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I like some of the comments about how horrible it is that there would be snipers at the SB.


Well, not very good snipers. All that time, and they never so much as winged The Brady.

Posted (edited)

I like some of the comments about how horrible it is that there would be snipers at the SB.


Really? You support this? This makes us "safer?"

Edited by Dr. Fong

Really? You support this? This makes us "safer?"



So you can’t think or a reason or scenario on why it’s a good idea to have them there at one of the biggest sporting events in the world??






Posted (edited)

My guess, based on the pictures, it's a custom made rifle, based off a Remington 700 action with a TacOps 30 suppressor and Picatinny rails. Probably in a .308 caliber. It's not the A5.


Those guys are there to guard against the not really crazy "somebody could strap a vest on of plastic explosives and try to get on the field" or "somebody just took hostages in a luxury box" type of scenarios. Police on the field may not have the clear shot that you'd have from that vantage point with a trained marksman.

Edited by dpberr

Really? You support this? This makes us "safer?"


How is it a bad idea to have them at the biggest sporting event of the year? It's not like the guy is going to accidentally pull the trigger and kill a random fan in the crowd...


How is it a bad idea to have them at the biggest sporting event of the year? It's not like the guy is going to accidentally pull the trigger and kill a random fan in the crowd...


Exactly. It's a chilling image for sure, but I doubt the on-duty sniper even so much as touched the rifle. Nothing wrong with security.


It's not like the guy is going to accidentally pull the trigger and kill a random fan in the crowd...


Nobody is worried about that. Although it's probably as likely to happen as a scenario in which a sniper would be the answer. What about all those super effective pat downs that we have to go through to get into the stadium? Don't those make us secure enough?


Nobody is worried about that. Although it's probably as likely to happen as a scenario in which a sniper would be the answer.


Except that the decision process that leads to a snipers' nest at the Superbowl isn't about what could happen; it's about covering their asses in the extremely unlikely event that something does happen.


That is, the powers-that-be don't care if people find out there's snipers at the Superbowl. They DO care if people B word "Why weren't the powers that be prepared for this???" after the one-in-a-million event occurs that a sniper could have prevented.


What about all those super effective pat downs that we have to go through to get into the stadium? Don't those make us secure enough?


:lol: Funny. The snipers' nest at least has the benefit of actually providing some small level of security that isn't theater.

Posted (edited)

FWIW, this isn't a new security procedure. Looks like somebody felt the need to be famous and leaked pictures to make it look like a big deal.


Police snipers have been a regular presence at major events since the late 60s and even more so since 1972. If German law enforcement had the ability to position trained police snipers, the Munich massacre may not have ended the way it sadly did. German law at the time prevented the military from intervening in the hostage situation.

Edited by dpberr

So you can’t think or a reason or scenario on why it’s a good idea to have them there at one of the biggest sporting events in the world??




I can think of reasons to have them everywhere "just in case." But do you really want to live in that sort of country?


Actually, I think we already do.


Really? You support this? This makes us "safer?"

It's not the first time I've seen high security at an event.


Aug 2000, Clinton was coming to Syracuse and they were allowing people to greet him at the airport. I went just to get pictures. Went through a metal detector and had to demonstrate my camera was not a gun in disguise. I also saw an under cover Secret Service guy working his way through the crowd with a backpack, what he had in it I'm not sure other than it must be for detecting something. Also saw snipers on the airport roof and patrols along the fence line where the woods are.


Spring 2009, Auburn, NY. Sarah Palin was coming to town. Even though she wasn't under SS protection anymore, there still was a high security presence in town with many police and snipers on rooftops.


Did any of this bother me? Nope. Just a fact of life that people are crazy enough to try anything now.


I can think of reasons to have them everywhere "just in case." But do you really want to live in that sort of country?


Actually, I think we already do.


At a high level target like the superbowl, I'm ok with high level security. Between the important folks attending, the billion viewers, and the symbolism of American excess- there are a ton of reason someone would act dumb


There are plenty of unnecessary abuses by the government in this country in the guise of "security."


This is by no means one of them. Completely common sense to have sniper protection at such a high-profile event. It sucks, but it's a fact of life...


On another note, Billicheat would love to have the scope on that rifle.

Posted (edited)

I believe that to be a Remington MSR (modular sniper rifle)


I'm sure there was a highly trained and capable marksman handling the rifle and this security is probably very common at high profile events. I don't like big brother but this doesn't bother me.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid

So you can’t think or a reason or scenario on why it’s a good idea to have them there at one of the biggest sporting events in the world??




Yes I can, if Welker makes that catch you gotta tell :rolleyes: him to take the shot.

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