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In less than a month's time...

Greg de'Ville

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...and look where they are now. INCREDIBLE!


Really folks, it took a lot dominoes to fall on the part of a lot of other teams, and the Bills were in essence in playoff mode since the loss at NE, to make what seemed impossible only a short time ago, a legit possibility.


Regardless of what happens playoff-wise, I look at this Sunday's game with the Steelers as the final exam for the 2004 Bills. This is where all the preparation and all the momentum built up over the past 9-10 weeks or so can and MUST pay off.


Beating twinkies like Arizona and the Niners are one thing. Beating THIS team is a whole 'nother animal. Sure, it would be nice to see how the Bills would match up against Big Ben and the Bus next week, but since they may not be play--or sparingly, if that--it becomes moot. The Steelers still have a lot of weapons on offense, a very tough offensive line, and a defense that gets after people and does not yield much points-wise. It will take a GREAT EFFORT by Our Heroes to get it done at Ralphie's. I believe they can meet this challenge.


For the first time in five years, folks, five years TO THE DAY since the Forward Lateral in Nashhole, the Bills are playing a meaningful football game--a quasi-playoff game if you will. They need to follow the formula that's proven successful most of the last two months--play their game, knock their opponents on their butts and don't worry about what the Bronx or Dog-Ass Jets do because that's out of their hands. All the focus has to be squarely on taking on and beating an exceptional Steelers team that has won 13 in a row.


I was pleased tonight that Willis McGahee not only played, but also played well. Lee Evans had another solid game--he's really coming on as a "go-to" player, and the defense, well they've been superb in all but a handful of games this season. Same for the STs.


Just focus on the Steelers, Bills...us diehards will root like h-e-double hockey sticks for you to take down the Steelers, for the Lambs to take out the Dog-Ass Jets , and for Peyton Who's Insurance Adjusters to take out the Bronx.


Thank you Mike Mularkey and staff for bringing hope back to Bills fans all over creation. To have the opportunity to become only the second team in league history to make the playoffs after starting a season 0-4...wow, whodathunkit.



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