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Something was proven to me about the Pats via Super Bowl

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This isn't directed at you, but that's about the stupidest argument ever. Part of being a good coach is building a staff, and Parcells hired Belichick as his DC. And Weis. And Coughlin. And Crennel. (And Sean Payton later on after he was unjustly fired by Jim Fassel). Again, the stupidest argument ever against Parcells. Think about it: Parcells shouldn't get in because a guy who operated in a hierarchical organization knew how to hire the best assistants ever, and those assistants made the difference.


Exactly...do people really believe that a guy like Parcells didn't have any part in mentoring all of these successful coaches.


Not even to mention the revisionist history regarding Super Bowl XXV since Bill Belichick became successful. I don't know how many times I've heard people give credit to Belichick for that game for the past 10 years. They beat us with ball control offense, they held on to the ball for 40 minutes, not sure that the defensive coordinator would be the one to devise that strategy. The media is just really arrogant and fickle sometimes and that's not good when they are the guys choosing things like the Hall Of Fame and post-season awards.

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A lot of us care about this because it goes to the very heart of fair play and the NFL's reputation, for which the Bills have a vested interest!!!


If you don't want to read about it, you don't have to CLICK the LINK.

Sure. I worry about the NFL's reputation. Over a taping incident that virtually no one remembers or cares about. Odd that Pats threads abound here, as they where the ONLY win the Bills got in their division, but the 4 losses to Jets and Dolphins are ignored.

There really is a strange obsession with the Pats here.

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The Eagles ' D was swearing up and down when Spygate came out that it impacted that SB game--anyone else remember how the Pats* always called a screen at the right time in that game, almost like they knew what was coming? That's all I needed to see to determine how big a bunch of cheaters the Pats* are....

The Cowboys seemed to have a very good bead on the Bills' plays in January 1993 at the Rose Bowl. Just saying.

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The Eagles ' D was swearing up and down when Spygate came out that it impacted that SB game--anyone else remember how the Pats* always called a screen at the right time in that game, almost like they knew what was coming? That's all I needed to see to determine how big a bunch of cheaters the Pats* are....


So the verdict on this board is roughly:


Having the refs in your pocket on every call


Knowing your opponents plays


Gets you fg victories



Couldn't be a difference in talent or particular matchups that caused the 5 point swing from pre-spygate to post?

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Actually I think the coordinators might be the two biggest factors. The ironic thing about that is supposedly a handful of writers at the Hall of Fame committee used the argument that the only reason that Parcells had a Hall of Fame resume was Belichick and that's why he's not deserving of the Hall...by that logic I guess Crennel and Weis should go in ahead of Belichick.


I agree about the coordinators as well. The Pats have not won the Superbowl since Weiss & Crennel left. I also believe Pioli & Dimitroff are better judges of talent than Belichek. Also, the Pats have not had a good run game since Dillon left.

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A lot of us care about this because it goes to the very heart of fair play and the NFL's reputation, for which the Bills have a vested interest!!!


If you don't want to read about it, you don't have to CLICK the LINK.

Okay so you expect to read the "truth" on a Bills board about the Patriots. And have a "vested" interest that will be found here? LOL, man the offseason just started and it's already old.


Hey stay classy and keep up the juvenile attacks.

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I am just happy they have lost their last two SB appearances.


It is also clear that none of these pats receivers can do for them what Randy Moss did. I think it was Jacobs who said he was not concerned about the pats going right down the field and scoring. They dink and dunk passes now.

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I am just happy they have lost their last two SB appearances.


It is also clear that none of these pats receivers can do for them what Randy Moss did. I think it was Jacobs who said he was not concerned about the pats going right down the field and scoring. They dink and dunk passes now.

They couldn't even win the SB with Moss.

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My bet is Billycheat utilized taping back in SB25

We do know that he had defensive players falling on the the ground writhing in

'injury' only to make a miraculous recovery one play later.

It disrupted the cadence of the Bill's 'point a minute' no huddle offense.

That's why we now have the injury= loss of timeout inside of two minutes.

Thank Billy-boy Belicheat. F'in sleeze.....

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Tainted is tainted. Bonds took steroids. How many of his HR's were truly aided by them? Exactly how many races by Marion Jones were won thanks to steroids? How much of Merriman's stellar early career was aided by steroids? All, part, none? Again, you don't do something you know is wrong, much less after being warned about it, unless it benefits you, and the NFL's response to it, and the Pats' failure to win another SB only serve to corroborate it.

Well here's something to consider. The Patriots cheated their way to 3 super bowl wins. Ok! So every team has 53 players dressed for a game. A lot of those players are scrubs who ride the pine. Some are super stars, fact is only a VERY few remain from the super bowls they cheated to win. Now, every one of these guys who were on the team had to be aware of the cheating. Why? because they had to set plays, schemes, defenses, offenses to "cheat" their way to multiple, victory's over a span of years.


