because his game play was masterful. The wheels upstairs were turning 24/7, and each week we tuned in to see if he could take the plan in his head and move the pieces so that it came to fruition. This season, we had a bunch of complete idiots on the male side, and we have a bunch of girls who act as if these "challenges" are getting in the way of their island vacation. Up until this episode, it was clear that Kat was naive and aloof, but I never really felt she was all that annoying. WOW, tonight was eye opening. She's a complete and total fugtard. When she started whining during the immunity challenge, "c'mon Kim! You always win, I just wanna win this time!", I thought I was watching a 5th grader arguing over the swings on the playground. A sense of entitlement has NO PLACE in Survivor. I'm thankful the girls came together to make the right decision, and I'm thankful for CBS for putting together an edit that ended up being pretty entertaining. The look on Kat's face as Jeff was reading the votes was classic. I love that Jeff asked her the question about the possibility of a blind side before the vote...it was so clear that she didn't think for a MINUTE that there was any chance it could be her that was blindsided. And then, just to prove that it still wasn't sinking in, she goes and states that what is TRULY embarrassing was that Christina and Tarzan outlasted her in the game. Lastly, I think I wanted Sabrina to win it all until I heard what she said at tribal. I cannot stand these people who vote for a winner based on their level of butt-hurt-ness. When she said she would vote for the less deserving person just because she liked them better, I lost respect for her. In my opinion, and I know I've said this often lately, is that one of the most detrimental issues with Survivor is jury after jury who punishes the most deserving player for strictly personal reasons. I'm always reminded of Big Brother season 2, where the greatest reality player of all time (in my opinion), Dr Will Kirby, won the big prize. Will had been put up on the block for eviction like FIVE TIMES that season, and in the end he was facing a jury of those who mostly HATED him. But I still remember the comments, because the jury members were big enough that they could look past how they felt about the guy and vote for him to win because it was clear that he played the best game. Survivor needs to get back to that sort of mentality, because the game is cheapened otherwise, IMO.
Southern McButterpants. Posted May 3, 2012 Posted May 3, 2012 I'm sorry but i was ROTFLMFAO when Kat got booted last night. Great edit by Survivor Crew. Blindsides are fun! Idjit. And I agree with AJ that Dr. Will was one of, if not the greatest reality player of all time. Not only did he do it season 2 on BB, but also did it again in season 7 all stars. He fell on his sword so Mike Boogie could win it . . . Awesome duo of players . . .
WWVaBeach Posted May 3, 2012 Posted May 3, 2012 I'm sorry but i was ROTFLMFAO when Kat got booted last night. Great edit by Survivor Crew. Blindsides are fun! Idjit. And I agree with AJ that Dr. Will was one of, if not the greatest reality player of all time. Not only did he do it season 2 on BB, but also did it again in season 7 all stars. He fell on his sword so Mike Boogie could win it . . . Awesome duo of players . . . That was a great edit, but I also think they edited last night to give the viewers a better idea of what Kat is all about.
Fan in San Diego Posted May 3, 2012 Posted May 3, 2012 Funny to see Kat talking about how fun blindsides are especially when everyone's face goes OMG ! Then after the vote, her face goes OMG! I got voted off? Classic! Glad to see she realized just how stupid she was on the interview afterwards. Unless Tarzan, with his plastic surgery skills ( ) slices and dices it before his torch is extinguished, I don't see bacon in the castaways' future. The women seem content to keep it as a kind of pet. But to be honest, I don't think I could do that up close and personal unless I was literally starving and didn't know it was a game that would be over in ~ two weeks (and, strategically, know that the protein would help others more than me). I'm a meat-eater and I realize more than you know how that pork loin or burger gets in the little Styrofoam package with plastic shrink-wrap. And just to clarify, I don't have a problem deer-hunting (and I've been deer hunting) as that doesn't require closeness to the death. I don't have a problem with it after the fact. I'd be in there cutting it up and putting it in the pan. Is that weird? I've done a couple pigs laua style and a few on a spit. Mmmm good. The spit is harder than luau style.
