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Study suggests rodents may exhibit empathy

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I know, right? It's just absurd! To think I tried to volunteer to take part in such nonsense...not my proudest moment!


Hmmm, sounds like an occasion to develop an involuntary, nervous clenching. But hey, it was all for science right? And probably paid for with our tax dollars!


On a side note, it's been a good 5-10 yrs since some naturalist/biologist has shown off an ape who "communicates" with hand signs. Seems like we're due for the latest version to justify dumping more grant money into projects like this.

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Not too surprising given they're social animals, but still pretty neat stuff.



I'd say this study is a waste of time, but the losers who would find this crap interesting or useful have nothing but time because they have no lives.




It never ceases to amaze me how nerds spend their time on the internet.

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I'd say this study is a waste of time, but the losers who would find this crap interesting or useful have nothing but time because they have no lives.




It never ceases to amaze me how nerds spend their time on the internet.


So you're basically taking it to another level and calling out not just the scientists, but also anyone who reads the article in general? :worthy:

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I'd say this study is a waste of time, but the losers who would find this crap interesting or useful have nothing but time because they have no lives.




It never ceases to amaze me how nerds spend their time on the internet.


Proud nerd here. If I showed you guys how I really spend my time on the internet, I'd get banned.

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On a side note, it's been a good 5-10 yrs since some naturalist/biologist has shown off an ape who "communicates" with hand signs. Seems like we're due for the latest version to justify dumping more grant money into projects like this.

It will be an ape that uses an iPad to communicate, they'll select letters/words/pictures and the iPad will "speak" for them. They're already using them for Autistic children, so the next logical step is for apes to use them.

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