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Another Facebook article: Parenting Win


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The daughter made a post on facebook trashing her parents, swearing at them, calling them lazy and complaining she had too many chores and they did nothing. So her Dad got his revenge, and she won't be posting on facebook for a while.


I'm sure this will get exiled to PPP before too long, but congrats to this guy for taking care of the problem.

Edited by Ramius
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The daughter made a post on facebook trashing her parents, swearing at them, calling them lazy and complaining she had too many chores and they did nothing. So her Dad got his revenge, and she won't be posting on facebook for a while.


I'm sure this will get exiled to PPP before too long, but congrats to this guy for taking care of the problem.



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Humorous story, but the guy is a douche.


He chooses to publicly shame his daughter to her entire social circle instead of handling the matter internally, but he still manages to wax sanctimonious about the good old days and traditional values.


His daughter sounds like a spoiled brat, but whose fault is that if not him?

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I'm still laughing.


I don't know which is my favorite part -- it's either when he loses his train of thought, remembers the paper in his hand, looks at it and starts yelling "PAY you for chores?!" even though he already finished that thought OR it's the "that one's from your mother".


This guy might have made the perfect viral video.

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This guy is way too into his daughter's Facebook. He also seems to really enjoy grounding his daughter. Of course she was being a spoiled brat by posting that, but his "punishment" was way over the top.


On a side note does anyone else not buy his story about how rough his life was? He says he lived on his own at 15, went to college while in high school, worked two jobs , and was a volunteer fireman. I suppose it's possible, but I seems like he's really padding his resume.

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He seemed nervous. He realizes that he's alone in a field right? No audience...


The reason I would never talk so negatively about my parents is because they didn't "ground" me for not making my bed. Seems like a teenager being a teenager and venting over her over controlling father.


And there is no way that hillbilly went to college EARLY.

Edited by stevestojan
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He needs to get to the range and brush up on those shooting skills. PBR on a square that wasn't moving around and he missed twice with a handgun too big for his hands. The barn feels a bit safer after watching that video.


To each their own with parenting, as we all do it differently, but he probably paid for that laptop. That's an expensive lesson not only in money out of pocket but in also showing that restraint is for pansies. If you don't go extreme, don't bother.


Teenagers are going to hate you one day, love you the next. Taking personal offense to everything coming out of your kid's mouth would be exhausting.

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