Rico Posted May 3, 2012 Author Posted May 3, 2012 After she won that reward challenge, Kat was bouncing around and displaying more testosterone than any of the men in the game. Seriously, what was the hell was that gibberish with her cousin? Are they, perchance, kissing cousins? Anyway, she wins reward and then makes it so obvious that she wants to form/solidify an alliance with Kim and Alicia. "I've wanted to get alone with these girls from Day 1. We're gonna go get drunk!!" Well... either an alliance or a scene that Rico would pay good money to watch tape --- that's for you, SDS --- of. It's just comical how many bitched think they "control" the game. At least Christina and Tarzan recognize that they are getting by via flying under the radar and hoping to win immunity at a crucial time to slip into the final 3. Did I get it right that initially, Kim told her sister that she wanted to take Kat and Alicia to the final because Kat is dumb and Alicia is "not well liked, but she doesn't realize that"? Wonder how it changes now. For sure, if I'm Kim-with-an-idol it's no Chelsea, no Sabrina because if either of them are there, they win. And those are going to be some real backstabs --- smile in your face while putting the knife in full hilt backstabs. But for the people who find those fun, I just don't think they're going to be that kind of fun this season. There just doesn't seem to be any kind of intensity or wits with this group. It lacks an edge, let's say. And I'll note that even when Rob had the game in his back pocket it was fun to watch it, almost like a comedy. This group is just BLAH. I'm watching just to watch, not because it's interesting. If Kat were smarter than a pile of bricks, I would be laughing over her 'Backstabs are fun! They're cool because the person being backstabbed doesn't realize it and then there's that look on their face when it actually happens.' And yes, Chelsea's point rings true --- 22 is old enough that you can't really blame your stupidity on youth and entirely laugh it away. I also had a hard time believing that Kim is 28, as one of them said. Seriously, I would've pegged her as mid-30s.... No, I may download porn but I sure as hell wouldn't pay for it. I think I would check out a Kim/Chelsea scene & maybe one featuring Alicia's rack, but nothing with that idiot Kat. I agree, I think she does have something going on with her cousin, that was pretty weird.
Ramius Posted May 8, 2012 Posted May 8, 2012 Holy crap this is finale week! Good. This season can't enoguh soon enough. I really hope they stop with the casting of single 20-somethings in the fall. (Notice how during the family challenge, Tarzan was the only one with a spouse? Back in the good ole days, a good number of the survivors were married. As of right now, i'm rooting for Chlese/Tarzan/Christina in that order. Chelsea has played a much better game than Kim, but she annoys me a bit because she's afraid to make the big move and wipeout Kim. (Althought at this point, i think Kim's sufficiently pissed off enough people that she has no chance of winning. And, she doesn't deserve any votes until she gets rid of the 'stache she's been rocking) I'd love to see Tarzan win just because it'd break up the girls. I'd love to see Christina win because she's monumentally stupid, is one of the worst players to play the game, doesn't deserve to win, yet she's still hanging around, and the girls would freak out.
Rico Posted May 10, 2012 Author Posted May 10, 2012 Kim keeps marching along on her way to the million. Smart move getting rid of Tarzan, and great job on convincing Alicia that he needed to go.
Just Jack Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 I have an issue with the immunity challenge, and I've noticed it previous seasons also. That fish bone puzzle, they don't make them put the sticks in order from smallest to longest. It's very apparent with the close shots of the green section that they are different lengths, and when they show the bottom white section, you can see those go from short to long. So why not make them put all the sticks in order? Instead it looks like they just need to get them on the backbone. Oh, and Probst? Your comment about there being a lot of different combinations to the reward puzzle lock? Uh, no. There's only 6 combinations when you have three numbers. Simple probability, 3 x 2 x 1 = 6.
ajzepp Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 That episode was lame. I agree, Jack, about the fish puzzle and about Probst not knowing his basic math. I'm also glad Tarzan admitted to the guys that he was helping the girls all along...loved it when he got the bird. There have been a lot of dumbass moves this season, but Tarzan was just taking up space. And why is it that these women act so surprised that someone may be actually trying to "play them"? I swear, has ANYONE on the show this season ever seen Survivor before? These women go around spilling the beans literally within five minutes of talking to someone, and they act completely shocked when they get an inkling that somone may actually be attempting to strategize. Of course, the one who actually IS trying to play the game is the one person they are oblivious to... I always love finale Sunday, but I'm really just looking forward to Kim winning and moving on to next season. Hpefully whoever casted this pack of gems was fired.
