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I had never even heard of this artist until a couple days ago. I've since become completely captivated by her vocals! Her accompaniment is stellar as well, but WOW what a talent!


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I know, right? She's like a more talented Diana Krall, with a more pleasing voice (and that's a compliment cause I love D.Krall's voice), singing music that I enjoy listening to more than what Diana Krall sings lol. I'm not really much into jazz, but when you put a bluesy spin on it all of a sudden it starts appealing to me a lot more. I started listening to the brief samples of each track on Amazon, and I found myself just wanting to hear more. Just a beautiful gift she has!


Yah, but can she cook? :ph34r:


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I know, right? She's like a more talented Diana Krall, with a more pleasing voice (and that's a compliment cause I love D.Krall's voice), singing music that I enjoy listening to more than what Diana Krall sings lol. I'm not really much into jazz, but when you put a bluesy spin on it all of a sudden it starts appealing to me a lot more. I started listening to the brief samples of each track on Amazon, and I found myself just wanting to hear more. Just a beautiful gift she has!


I got into that Krall / Monheit thing near the millennium and then it just wore off. There was just something about the both of them that didn't seem right. For Monheit especially, after her second album it went from sugary to cloying. Songs that I didn't really like that came to be accompanied with swing-era music. As you're hinting, I thought Krall's voice was fine. She was just doing some esoteric stuff. I imagine being married to Elvis Costello will do that.... Norah Jones also seemed to go off in a weird direction.


I love the French-ish bistro-y sound to this. The pacing and inflections. I'm also reading that she was hit by a car and it affected her eyes (hence the 'sunglasses at night / indoors') and hearing. Liking some other stuff I'm hearing too. Thanks for the heads-up!


Also, to note.... I'm a fan of music, not necessarily any type. Just good music.

Edited by UConn James
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I got into that Krall / Monheit thing near the millennium and then it just wore off. There was just something about the both of them that didn't seem right. For Monheit especially, after her second album it went from sugary to cloying. Songs that I didn't really like that came to be accompanied with swing-era music. As you're hinting, I thought Krall's voice was fine. She was just doing some esoteric stuff. I imagine being married to Elvis Costello will do that.... Norah Jones also seemed to go off in a weird direction.


I love the French-ish bistro-y sound to this. The pacing and inflections. I'm also reading that she was hit by a car and it affected her eyes (hence the 'sunglasses at night / indoors') and hearing. Liking some other stuff I'm hearing too. Thanks for the heads-up!


Also, to note.... I'm a fan of music, not necessarily any type. Just good music.


I totally forgot about the Elvis Costello factor...good call. And yeah, I don't know what went down with Norah...I had sort of gotten caught up in all the hype with her as well, and I have to say I really enjoyed her first studio album and the majority of her second. But it's been a while since I've revisited her material.


I don't know what it is about this girl's vocals, but I'm very drawn to them and I like it :D Her delivery is just so effortless and the tone of her voice is right in the sweet spot. This is the type of artist I love to see live...I hack on Atlanta all the time, but the music scene here is not one of the areas for criticism. I need to bug my friend who owns (arguably) the best concert venue in Atlanta to try and bring her to town :thumbsup:

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I totally forgot about the Elvis Costello factor...good call. And yeah, I don't know what went down with Norah...I had sort of gotten caught up in all the hype with her as well, and I have to say I really enjoyed her first studio album and the majority of her second. But it's been a while since I've revisited her material.


I don't know what it is about this girl's vocals, but I'm very drawn to them and I like it :D Her delivery is just so effortless and the tone of her voice is right in the sweet spot. This is the type of artist I love to see live...I hack on Atlanta all the time, but the music scene here is not one of the areas for criticism. I need to bug my friend who owns (arguably) the best concert venue in Atlanta to try and bring her to town :thumbsup:


I read her Wiki entry.... This girl's been through some stevestojan! According to what I'm reading, she does very limited touring b/c of the effects of the accident. (Well, then again, it wasn't an accident. Dude ran a red light.) You know, it's a hell of a thing to say, but seeing the EPK interview, in a way that accident was a great thing and another instance of God/The Island/The Flying Spaghetti Monster working in mysterious ways --- she might otherwise be some fluky fashion designer instead of a fabulous musician. Greatest suggestion from a doctor... ever!


