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Harbaugh Bowl I


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Is it just me or does anyone else think Harbaugh is a sore loser? Not only that, he seems to get all upset over obvious plays that go against them? He didn't even say anything to Coughlin justa quick touch of the hands and bye..


I don't like that guy, and I wouldn't want him as my coach.




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Is it just me or does anyone else think Harbaugh is a sore loser? Not only that, he seems to get all upset over obvious plays that go against them? He didn't even say anything to Coughlin justa quick touch of the hands and bye..


I don't like that guy, and I wouldn't want him as my coach.




Like I said in the shoutbox, Coughlin should have given Harbaugh the same back slap Harbaugh used on Schwartz earlier this year. Furthermore, Harbaugh refused to be interviewed by FOX after the game.


What a dick.

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Is it just me or does anyone else think Harbaugh is a sore loser? Not only that, he seems to get all upset over obvious plays that go against them? He didn't even say anything to Coughlin justa quick touch of the hands and bye..


I don't like that guy, and I wouldn't want him as my coach.




Yep, the guy is a sore loser & even a worse winner. Barely acknowledge the 50 yard line hand shake. & then you have his brother who seems like even a bigger jerk. Did anybody see toward the end of the game when they were deciding to go for the fg or go for it on 4th & 6 Cameron came over to him & he literally pushed him away. If I was Cameron & Harbaugh did that to me I would punch his lights out right there. It would probably mean that his career of coaching would be over but he is getting up there anyways. It would of been worth it.

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