WWVaBeach Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 I have an issue with the immunity challenge, and I've noticed it previous seasons also. That fish bone puzzle, they don't make them put the sticks in order from smallest to longest. It's very apparent with the close shots of the green section that they are different lengths, and when they show the bottom white section, you can see those go from short to long. So why not make them put all the sticks in order? Instead it looks like they just need to get them on the backbone. Oh, and Probst? Your comment about there being a lot of different combinations to the reward puzzle lock? Uh, no. There's only 6 combinations when you have three numbers. Simple probability, 3 x 2 x 1 = 6. I have an issue with the fact that they didn't have a razor on the sailboat that Kim could have used to scrape off that fu man chu. Go Chelsea!
ajzepp Posted May 10, 2012 Posted May 10, 2012 I have an issue with the fact that they didn't have a razor on the sailboat that Kim could have used to scrape off that fu man chu. Go Chelsea! lol, I didn't notice it this week, but I think it was last week when they were interviewing her and that stache was pretty heavy.
Rico Posted May 11, 2012 Author Posted May 11, 2012 Yeah, I don't know who has the fuller stache, Sophie last season or Kim lol. Is Kim in the same league as Hatch, Heidik, and Parvati?
ajzepp Posted May 11, 2012 Posted May 11, 2012 I just don't see it. Not only is Kim among the worst group of "survivors" ever, but what great moves has she made? When I think of the great players, I think of people who have been able to manipulate on more than one level and bring about an outcome that is favorable to them, while at the same time preserving their spot in the game. That's why I've always ranked Russel as the best player. The guy manipulated EVERYONE and could basically get anything to happen. He met his match a bit the 2nd time around with Parv, who is also one of the best ever, but I don't see many people who have been able to completely mind-fug the entire tribe on a consistent basis. I don't see Kim really masterminding much of anything. That said, I don't think she's really NEEDED to, either. Nobody can keep their damn mouth shut this season, so the minute someone says something, there is Christina or Alicia right there just spewing out the play by play to Kim. I totally don't get it. I have seen almost all the seasons of Survivor, and I wouldn't put Kim in my top 10...probably not even the top 15. She hasn't done anything near what poeple like Parvati, Russel, Boston Rob, Hatch, and even Sandra have done. Rico knows that I consider Sandra the most overrated winner ever, but I can think of plenty of times when she was strategtizing behind the scenes and able to maneuver herself in the game. Kim is a cutie, but she's not a great survivor.
Pilsner Posted May 11, 2012 Posted May 11, 2012 lol, I didn't notice it this week, but I think it was last week when they were interviewing her and that stache was pretty heavy. My cable has been on the fritz for the past week so I'm relying on the posts here to keep up with what's been going on. When will Chelsea bring the hammer down to win it all? She hasn't made many enemies and let's Kim take charge and flack as well. Chelsea is a take charge type of gal but she's letting Kim think she's in the lead so Kim can also make some enemies. Chelsea is effin hawt in my book so I'm a bit biased. I luv her personality for the most part as well.
Just Jack Posted May 11, 2012 Posted May 11, 2012 Hatch had the advantage of being in the first season, no one had a clue how to play the game back then. How long did he last in that reunion season he was on, not very long if I remember.
