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Lepers Have Feelings, Too, Y'know...


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Most of my movie theater visits these days include my seven-year-old, and I don't mind admitting many of the children's movies these days are quite excellent. We recently saw the trailer for a new claymation-type movie called "The Pirates! Bands of Misfits," and we were both chuckling enough that we were kind of looking forward to the movie.


The trailer is in the link below.


There's a brief funny scene where the Captain lands on a leper ship. An arm falls off. Typical leper humor.


But not according to Lepra Health In Action, who protested the scene because, well, apparently leprosy is very had to get, is easily treatable, and they don't like people having the perception that it makes limbs fall off.. The producers of the movies, not wanting to further upset its leper base, apparently has modified the scene.


Chalk one up for lepers everywhere.

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