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Matt, even with his JD and the other younger, buff guys in his alliance, missed one simple fact. 4<5.


Glad he's gone. I don't think his absence will hurt the guys in challenges . . .


McB I agree that he's no great loss for the mens team. Strength won't be a major player.

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Glad to see that alpha-douche go. Men's team really does suck though, I can see the women going on a roll.


I totally agree with you guys about Matt. This is the one season where it really won't matter, assuming they play out this M v W thing for a while before the merge. So far I'm enjoying this season...and I haven't missed Redemption Island like I thought I would.


Matt finally being gone mixes things up. Such a douche almost to the highest order. Colton is showing his true colors tho. I hope peeps on the show see him for what he is. Backstabber and leach. Damnit Chelsea keep surviving and keep wearing your short shorts! She actually seems like a kewl azz chick. I want her around.


Matt finally being gone mixes things up. Such a douche almost to the highest order. Colton is showing his true colors tho. I hope peeps on the show see him for what he is. Backstabber and leach. Damnit Chelsea keep surviving and keep wearing your short shorts! She actually seems like a kewl azz chick. I want her around.

+1 on the short shorts...those are some amazing legs!!


+1 on the short shorts...those are some amazing legs!!


I'm gonna say gah gah on that and I mean it! Damnit she's gorgeous!


Immunity challenge: Wow.... Wow.... And that Alicia's laughing about it?


Another episode of outright cheating. Probst even suggested that the women go look at the pyramid puzzle. That's total crap and AJ is right that the producers should step up on this.


If they put up a shield in Jeopardy!.... I mean, c'mon.

Posted (edited)

The men are the biggest bunch of idiots to ever play Survivor, what a disgrace to the game. .:thumbdown:


.... and Rupert is no longer the biggest fugtard to ever play the game, that honor now goes to Tarzan.:lol:

Edited by Rico



That was the single stupidest thing I've ever seen in gameplay of any kind.


The merge is a mile !@#$ing away.


If the men were smart, they would smile to Colton and then vote his ass out. They're not with him because he's a leader or because he's going to be with them post-merge (when he would still have an idol and group with some women). The sooner they realize this rather than bending over for him.... But after what we've just seen, I'm not sure which tribe is the "bunch of women" --- the men look like a group of little eunuchs from my vantage.


You guys are right on the money...I still don't know what I just watched. There are no words for this level of stupidity.


Haha, wow, dumbest move in Survivor history. Even dumber than the people who've gotten voted out with hidden immunity idols.


And if you are going to give up your immunity idol at the very least DON'T GIVE IT UP FOR FREE!!! Tell them you will give them the idol in exhange for something.

Posted (edited)



That was the single stupidest thing I've ever seen in gameplay of any kind.


The merge is a mile !@#$ing away.


If the men were smart, they would smile to Colton and then vote his ass out. They're not with him because he's a leader or because he's going to be with them post-merge (when he would still have an idol and group with some women). The sooner they realize this rather than bending over for him.... But after what we've just seen, I'm not sure which tribe is the "bunch of women" --- the men look like a group of little eunuchs from my vantage.

Yeah they really need to get rid of Colton, it'll have to be a blindside. For two reasons. 1st because he has too much power. Second because he's the way he is. How can a gay man feel the way he feels about someone else (I think his name was Bill). If anyone should understand what it's like to be ostracized/belittled it should be Colton. He's gotta go.

As far as what the men did last night. I'm speachless. :doh:

Edited by WWVaBeach
Posted (edited)

Yeah they really need to get rid of Colton, it'll have to be a blindside. For two reasons. 1st because he has too much power. Second because he's the way he is. How can a gay man feel the way he feels about someone else (I think his name was Bill). If anyone should understand what it's like to be ostracized/belittled it should be Colton. He's gotta go.

As far as what the men did last night. I'm speachless. :doh:

Even though I didn't have an opinion on Bill one way or the other, I have to give him credit for his restraint and class. Colton's diatribe during council would have got him punched in the head by a lot of people. Of course the first thing he would have cried would be gay bashing. I find it ironic that he would criticize Bill's chosen field of occupation."Why don't you get a real job". It appears to me,(judging by his work ethic around the camp), Colton hasn't experienced a day of work in his life.

On one hand I think they should get rid of him just because his attitude. Also his affinity for the female tribe. But he would be my first choice to go to the final three. No way he gets enough votes.

Edited by Dante

Even though I didn't have an opinion on Bill one way or the other, I have to give him credit for his restraint and class. Colton's diatribe during council would have got him punched in the head by a lot of people. Of course the first thing he would have cried would be gay bashing. I find it ironic that he would criticize Bill's chosen field of occupation."Why don't you get a real job". It appears to me,(judging by his work ethic around the camp), Colton hasn't experienced a day of work in his life.

On one hand I think they should get rid of him just because his attitude. Also his affinity for the female tribe. But he would be my first choice to go to the final three. No way he gets enough votes.

I don't think Colton is playing the game for a million dollars.


Just watched it but I had read all your comments before seeing it myself. If I was on that tribe, as soon as I had a chance I'd start scheming to vote out Colton. But from the previews, maybe next week there's a mixing of the tribes?


I don't think Colton is playing the game for a million dollars.

Then what? Is he hoping to become some sort of celebrity out of this?

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