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True Journalism


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Have you heard about Jim Moran or Thaddeus Matthews this week?


Of course you havent.


Journalism is dead.





Or the Dem controlled Senate defeating the "Earmarks Removal " bill ? .....................


or Indiana passing its "right to work" law ? ...................


or The discrepancies already found on the first day of checking Wisconsin's "recall Walker" petition ?



No, very short thrift given to all.........but plenty of time to keep repeating the misinterpretation of Mitt Romney's "poor" statement.



Journalism IS dead.



Edited by B-Man
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Or the Dem controlled Senate defeating the "Earmarks Removal " bill ? .....................


or Indiana passing its "right to work" law ? ...................


or The discrepancies already found on the first day of checking Wisconsin's "recall Walker" petition ?



No, very short thrift given to all.........but plenty of time to keep repeating the misinterpretation of Mitt Romney's "poor" statement.



Journalism IS dead.




Or the the drop in unemployment to 8.3% but not that 1.2 million people quit looking in December alone.

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That jobs report sure was depressing, huh?


Oh the report wan't depressing, it was the report of the report.


BTW one of my very liberal friends just posted this quote for Malcolm X on Facebook.


If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.


Really??? I mean REALLY??? Come on folks, it's the polar opposite.

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Or the Dem controlled Senate defeating the "Earmarks Removal " bill ? .....................


or Indiana passing its "right to work" law ? ...................


or The discrepancies already found on the first day of checking Wisconsin's "recall Walker" petition ?



No, very short thrift given to all.........but plenty of time to keep repeating the misinterpretation of Mitt Romney's "poor" statement.



Journalism IS dead.




What he said.


Journalism is dead. The mainstream media really just pushes their agenda with little objectivity. I wouldn't mind them reporting this way if they just owned up to the fact that they are little more than a propaganda wing of the idealistic left wing. But no... they claim to be objective and fair.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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