Just Jack Posted May 11, 2012 Posted May 11, 2012 Hatch had the advantage of being in the first season, no one had a clue how to play the game back then. How long did he last in that reunion season he was on, not very long if I remember. I'll answer my own question, now that I can look it up. He was the second person voted out of his tribe during All Stars. Here's another note I never heard before, he snuck in matches by hiding them up his ass.... http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/entertainment/entertainment/view/20080309-123615/Jeff-Probst-has-survived-and-seen-em-all
Rico Posted May 11, 2012 Author Posted May 11, 2012 I just don't see it. Not only is Kim among the worst group of "survivors" ever, but what great moves has she made? When I think of the great players, I think of people who have been able to manipulate on more than one level and bring about an outcome that is favorable to them, while at the same time preserving their spot in the game. That's why I've always ranked Russel as the best player. The guy manipulated EVERYONE and could basically get anything to happen. He met his match a bit the 2nd time around with Parv, who is also one of the best ever, but I don't see many people who have been able to completely mind-fug the entire tribe on a consistent basis. I don't see Kim really masterminding much of anything. That said, I don't think she's really NEEDED to, either. Nobody can keep their damn mouth shut this season, so the minute someone says something, there is Christina or Alicia right there just spewing out the play by play to Kim. I totally don't get it. I have seen almost all the seasons of Survivor, and I wouldn't put Kim in my top 10...probably not even the top 15. She hasn't done anything near what poeple like Parvati, Russel, Boston Rob, Hatch, and even Sandra have done. Rico knows that I consider Sandra the most overrated winner ever, but I can think of plenty of times when she was strategtizing behind the scenes and able to maneuver herself in the game. Kim is a cutie, but she's not a great survivor. Well, Kim does have to win first before she is eligible for any all-time greats list. I know you don't want to hear about 2-0 Big Money Sandra lol, so I will put Heidik at the top of my greatest list with Hatch... and Fairplay at the top of my most entertaining list with Russell
ajzepp Posted May 11, 2012 Posted May 11, 2012 Well, Kim does have to win first before she is eligible for any all-time greats list. I know you don't want to hear about 2-0 Big Money Sandra lol, so I will put Heidik at the top of my greatest list with Hatch... and Fairplay at the top of my most entertaining list with Russell lol, yeah I have a hard time giving Sandra any more props that I already have...kudos to her for winning it twice, though Speaking of Heidik, he's the one player I'm not familiar with. I looked him up and seems like it was the Thailand season when he was on. So last night I found a really cool site that has all the past seasons online and I'm three episodes into S5. They also have all the seasons of Amazing race and a ton of other stuff....I'm going to watch S2 of AR this weekend. Fairplay definitely had the best move in the history of Survivor...hell, probably the best move in the history of reality tv in general lol. That clip never gets old My cable has been on the fritz for the past week so I'm relying on the posts here to keep up with what's been going on. When will Chelsea bring the hammer down to win it all? She hasn't made many enemies and let's Kim take charge and flack as well. Chelsea is a take charge type of gal but she's letting Kim think she's in the lead so Kim can also make some enemies. Chelsea is effin hawt in my book so I'm a bit biased. I luv her personality for the most part as well. Chelsea is definitely the resident hottie this season...she's one of the rare ladies who still look fantastic even after being stuck on an island for a month. Hatch had the advantage of being in the first season, no one had a clue how to play the game back then. How long did he last in that reunion season he was on, not very long if I remember. Basically everyone ganged up on him immediately during his all-stars season...it was out of respect for how devious he was in the first season. I didn't know he smuggled matches in his arse...that's hilarious.
Rico Posted May 12, 2012 Author Posted May 12, 2012 lol, yeah I have a hard time giving Sandra any more props that I already have...kudos to her for winning it twice, though Speaking of Heidik, he's the one player I'm not familiar with. I looked him up and seems like it was the Thailand season when he was on. So last night I found a really cool site that has all the past seasons online and I'm three episodes into S5. They also have all the seasons of Amazing race and a ton of other stuff....I'm going to watch S2 of AR this weekend. Fairplay definitely had the best move in the history of Survivor...hell, probably the best move in the history of reality tv in general lol. That clip never gets old I wanted Heidik to win from the 1st episode, so I am a little biased cause of that... but he really was great, which I think you will see if you follow all the way to the end. Incredible final tribal, so much hatred.
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