I'm really crushing heavy on "My One and Only Thrill." Can't get over that these are almost all original songs from her own writing --- something jazz and/or blues singers just don't do, especially so early on --- and they sound so timeless. I just love how she sings so nuanced and soft when a lot of others, especially these days, will just belt the lyrics out. Not that I'm disparaging that for those that can do it well (e.g. Brandi Carlile), but American Idol and the like have made a lot of people think they can be singers & make it as singers when they cannot... to say nothing of "singers" whose act is 85% dancing and image and frick-all when it comes to the music :thumbdown:


I'm gettin' the albums (not the one she did from the hospital bed. It was released in 2005 and is out of print?! Which means an import costs triple. ~$30 for 6 songs?!) and some Skullcandy headphones on amazon. You sold me, aj! Thanks.



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I read her Wiki entry.... This girl's been through some stevestojan! According to what I'm reading, she does very limited touring b/c of the effects of the accident. (Well, then again, it wasn't an accident. Dude ran a red light.) You know, it's a hell of a thing to say, but seeing the EPK interview, in a way that accident was a great thing and another instance of God/The Island/The Flying Spaghetti Monster working in mysterious ways --- she might otherwise be some fluky fashion designer instead of a fabulous musician. Greatest suggestion from a doctor... ever!


I'm really crushing heavy on "My One and Only Thrill." Can't get over that these are almost all original songs from her own writing --- something jazz and/or blues singers just don't do, especially so early on --- and they sound so timeless. I just love how she sings so nuanced and soft when a lot of others, especially these days, will just belt the lyrics out. Not that I'm disparaging that for those that can do it well (e.g. Brandi Carlile), but American Idol and the like have made a lot of people think they can be singers & make it as singers when they cannot... to say nothing of "singers" whose act is 85% dancing and image and frick-all when it comes to the music :thumbdown:


I'm gettin' the albums (not the one she did from the hospital bed. It was released in 2005 and is out of print?! Which means an import costs triple. ~$30 for 6 songs?!) and some Skullcandy headphones on amazon. You sold me, aj! Thanks.




Great post man! I totally agree about the writing your own music thing. I think "Over the Rainbow" was the only cover she's done on either of her first two commercial albums. On top of that she is one helluva talented musician!! And I wish I could take credit for finding her on my own, but it was a guy over at audiocircle who happened to tell me what he was listening to, and he mentioned her. I gave some of her stuff a listen and, like yourself, fell in love!


BTW, I've been doing TONS of research on headphones and earbuds over the past two months, and have dabbled with some small purchases. If you want to send me a PM with what price range your in for phones, I would be happy to send you some other suggestions to consider in addition to the skull candy ones. If you're pretty much set on those, that's cool...I just know I was amazed that there was a whole WORLD of headphone and portable audio out there....I could probably give you some good options to consider if you want to take me up on it :)


EDIT: Actually, never mind, I forgot you had chimed in over in the headphone discussion thread I started and you were looking for wireless cans...that's the one type I really haven't looked into or know anything about LOL.

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I'm gettin' the albums (not the one she did from the hospital bed. It was released in 2005 and is out of print?! Which means an import costs triple. ~$30 for 6 songs?!)


You sold me, aj! Thanks.

You shouldn't waste your money. There are sites out there where you can get her songs for free. Don't be concerned about whether stealing her material is right or wrong. Just tell yourself over and over again that you can't copyright a sound. It works for others, make it work for you.



aj...I'll give her a listen this evening.

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You shouldn't waste your money. There are sites out there where you can get her songs for free. Don't be concerned about whether stealing her material is right or wrong. Just tell yourself over and over again that you can't copyright a sound. It works for others, make it work for you.



aj...I'll give her a listen this evening.


:D Let us know what you think!

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You shouldn't waste your money. There are sites out there where you can get her songs for free. Don't be concerned about whether stealing her material is right or wrong. Just tell yourself over and over again that you can't copyright a sound. It works for others, make it work for you.



aj...I'll give her a listen this evening.


