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What is your point?


A dictator would be fine by most partisans as long as he/she comes from the same party.

It would eventually lead to doing away with those messy quadrennial elections that are such a bother.


Obama found out that the theory of closing GITMO is a lot different from the reality of closing it.


It's not just Republicans. NO ONE wants Al Quaeda members in their backyard.


You look back at the naivete of the campaign and it's just galling. Couple that with the acceptance of the left under Obama of things that they blamed and burned Bush in effigy for. They really don't mind --- and in fact, they tout these things! --- as long as its their guy doing it.


:rolleyes: Yes, and once again, the "all or nothing", "one-size-fits-all" mentality is on display as the premise upon which this progressive (*^*&%^$^#bases his argument.


So, we are not allowed to kill any enemies, because we might make a mistake? All drone strikes are bad, because one of them might be? This notion is ridiculous. Any misuse of drone strikes is simply impossible to contain. It will get out just like it always does. The 4th and 5th amendments are protected by the 1st, but this clown doesn't want to recognize that.


What this is really about: If he doesn't get to decide what is right, nobody else, especially wiser, smarter, more qualified people who do this for a living, don't either. :rolleyes: Progressives want sole control of government power, which is also why they always want government to have more of it, but, they go apeshit if somebody gets government power they aren't allowed to have, or even know about.


We are talking about taking out a single person, who has openly declared war on us. IF he is a citizen, then he is absolutely a traitor, and since he wears no uniform, he qualifies a spy. Actually, the fact that he is a citizen works against the above clown's argument. Since when do we not have the right to summarily execute spies during war time? They have made the entire world the battlefield and declared war on us. That means we can kill them wherever we find them, with 0 due process, because this is war, not criminal proceedings.


Somebody needs to wake this guy up to that fact. And, back to the first point:


This clown is crying because of absolutist, one-size-fits-all thinking on the part of Democrats being applied to "their dear leader".

Instead, he wants their absolutist, one-size-fits-all thinking applied to his assclown assertion that we aren't fighting a war, but rather, we are simply dealing with criminals.


A f'ing clue: the problem is progressive absolutist thinking, regardless of how it's applied. And yeah, due to it's nature, it's going to make a lot of people hypocrites on regular basis if it continues.


I still don't get his point. Progressives have no real values? We needed to be told this?



When has lybob ever posted a youtube video and had a point?


I took it, that he'd had a sober moment and saw behind the mirror at least momentarily.

But, I'm probably wrong. Often I am. Doesn't stop me from taking pot shots though.


To be fair, Lybob may be a silly idealistic liberal, but he actually believes in this stuff. Unlike the hoards of Democrat hacks jumping on anything & everything to score political points, or all the useful idiots who jumped on the bandwagon because MTV said it was the cool thing to do, he was actually concerned with the substance. You have to give him some credit for consistency if nothing else.


To be fair, Lybob may be a silly idealistic liberal, but he actually believes in this stuff. Unlike the hoards of Democrat hacks jumping on anything & everything to score political points, or all the useful idiots who jumped on the bandwagon because MTV said it was the cool thing to do, he was actually concerned with the substance. You have to give him some credit for consistency if nothing else.

I agree, he is genuinely bat **** loony :devil:


To be fair, Lybob may be a silly idealistic liberal, but he actually believes in this stuff. Unlike the hoards of Democrat hacks jumping on anything & everything to score political points, or all the useful idiots who jumped on the bandwagon because MTV said it was the cool thing to do, he was actually concerned with the substance. You have to give him some credit for consistency if nothing else.



I'm nearly always in agreement with you but in this case not so much. lyrbob has the tendency to make weak points and then refuse to defend them. When called out he runs and hides like the drive-bi liberal he is.


:rolleyes: Yes, and once again, the "all or nothing", "one-size-fits-all" mentality is on display as the premise upon which this progressive (*^*&%^$^#bases his argument.


So, we are not allowed to kill any enemies, because we might make a mistake? All drone strikes are bad, because one of them might be? This notion is ridiculous. Any misuse of drone strikes is simply impossible to contain. It will get out just like it always does. The 4th and 5th amendments are protected by the 1st, but this clown doesn't want to recognize that.


What this is really about: If he doesn't get to decide what is right, nobody else, especially wiser, smarter, more qualified people who do this for a living, don't either. :rolleyes: Progressives want sole control of government power, which is also why they always want government to have more of it, but, they go apeshit if somebody gets government power they aren't allowed to have, or even know about.


