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Rent an Occupy Protest - $60 a head


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are there still protests going on? The banks will continue to screw people over who are stupid.... always has been, never will change.... the answer is don't be stupid.


In other news, a 1.5 Trillion dallr deficit in the 2013 budget was propsed.... I guess we will never raise taxes, reform programs or a combination of both, we'll just borrow instead.... you can't write a better story where a train is coming down the tracks and everybody just does nothing....

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are there still protests going on? The banks will continue to screw people over who are stupid.... always has been, never will change.... the answer is don't be stupid.


In other news, a 1.5 Trillion dallr deficit in the 2013 budget was propsed.... I guess we will never raise taxes, reform programs or a combination of both, we'll just borrow instead.... you can't write a better story where a train is coming down the tracks and everybody just does nothing....

You know it's getting to the point where, even though I know it's stupid and will cause more problems than it solves, I wish they would raise taxes and get it over with. Then, everyone will be able to see that raising taxes doesn't even come close to solving the problem, and hopefully then we can finally focus on entitlement reform and controlling spending.


But, then I catch myself and remember that we are dealing with an infantile mentality, and that they will never admit to being wrong even when they are confronted with the proverbial blue dress.

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You know it's getting to the point where, even though I know it's stupid and will cause more problems than it solves, I wish they would raise taxes and get it over with. Then, everyone will be able to see that raising taxes doesn't even come close to solving the problem, and hopefully then we can finally focus on entitlement reform and controlling spending.


But, then I catch myself and remember that we are dealing with an infantile mentality, and that they will never admit to being wrong even when they are confronted with the proverbial blue dress.


Raising taxes alone will not even come close to bridge the gap on the deficit alone, without making some stark changes to the Big 3. Eventually, every American acorss the board will have to pay more AND will have to make with a reduction in services either now or retirement.....


The only way to avoid cuts or tax hikes in very robust growth in perpituity.... but as we see, that is not the case in business cycles or economics.....


I think I am going to vote 3rd party, perhaps liberatarian this election cycle. It would be interesting to give a guy like Ron Paul a shot, he is the only one who sounds different as a conservative, and we know Democrats are basically all the same.


It depressing, but we constinue to see the obvious problem and do NOTHING. another 1.5 trillion deficit in the budget proposal..... sigh

Edited by B-Large
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But, then I catch myself and remember that we are dealing with an infantile mentality, and that they will never admit to being wrong even when they are confronted with the proverbial blue dress.



That blue dress was real; it was not a proverb. But in all fairness to Obama and Boehner and Reid as much as they all suck they had nothing to do with the blue dress. At this point there is no way Monica is fitting in that thing anymore and they all know they would get in trouble.

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You've mentioned this a couple of times, but I don't see it anywhere. Are you referring to the budget Obama is supposed to release some day?


It was 1.3, and I thought the WSJ said it would be 1.3 in 2013 with heavy infrastructure spending....


AP's running it as of 45 minutes ago: the White House confirms that the 2012 deficit will be 1.3T. The 2013 deficit is projected at "only" $800B.


Whoops, could sworn is was FY13 1.3.... Maybe I would be better served reading the article next time....

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AP's running it as of 45 minutes ago: the White House confirms that the 2012 deficit will be 1.3T. The 2013 deficit is projected at "only" $800B.


True, but the deficit needs to be lowered over time as to avoid a shock to the economy and people need to understand that it's going to take a long time to pay down the national debt. It's not going to happen over night they way some seem to think.


It was 1.3, and I thought the WSJ said it would be 1.3 in 2013 with heavy infrastructure spending....




Whoops, could sworn is was FY13 1.3.... Maybe I would be better served reading the article next time....



Earlier today NPR was reporting that it may be as "low" as only 1 trillion dollars as long as the economy continues to pick up.

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True, but the deficit needs to be lowered over time as to avoid a shock to the economy and people need to understand that it's going to take a long time to pay down the national debt. It's not going to happen over night they way some seem to think.





Earlier today NPR was reporting that it may be as "low" as only 1 trillion dollars as long as the economy continues to pick up.


You stupid schit. Paying down the national debt is not reducing the deficit. Fatty, you are an ignorant person.

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You stupid schit. Paying down the national debt is not reducing the deficit. Fatty, you are an ignorant person.

To be fair, he didn't say that.


And, you can ONLY pay down the national debt by reducing the deficit.



Not that I believe he understands the distinction between the debt and deficit.