No, if you remember from the 'Buy Chinese-Made Authentic-Style NFL jerseys for $25 each --- Just like the real thing!' threads, I don't bag on stealing intellectual property. Nor did I support those threads being hosted here on TBD because they were breaking the Terms of Service linking to sites that engaged in illegal activity. I stated this in the threads and was attacked by several posters for saying that copyright infringement, theft and receiving such wares is wrong and apparently no moderator had a problem with the flouting of SDS's TOS :thumbdown: . The FBI raided a place the other week and some dude was caught with ~$300K worth of fake jerseys. One guy at one small location. But, people can keep telling themselves that it's not affecting the NFL's bottom line and the economy. :thumbdown::thumbdown:


As I wrote, I'm purchasing the two albums that are available on Amazon. Paying $ for a physical CD. Yes, I listen to Youtube, but that's been an impetus for a number of my purchases. And yes, I may be the last person in the world who does this. I've read that they're going to stop producing CDs within the next 5-10 years, which I'm dreading... I just like to have a tangible item if possible when I buy things.


I hope they re-release "Some Lessons: The Bedroom Sessions" here. Just seeing that again now, and wow, that subtitle would be easy to misconstrue. As noted above, she recorded it from her hospital bed during recovery.


ON EDIT: Sorry Beerball, I didn't see your sarcasm tag on first read....

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Speaking of Beerball's music piracy habits...


James, I would hate it if they stopped making CDs. If for no other reason than the fact that I have a great little system going right now, and with no physical media it would not be possible to maintain my strategy. I never actually play CDs. I just rip them to my computer in lossless format and then keep the disc stored in a box in the back of my closet. This allows me to save a TON of money, because what I do is buy the used version of a particular title off the independent sellers list at Amazon for cheap. The only thing I need intact is the actual CD, and a lot of times you can find copies of an album where the disc is fine but the case or insert is scratched/torn/broken/etc. As a result, I end up paying like four bucks total, including shipping, and all of a sudden I have a digital file on my computer that will last forever. And that is why I'm fearful of no more CDs! Without a physical media that is capable of deteriorating and losing value over time, my plan is done for! :thumbdown:

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Speaking of Beerball's music piracy habits...


James, I would hate it if they stopped making CDs. If for no other reason than the fact that I have a great little system going right now, and with no physical media it would not be possible to maintain my strategy. I never actually play CDs. I just rip them to my computer in lossless format and then keep the disc stored in a box in the back of my closet. This allows me to save a TON of money, because what I do is buy the used version of a particular title off the independent sellers list at Amazon for cheap. The only thing I need intact is the actual CD, and a lot of times you can find copies of an album where the disc is fine but the case or insert is scratched/torn/broken/etc. As a result, I end up paying like four bucks total, including shipping, and all of a sudden I have a digital file on my computer that will last forever. And that is why I'm fearful of no more CDs! Without a physical media that is capable of deteriorating and losing value over time, my plan is done for! :thumbdown:


:huh: As far as I understand it, that is not piracy. As long as you own an original copy, you can make a digital back-up / rip to your computer. Just, if you go selling or "lending" that digital copy, there's the rub.


I question the predicted death of the CD, for the same reason that we still have cassettes and vinyl. Getting totally away from physical media is dangerous. Files get corrupted and don't play (I had an issue with Media Player suddenly not playing anything earlier this year before it righted itself)... but as long as I've got a CD player and take care of the CDs, I'm good. It's entirely probable that they'll further be reducing the # in production, but I don't think we'll ever see the death of the CD/DVD.

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:huh: As far as I understand it, that is not piracy. As long as you own an original copy, you can make a digital back-up / rip to your computer. Just, if you go selling or "lending" that digital copy, there's the rub.


I question the predicted death of the CD, for the same reason that we still have cassettes and vinyl. Getting totally away from physical media is dangerous. Files get corrupted and don't play (I had an issue with Media Player suddenly not playing anything earlier this year before it righted itself)... but as long as I've got a CD player and take care of the CDs, I'm good. It's entirely probable that they'll further be reducing the # in production, but I don't think we'll ever see the death of the CD/DVD.


Heck no it's not piracy...I just wanted to say "beerball's piracy habit" :D


And I hope you're right about the CD...I like it the way it is dammit

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