We are talking about taking out a single person, who has openly declared war on us. IF he is a citizen, then he is absolutely a traitor, and since he wears no uniform, he qualifies a spy. Actually, the fact that he is a citizen works against the above clown's argument. Since when do we not have the right to summarily execute spies during war time? They have made the entire world the battlefield and declared war on us. That means we can kill them wherever we find them, with 0 due process, because this is war, not criminal proceedings.


Somebody needs to wake this guy up to that fact. And, back to the first point:


This clown is crying because of absolutist, one-size-fits-all thinking on the part of Democrats being applied to "their dear leader".

Instead, he wants their absolutist, one-size-fits-all thinking applied to his assclown assertion that we aren't fighting a war, but rather, we are simply dealing with criminals.


A f'ing clue: the problem is progressive absolutist thinking, regardless of how it's applied. And yeah, due to it's nature, it's going to make a lot of people hypocrites on regular basis if it continues.



Mistakes definitely happen. In fact, in the spirit of "if you see something, say something". I think you may be a spy. I think you should be reported to the authorities. Using your logic, you are safe because "they" don't make mistakes. Want to test it out? If they do make a mistake, you will get no due process. Of course you will say that it will never happen.


Seriously though, more people need to think things through rather than being so hell bent on killing people at the drop of a hat.


:rolleyes: Yes, and once again, the "all or nothing", "one-size-fits-all" mentality is on display as the premise upon which this progressive (*^*&%^$^#bases his argument.


So, we are not allowed to kill any enemies, because we might make a mistake? All drone strikes are bad, because one of them might be? This notion is ridiculous. Any misuse of drone strikes is simply impossible to contain. It will get out just like it always does. The 4th and 5th amendments are protected by the 1st, but this clown doesn't want to recognize that.


What this is really about: If he doesn't get to decide what is right, nobody else, especially wiser, smarter, more qualified people who do this for a living, don't either. :rolleyes: Progressives want sole control of government power, which is also why they always want government to have more of it, but, they go apeshit if somebody gets government power they aren't allowed to have, or even know about.


We are talking about taking out a single person, who has openly declared war on us. IF he is a citizen, then he is absolutely a traitor, and since he wears no uniform, he qualifies a spy. Actually, the fact that he is a citizen works against the above clown's argument. Since when do we not have the right to summarily execute spies during war time? They have made the entire world the battlefield and declared war on us. That means we can kill them wherever we find them, with 0 due process, because this is war, not criminal proceedings.

Somebody needs to wake this guy up to that fact. And, back to the first point:


This clown is crying because of absolutist, one-size-fits-all thinking on the part of Democrats being applied to "their dear leader".

Instead, he wants their absolutist, one-size-fits-all thinking applied to his assclown assertion that we aren't fighting a war, but rather, we are simply dealing with criminals.


A f'ing clue: the problem is progressive absolutist thinking, regardless of how it's applied. And yeah, due to it's nature, it's going to make a lot of people hypocrites on regular basis if it continues.


Statements like this should creep anybody right the f--- out.


Statements like this should creep anybody right the f--- out.


Have to say, I totally agree with you. It's that type of thinking (or lack thereof) that is letting this govt get out of control and restrict our freedoms. This type of "reason" defies logic in my opinion. It's downright disturbing how many people are willing to give up rights. They assume that it's not their rights they are giving up, and that's the problem. They don't realize that by saying it's okay to give up another individual's rights that they are in fact agreeing to give up their own in the process.


I've had conversations with people that are okay with the TSA and other ridiculous airport security procedures because "it's making them safe" and they "aren't doing anything wrong" so they don't care about those stringent, ineffective procedures. When I tell them that they are willingly giving up their freedom they say they don't mind as long as they are safe. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


People need to look at the big picture. However, it seems that in this instant gratification age that we now live in it is extremely difficult for individuals to do so.


Statements like this should creep anybody right the f--- out.


Only partially. Strip away the ridiculous histrionics, and there's a valid point as to the validity of considering the "War on Terror" a true war or an international law enforcement activity, and what the extent of the "battlefield" is.


Suffice to say, "due process" has no place in Tora Bora, just as JDAM strikes have no place Kansas...but at some point between those there is a gray area, where people are effectively "parked" at Gitmo until someone figures out just what exactly their legal status is. As Obama obviously found out when he took office, there's no clean and easy solution.

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