Edited by Magox
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You stupid schit. Paying down the national debt is not reducing the deficit. Fatty, you are an ignorant person.


You might not want to call someone a (*^*&%^$^#if you are not even able to comprehend a simple statement. That is, of course, unless you assume that everyone is as stupid as you are. Try reading the post again and see if you can make the distinction. :wallbash:

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You might not want to call someone a (*^*&%^$^#if you are not even able to comprehend a simple statement. That is, of course, unless you assume that everyone is as stupid as you are. Try reading the post again and see if you can make the distinction. :wallbash:


Funny...not that you're not a dipshit, but you weren't exactly vague in distinguishing the debt from the deficit.



And I, for one, would gladly have the shock to the economy to eliminate the deficit in a year at this point. The hard decisions have been put off for so long with platitudes and half-measures that even more platitudes and half-measures aren't going to address it.

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You might not want to call someone a (*^*&%^$^#if you are not even able to comprehend a simple statement. That is, of course, unless you assume that everyone is as stupid as you are. Try reading the post again and see if you can make the distinction. :wallbash:



The fact is that you don't reduce the national debt just by reducing the deficit. It's just like you wouldn't reduce your personal debt by borrowing less. In order to reduce the national debt you need a surplus. So Fatty, schitting your pants less still doesn't give you clean underwear.

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That blue dress was real; it was not a proverb. But in all fairness to Obama and Boehner and Reid as much as they all suck they had nothing to do with the blue dress. At this point there is no way Monica is fitting in that thing anymore and they all know they would get in trouble.

The blue dress is now proverb, trust me. Nobody will remember the detail, or how it was...soiled. All they will remember is an even worse version of the "smoking gun", because there was a massive denial before it was produced. See? Nobody remembers why the gun was smoking, or who was holding it, or why, or who got killed. All that is remembered is the gun...smoking.


How funny, and appropriate, would it be if all we remember is the blue dress, soiled, and none of the idiots involved?

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The blue dress is now proverb, trust me. Nobody will remember the detail, or how it was...soiled. All they will remember is an even worse version of the "smoking gun", because there was a massive denial before it was produced. See? Nobody remembers why the gun was smoking, or who was holding it, or why, or who got killed. All that is remembered is the gun...smoking.


How funny, and appropriate, would it be if all we remember is the blue dress, soiled, and none of the idiots involved?



I have a faint recollection of a cigar too, but this thread had turned into a "reducing the deficit is reducing the national debt kind of debate" and with people that know better. Let's just make this clear now. Reducing the deficit adds to the national debt. Getting rid of the deficit and having a surplus is what reduces the national debt.

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The blue dress is now proverb, trust me. Nobody will remember the detail, or how it was...soiled. All they will remember is an even worse version of the "smoking gun", because there was a massive denial before it was produced. See? Nobody remembers why the gun was smoking, or who was holding it, or why, or who got killed. All that is remembered is the gun...smoking.


How funny, and appropriate, would it be if all we remember is the blue dress, soiled, and none of the idiots involved?

This is off topic completely, but awesome avatar/"title" line combo :thumbsup:

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I have a faint recollection of a cigar too, but this thread had turned into a "reducing the deficit is reducing the national debt kind of debate" and with people that know better. Let's just make this clear now. Reducing the deficit adds to the national debt. Getting rid of the deficit and having a surplus is what reduces the national debt.

Dude...do you really think that I need to stipulate the obvious? Oh, that's right, I forgot which board I was on. Now, let's see....I can write 4 paras as a haze for the ill-informed....or I can just say: if people are too dumb to understand that spending less money than you take in, means less debt, no debt, or a surplus, depending on how your financing works, and having a surplus can mean paying off debt you owe, then perhaps we should look into a "take your vote away for being stupid" amendment.


I think the Founding Fathers missed on that one key point. They shouldn't have talked about owning land to vote. Instead, they should have talked about being a serious, educated person. I wish they had instituted a citizen's test, that has to be renewed like a driver's license. Hell, if we are going to spend all this money one education, we might as well get some performance indicator out of it that holds the people the money is being spent on accountable. Nothing like giving a test that provides consequences for those who won't teach, those who won't learn, and those who won't support either.

This is off topic completely, but awesome avatar/"title" line combo :thumbsup:

For some reason I bet you and I would have a good time at the bar. But, it's too bad, because I ain't going anywhere with a guy that wears a scarf. :D

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