Funny, how some of the scrubs who now are most likely working in a grocery store or worse, and the super stars who were cut before there contracts were up, ex coaches, GM's, etc. all keep there mouths shut instead of making a HUGE book deal, etc. and make huge BUCKS off this "cheating". This rumor is rubbish. Undoubtedly the team used amateur video cameras (no I-phones then)and got some film. In fact as we know they got film of the dude filming. How valuable was it? Not nearly what some would want it to be. There would be serious consequences if just a hint of massive cheating was going on. I would put damages in the billions if true. The NFL would be finished. Vegas for one would want to see some $$$$ back. Oh wait Vegas is in on it too? LOL


In ending my last reply to yet another friggin Patriots thread today on a Bills board I got news and I cannot reveal my sources. My sources know absolutely nobody. They have told me right next to Hoffas body at the north goalpost (BTW it was moved from Giants stadium years ago) is a huge stash of WMD's. Take it to the bank!

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The Pats did indeed rank 31st.


The Giants ranked 27th.


Yep, defense wins championships. :lol:



The giants defensive ranking is a direct result of Osi and Tuck being injured for a large portion of the year. Their performances from the Jets game- SB is more of a reflection of their actual defensive talent

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The Pats did indeed rank 31st.


The Giants ranked 27th.


Yep, defense wins championships. :lol:


Maybe you missed how beat up that defenses started the season.the giants were without tuck how long? How many guys in the secondary were hurt in preseason? That ranking doesn't reflect the ability on the field lately.

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Well here's something to consider. The Patriots cheated their way to 3 super bowl wins. Ok! So every team has 53 players dressed for a game. A lot of those players are scrubs who ride the pine. Some are super stars, fact is only a VERY few remain from the super bowls they cheated to win. Now, every one of these guys who were on the team had to be aware of the cheating. Why? because they had to set plays, schemes, defenses, offenses to "cheat" their way to multiple, victory's over a span of years.

So then, by that logic, everyone that worked under Bernie Madoff knew what was going on and should also be in jail, right? Next.

Funny, how some of the scrubs who now are most likely working in a grocery store or worse, and the super stars who were cut before there contracts were up, ex coaches, GM's, etc. all keep there mouths shut instead of making a HUGE book deal, etc. and make huge BUCKS off this "cheating". This rumor is rubbish. Undoubtedly the team used amateur video cameras (no I-phones then)and got some film. In fact as we know they got film of the dude filming. How valuable was it? Not nearly what some would want it to be. There would be serious consequences if just a hint of massive cheating was going on. I would put damages in the billions if true. The NFL would be finished. Vegas for one would want to see some $$$$ back. Oh wait Vegas is in on it too? LOL

You must have missed it, but there was a "Spygate" suit that was dismissed because the NFL can't be sued for the outcomes of games. That's because they're "sports entertainment." Kind of like how WWE is "sports entertainment" and thus allowed to script matches. And Vegas doesn't care either way because they make their money on the vig.

In ending my last reply to yet another friggin Patriots thread today on a Bills board I got news and I cannot reveal my sources. My sources know absolutely nobody. They have told me right next to Hoffas body at the north goalpost (BTW it was moved from Giants stadium years ago) is a huge stash of WMD's. Take it to the bank!

I can prescribe meds to help you with those voices.


The Pats did indeed rank 31st.


The Giants ranked 27th.


Yep, defense wins championships. :lol:

When a defense can limit a team to about half the points they averaged during the regular season and playoffs, yeah that's defense winning a championship.

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They don't have the talent they used to. Spygate may have helped them but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of teams were doing something similar.


Brady is older, their nickel back was a QB at kent state and will likely be the only receiver on the roster from this year back. branch is a FA and ochocinco caught what 3 passes this year? Welker is a FA too

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The Cowboys seemed to have a very good bead on the Bills' plays in January 1993 at the Rose Bowl. Just saying.


I saw an interview with Jimmy Johnson and he admitted that he had some video of the Bills walkthrough practice, and mentioned the shuffle play and how they never saw that in any of their films of the Bills. He knew they were gonna run it, and prepared for it.

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I always felt Spygate had teeth too it but I think the NFL played it down big time because it would raise the integrity of the game & the media never pushed it hard Hell ESPN act liked like it was nothing but if you had video footage of plays during games instead of pictures, were you could continuously rewind from the snap to see what each player was doing during different or same formation that would give you a 2 to 3 second drop on your opponent & thats a lifetime on a NFL play

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There are a bunch of factors, including Spygate you could use.


When the Pats won their 3 superbowls they had:

Romeo Crennel as their DC

Charlie Weiss as their OC

Scott Pioli as their GM

Thomas Dimitroff as their Asst. GM

Corey Dillon as their RB


IMO, those are all important factors on why the Pats haven't been as successful.


Add a DEFENSE to that list..

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I always felt Spygate had teeth too it but I think the NFL played it down big time because it would raise the integrity of the game & the media never pushed it hard Hell ESPN act liked like it was nothing but if you had video footage of plays during games instead of pictures, were you could continuously rewind from the snap to see what each player was doing during different or same formation that would give you a 2 to 3 second drop on your opponent & thats a lifetime on a NFL play

Don't doubt the power of the NFL to influence its coverage. The reason no one talks about Spygate is not because no one cares. The NFL made it go away really fast and no one bothered to dig very deep out of fear of jeopardizing their access to the league.


The way the NFL swept it under the rug suggests to me that the truth would be at the least embarrassing and at the worst damaging to the NFL. So much of the leagues appeal is tied to gambling. If it ever came out that there was rampant cheating or rigging of games it would be devastating.



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